Vocabulary Frequency Spectrum

Applevelwfam12849 Levelwfam12849

Vocabulary List

Vocabulary Level 25000

(3 Word Families, 10 Tokens, 0.01%, Accumulated: 100.00%)

6 brachycephalic; 3 dolichocephaly; 1 mordent;

Vocabulary Level 24000

(5 Word Families, 11 Tokens, 0.01%, Accumulated: 99.99%)

4 heddle; 3 missel; 2 areca; 1 eaux; 1 jackfruit;

Vocabulary Level 23000

(2 Word Families, 2 Tokens, 0.00%, Accumulated: 99.98%)

1 decrescendo; 1 wherewith;

Vocabulary Level 22000

(3 Word Families, 3 Tokens, 0.00%, Accumulated: 99.98%)

1 rancheria; 1 sado; 1 tapa;

Vocabulary Level 21000

(2 Word Families, 2 Tokens, 0.00%, Accumulated: 99.97%)

1 dibble; 1 sulu;

Vocabulary Level 20000

(7 Word Families, 20 Tokens, 0.02%, Accumulated: 99.97%)

10 norte; 3 caldron; 2 cordage; 2 lour; 1 mongoloid; 1 obi; 1 ulnar;

Vocabulary Level 19000

(7 Word Families, 34 Tokens, 0.04%, Accumulated: 99.95%)

21 cephalic; 4 bolo; 3 duple; 2 anis; 2 het; 1 diminuendo; 1 infinitum;

Vocabulary Level 18000

(8 Word Families, 29 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.91%)

11 glissando; 8 zygoma; 3 hist; 2 antedate; 2 hematite; 1 delectation; 1 expectorate; 1 mezzo;

Vocabulary Level 17000

(14 Word Families, 24 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.88%)

5 semitone; 3 adze; 3 betel; 2 ferrule; 2 technic; 1 bandolier; 1 civet; 1 dexterous; 1 disrobe; 1 exudate; 1 gesellschaft; 1 histoire; 1 magnetite; 1 sweetmeat;

Vocabulary Level 16000

(10 Word Families, 26 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.85%)

10 diatonic; 6 agate; 2 boll; 2 contradistinction; 1 admixture; 1 anklet; 1 anthropometric; 1 taro; 1 vill; 1 wen;

Vocabulary Level 15000

(15 Word Families, 60 Tokens, 0.06%, Accumulated: 99.83%)

40 pentatonic; 5 extemporize; 2 lam; 2 propitiate; 1 aquiline; 1 awl; 1 circlet; 1 consumptive; 1 flume; 1 lingua; 1 perchance; 1 plaint; 1 poultice; 1 suet; 1 vertex;

Vocabulary Level 14000

(24 Word Families, 72 Tokens, 0.08%, Accumulated: 99.76%)

27 rattan; 9 pestle; 7 cordillera; 5 bobbin; 3 jour; 2 bedstead; 2 privates; 1 asi; 1 centipede; 1 corsair; 1 debar; 1 dirge; 1 disinherited; 1 firebrand; 1 foetus; 1 gruel; 1 guava; 1 interdict; 1 mien; 1 occipital; 1 percussive; 1 rollicking; 1 tremolo; 1 usury;

Vocabulary Level 13000

(32 Word Families, 103 Tokens, 0.11%, Accumulated: 99.68%)

27 winnow; 9 weft; 8 ethnology; 6 falsetto; 5 concubine; 4 chaff; 4 cranium; 4 phonograph; 3 palpitate; 3 spittle; 2 beeswax; 2 dysentery; 2 entrails; 2 fumigate; 2 metronome; 2 stockade; 2 supplicate; 2 tinder; 1 appellation; 1 bod; 1 cornucopia; 1 deux; 1 frontispiece; 1 gooseberry; 1 hermaphrodite; 1 hew; 1 inveterate; 1 leaven; 1 syncopate; 1 tambourine; 1 viz; 1 warding;

Vocabulary Level 12000

(32 Word Families, 63 Tokens, 0.07%, Accumulated: 99.57%)

18 granary; 6 gourd; 6 historia; 2 beseech; 2 condiment; 2 forthwith; 2 infraction; 1 alto; 1 apostate; 1 augur; 1 barbarous; 1 canton; 1 chromatic; 1 domineer; 1 floss; 1 funerary; 1 glutton; 1 herbaceous; 1 hovel; 1 interred; 1 machination; 1 matriarch; 1 mongrel; 1 petting; 1 pliable; 1 presumptuous; 1 propitious; 1 pulverise; 1 rivulet; 1 skein; 1 splint; 1 typhoon;

Vocabulary Level 11000

(52 Word Families, 127 Tokens, 0.14%, Accumulated: 99.50%)

15 gong; 14 concave; 7 girdle; 6 singe; 4 betrothed; 4 foretell; 4 fro; 4 prong; 4 receptacle; 4 sled; 4 staccato; 3 asterisk; 3 bade; 3 bespeak; 3 pygmy; 2 anvil; 2 daub; 2 entreat; 2 grasshopper; 2 lard; 2 presage; 2 surly; 2 und; 1 ado; 1 aux; 1 chink; 1 corral; 1 couplet; 1 desist; 1 embitter; 1 exigency; 1 flay; 1 idiosyncrasy; 1 infidel; 1 kingfisher; 1 lambda; 1 lewd; 1 lieu; 1 mallet; 1 mete; 1 mildew; 1 outwit; 1 polynesia; 1 spatula; 1 stilt; 1 straightaway; 1 thence; 1 trickster; 1 trinket; 1 undertone; 1 whet; 1 wick;

Vocabulary Level 10000

(73 Word Families, 180 Tokens, 0.19%, Accumulated: 99.37%)

20 fowl; 14 tabulate; 12 noose; 11 husk; 8 archipelago; 5 spindle; 5 triplet; 5 tusk; 4 convex; 4 crotch; 4 tuber; 3 fondle; 3 heterogeneous; 3 ladle; 3 plait; 3 trill; 3 valour; 2 abode; 2 astride; 2 avow; 2 batten; 2 displease; 2 indigo; 2 industrious; 2 jovial; 2 minnow; 2 ostracise; 2 paraphernalia; 2 pillage; 2 transverse; 2 trellis; 1 artifice; 1 behead; 1 boisterous; 1 cajole; 1 capricious; 1 chagrin; 1 dans; 1 decked; 1 disavow; 1 edict; 1 garb; 1 hammock; 1 heathen; 1 heirloom; 1 hexagon; 1 hibernate; 1 indelible; 1 insolent; 1 irate; 1 lithe; 1 locust; 1 luscious; 1 marten; 1 morsel; 1 mummies; 1 officiate; 1 peeve; 1 placenta; 1 plaintive; 1 porcelain; 1 promiscuous; 1 prostrate; 1 pueblo; 1 quart; 1 saffron; 1 sapling; 1 sheaf; 1 sheathe; 1 stead; 1 supposition; 1 twig; 1 umbilical;

Vocabulary Level 9000

(102 Word Families, 229 Tokens, 0.25%, Accumulated: 99.17%)

15 sur; 14 omen; 11 wavy; 8 interweave; 7 emigrant; 7 harrow; 6 peso; 5 anoint; 5 lore; 5 octave; 5 triad; 4 befall; 4 clang; 4 dung; 4 hiccup; 4 partake; 4 puberty; 4 slat; 4 smelted; 3 disuse; 3 elemental; 3 forefinger; 3 jest; 3 knead; 3 pulsate; 3 undergrowth; 3 utensil; 2 alligator; 2 coop; 2 ember; 2 hark; 2 infirm; 2 piper; 2 ravine; 2 retrace; 2 surmise; 2 yoke; 1 aggrieved; 1 amicable; 1 annals; 1 annul; 1 armpit; 1 broach; 1 castrate; 1 chide; 1 considerate; 1 constipate; 1 cordial; 1 crib; 1 cylindrical; 1 decoy; 1 demarcate; 1 disclaim; 1 draught; 1 eddy; 1 exterminate; 1 flint; 1 headhunt; 1 headlong; 1 henceforth; 1 impersonate; 1 indie; 1 inlay; 1 jeer; 1 juncture; 1 lapped; 1 leek; 1 malevolent; 1 meaner; 1 mire; 1 miscellaneous; 1 mournful; 1 nape; 1 occult; 1 outcast; 1 pare; 1 placate; 1 plaid; 1 preponderance; 1 proffer; 1 raffle; 1 rendition; 1 reprisal; 1 repulse; 1 restitution; 1 roach; 1 scorpion; 1 scuffle; 1 serf; 1 sieve; 1 smallpox; 1 splice; 1 stimulant; 1 subservient; 1 subterranean; 1 totem; 1 transpose; 1 tripod; 1 weighty; 1 whence; 1 whittle; 1 yelp;

Vocabulary Level 8000

(103 Word Families, 216 Tokens, 0.23%, Accumulated: 98.92%)

11 eel; 11 oblique; 9 mongol; 8 afloat; 8 hereditary; 8 lobe; 8 snare; 7 observance; 5 boar; 5 elapse; 5 rafter; 5 vaulting; 4 hermit; 4 thatch; 4 victor; 3 ancestry; 3 cholera; 3 embankment; 3 hospitable; 3 mango; 3 miscarry; 3 pertain; 3 soot; 2 conjecture; 2 consummate; 2 discernible; 2 entirety; 2 gale; 2 lustre; 2 pastime; 2 sucker; 2 wean; 2 wont; 1 alight; 1 annihilate; 1 anterior; 1 antic; 1 aptitude; 1 arduous; 1 attire; 1 avenge; 1 barter; 1 baton; 1 billow; 1 blacksmith; 1 cannibal; 1 constrict; 1 counteract; 1 courteous; 1 courtship; 1 din; 1 disrespect; 1 elective; 1 elliptical; 1 exhale; 1 feign; 1 folklore; 1 foray; 1 friar; 1 genealogy; 1 gnaw; 1 hangar; 1 haphazard; 1 hazel; 1 impediment; 1 incessant; 1 interlock; 1 intrusive; 1 inundate; 1 kernel; 1 meek; 1 mockery; 1 monograph; 1 monotony; 1 pedestal; 1 pendant; 1 perspire; 1 pervade; 1 platter; 1 porous; 1 pretentious; 1 quadruple; 1 radial; 1 restate; 1 reticence; 1 romp; 1 slang; 1 slur; 1 soiled; 1 soprano; 1 speck; 1 stagnant; 1 stocky; 1 stricken; 1 sullen; 1 thermometer; 1 trans; 1 trifle; 1 uproot; 1 upturn; 1 veneer; 1 wad; 1 writhe;

Vocabulary Level 7000

(153 Word Families, 600 Tokens, 0.65%, Accumulated: 98.69%)

211 bamboo; 36 roost; 19 nasal; 14 clout; 13 tonic; 11 tempo; 10 angular; 9 misfortune; 9 taper; 7 harmonic; 6 embellish; 6 feud; 6 intone; 6 upland; 5 fathom; 5 hog; 5 resin; 5 wooded; 4 carcass; 4 hearth; 4 intoxicate; 4 quake; 4 supernatural; 4 supersede; 4 tramp; 4 wreath; 3 contrive; 3 devour; 3 donned; 3 encyclopedia; 3 lame; 3 lest; 3 perceptible; 3 pineapple; 3 slant; 3 tempered; 3 tenor; 3 timid; 2 baptise; 2 barricade; 2 bereave; 2 bracelet; 2 canyon; 2 convulse; 2 decompose; 2 discomfort; 2 extinguish; 2 fable; 2 ferment; 2 harp; 2 illicit; 2 invalid; 2 mellow; 2 menstruate; 2 morphology; 2 mutilate; 2 nestle; 2 notification; 2 outstretched; 2 overhang; 2 piston; 2 pod; 2 rasp; 2 rejoice; 2 saliva; 2 scour; 2 slime; 2 substantiate; 2 taut; 2 utmost; 2 vengeance; 2 ware; 1 aborigine; 1 antagonist; 1 appease; 1 atop; 1 avail; 1 baptism; 1 beak; 1 bonfire; 1 brook; 1 broom; 1 broth; 1 buffalo; 1 canvass; 1 cinnamon; 1 clad; 1 culprit; 1 deduce; 1 defiance; 1 devoid; 1 exacted; 1 exposition; 1 flea; 1 fugitive; 1 furnace; 1 germ; 1 glee; 1 gorge; 1 gravely; 1 grope; 1 haemorrhage; 1 havoc; 1 hind; 1 hitherto; 1 hoop; 1 idiom; 1 incongruous; 1 inconsistency; 1 indebted; 1 intermediary; 1 ludicrous; 1 malicious; 1 manure; 1 melon; 1 midwife; 1 misplace; 1 modulate; 1 molest; 1 ooze; 1 overdue; 1 oversight; 1 painstaking; 1 phantom; 1 predominate; 1 profess; 1 prolific; 1 protrude; 1 rampant; 1 repute; 1 rodent; 1 rum; 1 rupture; 1 sap; 1 scold; 1 sect; 1 sluggish; 1 squeal; 1 stratify; 1 stub; 1 subtract; 1 syringe; 1 toil; 1 torrent; 1 trough; 1 unwitting; 1 utilitarian; 1 vie; 1 vogue; 1 vowel; 1 wrath; 1 wring; 1 wrought;

Vocabulary Level 6000

(184 Word Families, 657 Tokens, 0.71%, Accumulated: 98.04%)

57 coconut; 46 breadth; 25 pagan; 21 raft; 18 reed; 17 notate; 17 taboo; 17 warp; 14 notch; 12 slit; 10 whirl; 9 dialect; 9 invert; 9 irrigate; 9 slay; 8 forgo; 8 incise; 8 lizard; 8 peg; 8 syllable; 8 tattoo; 7 mesh; 7 unison; 6 accord; 6 groove; 6 maiden; 6 stature; 6 sturdy; 6 vicinity; 5 adorn; 5 almond; 5 babe; 5 esteem; 5 flute; 5 nostril; 5 ore; 5 reap; 5 transcribe; 4 afflict; 4 ascribe; 4 braid; 4 caress; 4 distaste; 4 mingle; 3 ambush; 3 assail; 3 charcoal; 3 crow; 3 diarrhoea; 3 foe; 3 gall; 3 handbook; 3 locality; 3 mythology; 3 necklace; 3 synonym; 3 thwart; 3 vomit; 3 wane; 2 abound; 2 alphabet; 2 bombard; 2 conquest; 2 deform; 2 diagonal; 2 dire; 2 dormitory; 2 gratify; 2 halve; 2 heed; 2 hue; 2 indignant; 2 intricate; 2 itch; 2 jolly; 2 levy; 2 necessitate; 2 notwithstanding; 2 plank; 2 reiterate; 2 remnant; 2 rugged; 2 rustle; 2 scant; 2 seep; 2 slippery; 2 thrash; 2 twine; 2 waver; 1 acclaim; 1 akin; 1 allot; 1 antiquity; 1 attic; 1 augment; 1 avert; 1 bachelor; 1 baffle; 1 banish; 1 barb; 1 barren; 1 bellow; 1 berry; 1 blister; 1 boulder; 1 burrow; 1 caption; 1 cherish; 1 churn; 1 clatter; 1 compulsory; 1 confiscate; 1 conjure; 1 constable; 1 deflect; 1 despise; 1 dignify; 1 distrust; 1 dove; 1 emphatic; 1 err; 1 ethnography; 1 evade; 1 feat; 1 floral; 1 fluff; 1 folly; 1 frail; 1 fray; 1 friction; 1 garrison; 1 gigantic; 1 ignorant; 1 impending; 1 incomprehensible; 1 injunction; 1 insurgent; 1 intrusion; 1 isle; 1 juggle; 1 justly; 1 lance; 1 lobster; 1 martial; 1 mischief; 1 muffle; 1 nourish; 1 novice; 1 onwards; 1 oracle; 1 ordeal; 1 ostensible; 1 outskirts; 1 peanut; 1 perpetual; 1 plight; 1 purify; 1 redeem; 1 refrain; 1 revel; 1 revert; 1 savour; 1 scorn; 1 scroll; 1 seizure; 1 serene; 1 sift; 1 sly; 1 snag; 1 sparse; 1 spectre; 1 squint; 1 stout; 1 stranded; 1 subdue; 1 submerge; 1 swarm; 1 traverse; 1 unravel; 1 vagina; 1 vain; 1 wade; 1 wry; 1 yarn;

Vocabulary Level 5000

(266 Word Families, 1099 Tokens, 1.19%, Accumulated: 97.33%)

57 spear; 36 liquor; 32 garment; 30 corpse; 29 vine; 28 chant; 27 fasten; 25 recite; 25 stalk; 24 rite; 15 deceased; 15 mortar; 15 sprinkle; 15 wail; 13 cylinder; 13 groom; 13 plough; 12 intestine; 12 ornament; 11 chord; 11 pounding; 11 slaughter; 11 squat; 11 upright; 10 lash; 10 lightning; 10 peninsula; 9 cane; 9 dye; 9 feast; 9 lime; 9 miniature; 9 shrub; 8 abdomen; 8 pierce; 7 cigar; 7 jog; 7 oval; 7 sprout; 6 apt; 6 bait; 6 ripe; 6 slender; 6 sorrow; 6 strive; 5 ascend; 5 comb; 5 diverge; 5 inhale; 5 inland; 5 intermediate; 5 lust; 5 mistress; 5 offspring; 5 porch; 5 shrimp; 5 sway; 5 triple; 4 ail; 4 ant; 4 blossom; 4 chap; 4 chuckle; 4 clap; 4 compliment; 4 consecutive; 4 disposition; 4 ditch; 4 grove; 4 lad; 4 moulding; 4 nowadays; 4 paddle; 4 pirate; 4 precaution; 4 scoop; 4 shuttle; 4 tame; 4 vinegar; 4 vocabulary; 4 warfare; 3 ample; 3 converge; 3 divert; 3 epidemic; 3 fury; 3 improvise; 3 incidental; 3 intercourse; 3 intrude; 3 lapse; 3 messenger; 3 notify; 3 quarrel; 3 rectangle; 3 remainder; 3 slab; 3 socket; 3 sow; 3 spectator; 3 stove; 3 swamp; 3 thereafter; 3 torch; 3 vicious; 3 winding; 2 audible; 2 brace; 2 bribe; 2 clan; 2 coarse; 2 cock; 2 coil; 2 compartment; 2 crab; 2 cradle; 2 dart; 2 decree; 2 descent; 2 dominance; 2 dread; 2 dusk; 2 earthquake; 2 elusive; 2 expel; 2 ginger; 2 glaze; 2 groan; 2 hurl; 2 incur; 2 inferior; 2 infuse; 2 intelligible; 2 loot; 2 mankind; 2 midst; 2 moist; 2 outset; 2 pork; 2 potent; 2 precipitate; 2 premature; 2 probation; 2 quarry; 2 relish; 2 revolve; 2 rim; 2 rinse; 2 runway; 2 signify; 2 skeleton; 2 spite; 2 squash; 2 tan; 2 tangible; 2 tranquil; 2 wedge; 2 weld; 1 allegiance; 1 anatomy; 1 anguish; 1 appetite; 1 appliance; 1 botany; 1 bracket; 1 brisk; 1 bud; 1 butt; 1 calf; 1 cannon; 1 captive; 1 cement; 1 cleanse; 1 clown; 1 commemorate; 1 commence; 1 composite; 1 confederate; 1 cricket; 1 culminate; 1 curator; 1 deed; 1 dispense; 1 dissent; 1 dizzy; 1 drought; 1 dumb; 1 dynamics; 1 eccentric; 1 efficacy; 1 embroider; 1 embryo; 1 enlist; 1 ensemble; 1 ensue; 1 epic; 1 festive; 1 flare; 1 fluctuate; 1 foil; 1 forthcoming; 1 frantic; 1 globe; 1 gratitude; 1 handkerchief; 1 hawk; 1 highland; 1 hover; 1 hum; 1 ignorance; 1 imperative; 1 interrogate; 1 jealous; 1 jewel; 1 lament; 1 leash; 1 lure; 1 lurk; 1 maid; 1 mosquito; 1 mute; 1 mystic; 1 nude; 1 orient; 1 paste; 1 plausible; 1 pluck; 1 procession; 1 propel; 1 puff; 1 query; 1 relay; 1 reluctance; 1 renown; 1 retaliate; 1 revenge; 1 revolt; 1 roam; 1 rust; 1 saddle; 1 salute; 1 seam; 1 seasoning; 1 sever; 1 shred; 1 shuffle; 1 slash; 1 smear; 1 sob; 1 sour; 1 sterile; 1 stray; 1 stubborn; 1 superficial; 1 temper; 1 tentative; 1 toll; 1 tomb; 1 turtle; 1 urine; 1 valve; 1 vent; 1 verge; 1 withhold; 1 wrestle; 1 wrinkle;

Vocabulary Level 4000

(354 Word Families, 2041 Tokens, 2.21%, Accumulated: 96.14%)

77 dwell; 77 jar; 56 bead; 56 mat; 52 bundle; 51 summon; 46 likewise; 42 cord; 37 thread; 33 primitive; 33 verse; 29 seldom; 28 dip; 25 melody; 24 interval; 23 arch; 23 depart; 23 terrace; 22 liver; 21 blade; 20 peculiar; 19 harvest; 17 clay; 17 deer; 17 warrior; 17 widow; 16 bathe; 16 compel; 16 furnish; 16 guardian; 16 ladder; 15 alternate; 15 leaf; 15 mourn; 14 forge; 14 harmony; 14 skull; 14 upwards; 14 vanish; 13 loop; 12 ash; 12 corn; 12 shallow; 12 straw; 11 arrow; 11 conform; 11 incline; 11 tobacco; 10 ancestor; 10 copper; 10 erect; 10 imitate; 10 ridge; 10 strand; 10 thigh; 9 axe; 9 bride; 9 departure; 9 horizontal; 9 induce; 9 needle; 9 rod; 9 transcript; 8 abundant; 8 alike; 8 comparative; 8 cultivate; 8 identical; 8 limb; 8 outfit; 8 plunge; 8 rack; 8 scarce; 8 thrust; 8 timber; 8 vocal; 8 wrist; 7 cave; 7 loom; 7 pillow; 7 thumb; 7 waist; 6 brass; 6 invade; 6 jerk; 6 rattle; 6 shaft; 6 transplant; 6 tribute; 5 convenient; 5 enclose; 5 fork; 5 herb; 5 horn; 5 lively; 5 necessity; 5 sacred; 5 satisfactory; 5 spoon; 5 tremble; 5 vibrate; 4 accustom; 4 acquaint; 4 ankle; 4 attain; 4 await; 4 boast; 4 contrary; 4 crude; 4 detach; 4 forbid; 4 hammer; 4 hollow; 4 kneel; 4 lemon; 4 multiply; 4 olive; 4 overlap; 4 preliminary; 4 sane; 4 spike; 4 strap; 4 tangle; 4 trait; 4 triangle; 4 trophy; 4 vertical; 3 adhere; 3 bass; 3 conceal; 3 contempt; 3 convenience; 3 conversion; 3 dictionary; 3 dull; 3 endeavour; 3 fever; 3 flourish; 3 indulge; 3 jungle; 3 lieutenant; 3 meantime; 3 noon; 3 obey; 3 obscure; 3 odour; 3 sack; 3 savage; 3 scrape; 3 script; 3 specimen; 3 spouse; 3 spur; 3 stab; 3 swift; 3 theft; 3 thunder; 3 trousers; 3 utilise; 3 vigorous; 3 wax; 2 absent; 2 animate; 2 artificial; 2 breeze; 2 bulk; 2 census; 2 clash; 2 classification; 2 compile; 2 comply; 2 cult; 2 deprive; 2 diagram; 2 differentiate; 2 discard; 2 displace; 2 dot; 2 drip; 2 duration; 2 embody; 2 enrich; 2 et; 2 ethics; 2 expedition; 2 fare; 2 fluid; 2 fore; 2 forehead; 2 frontier; 2 gamble; 2 geometry; 2 glide; 2 grind; 2 haunt; 2 immense; 2 indifferent; 2 insect; 2 insult; 2 knot; 2 linguistic; 2 lounge; 2 originate; 2 peel; 2 pinch; 2 predecessor; 2 predominant; 2 prevail; 2 proclaim; 2 pulse; 2 realm; 2 recur; 2 repay; 2 soak; 2 soap; 2 spit; 2 steep; 2 stitch; 2 stripe; 2 terminate; 2 terrify; 2 testimony; 2 textile; 2 tile; 2 vein; 2 ward; 2 warrant; 1 abrupt; 1 acid; 1 aesthetic; 1 affiliate; 1 amid; 1 anchor; 1 avenue; 1 beard; 1 beast; 1 bold; 1 breach; 1 brew; 1 bronze; 1 brute; 1 chronicle; 1 classify; 1 coffin; 1 comprehend; 1 compress; 1 consistency; 1 contemplate; 1 dam; 1 decay; 1 deem; 1 defer; 1 deficiency; 1 delicate; 1 dependence; 1 despatch; 1 destiny; 1 detain; 1 diamond; 1 diminish; 1 disadvantage; 1 discourage; 1 drown; 1 elbow; 1 embassy; 1 emperor; 1 endow; 1 enlarge; 1 envy; 1 essence; 1 evenly; 1 exaggerate; 1 exclaim; 1 exempt; 1 federate; 1 flap; 1 fleet; 1 flicker; 1 fling; 1 flour; 1 fog; 1 fond; 1 fraction; 1 fringe; 1 furious; 1 glove; 1 goat; 1 gravel; 1 habitat; 1 haul; 1 heir; 1 inherent; 1 intact; 1 laundry; 1 leisure; 1 longing; 1 marched; 1 merchant; 1 miserable; 1 mock; 1 moisture; 1 navigate; 1 noble; 1 obstacle; 1 offset; 1 omit; 1 orchestra; 1 petition; 1 physician; 1 plaintiff; 1 pledge; 1 prescribe; 1 prestige; 1 prey; 1 prostitute; 1 pursuit; 1 reconcile; 1 refresh; 1 regain; 1 reign; 1 resent; 1 rhetoric; 1 rigid; 1 rigour; 1 roast; 1 rocked; 1 rotate; 1 rubber; 1 scrutiny; 1 sincere; 1 sketch; 1 skip; 1 snatch; 1 solo; 1 spark; 1 spine; 1 splash; 1 spontaneous; 1 spy; 1 stuffed; 1 subjected; 1 subordinate; 1 suppress; 1 tilt; 1 trim; 1 tropics; 1 tuck; 1 tutor; 1 utter; 1 verdict; 1 verify; 1 vocation; 1 weary; 1 worship;

Vocabulary Level 3000

(564 Word Families, 4268 Tokens, 4.62%, Accumulated: 93.93%)

290 ceremony; 238 medium; 156 volume; 69 tribe; 66 custom; 57 considerable; 56 index; 52 frequent; 49 method; 46 structure; 45 weave; 42 construct; 42 shield; 40 net; 38 consist; 37 latter; 35 celebrate; 35 former; 34 relatives; 33 rhythm; 33 tube; 28 device; 28 flesh; 27 crop; 27 portion; 26 distribute; 26 host; 25 grave; 24 ancient; 24 evident; 23 importance; 22 accompany; 22 distinct; 22 mortal; 22 motive; 22 proceed; 22 superior; 21 belief; 21 conclusion; 21 funeral; 21 infant; 21 origin; 21 seize; 20 description; 20 extent; 20 hence; 20 procedure; 20 variety; 19 meanwhile; 19 moderate; 19 province; 19 sufficient; 18 hostile; 18 resemble; 17 dominant; 17 grain; 16 define; 16 element; 16 palm; 16 principal; 16 prize; 16 relative; 16 reside; 16 restrict; 16 sacrifice; 16 scatter; 16 succeed; 16 trail; 15 conduct; 15 occupy; 14 characteristic; 14 entrance; 13 convert; 13 division; 13 exception; 13 museum; 13 obtain; 13 plot; 13 raid; 13 religion; 13 suspend; 12 framework; 12 inhabit; 12 interior; 12 source; 12 strict; 11 armed; 11 bureau; 11 content; 11 data; 11 despite; 11 praise; 11 religious; 11 retreat; 11 succession; 11 swell; 10 accomplish; 10 communicate; 10 dispose; 10 justify; 9 conclude; 9 constitute; 9 crush; 9 extensive; 9 fibre; 9 impression; 9 invasion; 9 manufacture; 9 modify; 9 numerous; 9 quantity; 9 slope; 9 task; 9 territory; 9 wealth; 8 abandon; 8 acquire; 8 affection; 8 analyse; 8 border; 8 compose; 8 designate; 8 eastern; 8 exceed; 8 exhibit; 8 festival; 8 insert; 8 mature; 8 participate; 8 prior; 8 radical; 8 sequence; 8 stem; 8 thorough; 8 yield; 7 approximate; 7 bid; 7 civilise; 7 coin; 7 correspond; 7 damp; 7 delay; 7 descend; 7 distinguish; 7 elaborate; 7 eliminate; 7 execute; 7 fertile; 7 isolate; 7 migrate; 7 overcome; 7 participant; 7 persist; 7 presence; 7 reward; 7 translate; 7 trigger; 6 adopt; 6 arise; 6 authority; 6 bench; 6 capture; 6 cease; 6 consume; 6 deposit; 6 emerge; 6 entry; 6 flee; 6 intimate; 6 majority; 6 manifest; 6 myth; 6 neglect; 6 nevertheless; 6 precede; 6 privilege; 6 proof; 6 proportion; 6 relieve; 6 retain; 6 symbol; 6 theory; 6 troop; 6 undertake; 6 universe; 6 visible; 5 absorb; 5 agriculture; 5 author; 5 confine; 5 consequent; 5 derive; 5 disaster; 5 effective; 5 elevate; 5 extract; 5 foundation; 5 institution; 5 journal; 5 liquid; 5 mere; 5 motion; 5 offend; 5 outline; 5 pepper; 5 preserve; 5 request; 5 reveal; 5 uniform; 5 youth; 4 assemble; 4 barrier; 4 candidate; 4 chamber; 4 contrast; 4 defeat; 4 deliberate; 4 disc; 4 dispute; 4 domestic; 4 dominate; 4 etc; 4 expert; 4 grasp; 4 guitar; 4 hip; 4 household; 4 initiate; 4 inquire; 4 invent; 4 merge; 4 miner; 4 mixture; 4 naked; 4 occupation; 4 permanent; 4 platform; 4 powder; 4 prominent; 4 publication; 4 pursue; 4 raw; 4 reflect; 4 remote; 4 significance; 4 sole; 4 substitute; 4 supreme; 4 sustain; 4 transport; 4 urge; 4 welfare; 3 absence; 3 accommodate; 3 accumulate; 3 accurate; 3 acquisition; 3 angle; 3 assert; 3 assess; 3 beam; 3 carve; 3 circuit; 3 cluster; 3 column; 3 companion; 3 conceive; 3 concept; 3 confidence; 3 conflict; 3 cycle; 3 defend; 3 dense; 3 devote; 3 differ; 3 distant; 3 eager; 3 edition; 3 embrace; 3 exploit; 3 fabric; 3 false; 3 fate; 3 formation; 3 fragment; 3 fulfil; 3 function; 3 halt; 3 immigrant; 3 implement; 3 incident; 3 intervene; 3 layer; 3 legitimate; 3 liberal; 3 literal; 3 literature; 3 mode; 3 mutual; 3 paragraph; 3 phrase; 3 pit; 3 precise; 3 prosper; 3 recognition; 3 refuge; 3 resume; 3 severe; 3 sigh; 3 silk; 3 speculate; 3 strain; 3 sweat; 3 toss; 3 transform; 3 urgent; 3 vessel; 3 violate; 3 withdraw; 2 acre; 2 addict; 2 anticipate; 2 appropriate; 2 approve; 2 aspect; 2 attribute; 2 ban; 2 bargain; 2 broadcast; 2 circulate; 2 colony; 2 compromise; 2 congress; 2 conservative; 2 demonstrate; 2 display; 2 drain; 2 encounter; 2 enforce; 2 entitle; 2 era; 2 essential; 2 experiment; 2 facilitate; 2 failure; 2 flavour; 2 flexible; 2 formula; 2 frequency; 2 geography; 2 greet; 2 grip; 2 hint; 2 import; 2 impose; 2 incentive; 2 infect; 2 inherit; 2 initial; 2 international; 2 interpret; 2 laughter; 2 lease; 2 legend; 2 negative; 2 negotiate; 2 oblige; 2 opponent; 2 parallel; 2 peak; 2 penalty; 2 permit; 2 personality; 2 predict; 2 primary; 2 prohibit; 2 promote; 2 prospect; 2 provision; 2 racial; 2 radiate; 2 regime; 2 remedy; 2 resort; 2 respective; 2 revolution; 2 ritual; 2 specify; 2 stain; 2 submit; 2 subsequent; 2 survey; 2 terror; 2 text; 2 transition; 2 unique; 2 vague; 2 weigh; 1 abort; 1 academy; 1 acknowledge; 1 adequate; 1 agency; 1 aggressive; 1 album; 1 alert; 1 alien; 1 annual; 1 anxiety; 1 assign; 1 assumption; 1 athlete; 1 behaviour; 1 bible; 1 campaign; 1 catalogue; 1 cattle; 1 chill; 1 cite; 1 civil; 1 climate; 1 code; 1 coincide; 1 collapse; 1 combat; 1 commission; 1 compete; 1 complaint; 1 complex; 1 component; 1 comprise; 1 concert; 1 confident; 1 confirm; 1 consequence; 1 consistent; 1 consult; 1 consumption; 1 contest; 1 convict; 1 correlate; 1 corrupt; 1 craft; 1 currency; 1 curtain; 1 curve; 1 debate; 1 decade; 1 declare; 1 decline; 1 decrease; 1 democracy; 1 disagree; 1 discharge; 1 discreet; 1 dismiss; 1 document; 1 drift; 1 drill; 1 efficient; 1 emphasis; 1 enable; 1 enhance; 1 equivalent; 1 error; 1 estimate; 1 exclude; 1 expenditure; 1 explicit; 1 explore; 1 extraordinary; 1 fade; 1 fee; 1 fundamental; 1 gallery; 1 generous; 1 genuine; 1 gesture; 1 goods; 1 graphic; 1 grateful; 1 headquarters; 1 heritage; 1 humour; 1 incorporate; 1 independent; 1 insight; 1 inspire; 1 instinct; 1 interfere; 1 joint; 1 launch; 1 leather; 1 liable; 1 liberty; 1 likeness; 1 link; 1 luxury; 1 manipulate; 1 manual; 1 margin; 1 mayor; 1 menu; 1 mild; 1 minimum; 1 missile; 1 modest; 1 multiple; 1 organ; 1 outcome; 1 pace; 1 pad; 1 passage; 1 persuade; 1 phase; 1 philosophy; 1 pose; 1 priest; 1 principle; 1 provoke; 1 publish; 1 rage; 1 rank; 1 ratio; 1 rational; 1 rebel; 1 reception; 1 recruit; 1 regret; 1 regulate; 1 reject; 1 render; 1 reputation; 1 rescue; 1 response; 1 restore; 1 restrain; 1 review; 1 revive; 1 rival; 1 route; 1 sanction; 1 satisfaction; 1 scheme; 1 shortly; 1 shrug; 1 significant; 1 slice; 1 solve; 1 squeeze; 1 status; 1 sum; 1 summary; 1 supplement; 1 temperature; 1 tender; 1 theoretical; 1 treasure; 1 undergo; 1 underlie; 1 unity; 1 virtual; 1 vital; 1 whisper;

Vocabulary Level 2000

(704 Word Families, 8936 Tokens, 9.68%, Accumulated: 89.30%)

539 spirit; 274 rice; 166 village; 133 pig; 127 tone; 123 plate; 84 measure; 83 common; 83 dish; 72 attach; 70 similar; 67 scale; 62 length; 62 possess; 61 blanket; 61 shell; 60 evil; 59 pole; 58 basket; 57 indicate; 56 remove; 55 thus; 51 valley; 50 gather; 48 minor; 48 receive; 47 guest; 46 occur; 46 vary; 45 apply; 45 influence; 45 occasion; 44 bark; 44 mix; 44 trade; 43 strip; 41 period; 40 coast; 40 height; 40 quality; 39 describe; 39 tradition; 37 cloth; 37 repeat; 36 manner; 36 roof; 35 decorate; 35 region; 34 character; 34 ill; 33 instance; 33 native; 32 introduce; 32 result; 32 section; 32 split; 31 average; 31 design; 31 desire; 31 magic; 31 perform; 31 range; 31 remain; 30 district; 30 observe; 29 develop; 29 spread; 29 weapon; 28 article; 28 broad; 28 circle; 28 event; 28 produce; 28 seed; 28 stroke; 27 iron; 27 lower; 27 metre; 27 patient; 27 sharp; 26 according; 26 branch; 26 connect; 26 cotton; 26 culture; 26 detail; 26 gift; 26 male; 26 practise; 26 stream; 25 attend; 25 belt; 25 contain; 25 individual; 24 attempt; 24 equal; 24 rub; 23 bury; 23 female; 23 northern; 23 object; 23 represent; 23 string; 23 value; 22 cure; 22 fail; 22 gate; 22 purpose; 22 twist; 22 various; 21 entire; 21 feather; 21 immediate; 21 knife; 20 belong; 20 bind; 20 chief; 20 compare; 20 demand; 20 distance; 20 extend; 20 frame; 20 instrument; 20 neither; 20 nor; 20 swing; 19 aid; 19 attention; 19 balance; 19 banana; 19 band; 19 bow; 19 divide; 19 effect; 19 examine; 19 fruit; 19 identify; 19 injure; 19 instruct; 19 modern; 19 pipe; 19 separate; 18 evidence; 18 exist; 18 favour; 18 flow; 18 guard; 18 intent; 18 lack; 18 prevent; 18 regular; 18 trap; 18 upper; 17 attack; 17 enemy; 17 gain; 17 material; 17 recognize; 17 release; 17 season; 17 soil; 17 somewhat; 17 spin; 17 thin; 17 typical; 16 approach; 16 community; 16 meat; 16 population; 16 provide; 16 root; 16 sink; 16 social; 16 tale; 15 chapter; 15 discuss; 15 establish; 15 inch; 15 limit; 15 otherwise; 15 per; 15 physical; 15 pour; 15 product; 15 property; 15 punish; 15 rapid; 15 respect; 15 southern; 14 account; 14 bend; 14 century; 14 condition; 14 forth; 14 future; 14 intend; 14 narrow; 14 operate; 14 refuse; 14 series; 14 snake; 13 affect; 13 assure; 13 boil; 13 foreign; 13 industry; 13 likely; 13 loose; 13 opposite; 13 skirt; 13 success; 13 victim; 12 advance; 12 cast; 12 direction; 12 disturb; 12 due; 12 engage; 12 example; 12 fence; 12 fold; 12 metal; 12 pattern; 12 poison; 12 recover; 12 refer; 12 replace; 12 require; 12 stomach; 12 stretch; 12 supply; 11 constant; 11 contact; 11 drum; 11 elder; 11 expense; 11 labour; 11 language; 11 pause; 11 practical; 11 pregnant; 11 previous; 11 rope; 11 seek; 11 society; 11 witness; 11 wrap; 10 accent; 10 assist; 10 brush; 10 cent; 10 chew; 10 deliver; 10 duty; 10 knee; 10 original; 10 plain; 10 pool; 10 progress; 10 repair; 10 trace; 10 union; 10 wing; 9 active; 9 claim; 9 determine; 9 drag; 9 excellent; 9 fashion; 9 juice; 9 pile; 9 prove; 9 rare; 9 regard; 9 strength; 9 transfer; 8 affair; 8 amuse; 8 appreciate; 8 assume; 8 avoid; 8 bridge; 8 chase; 8 command; 8 direct; 8 escape; 8 exchange; 8 flood; 8 maintain; 8 nut; 8 process; 8 pure; 8 rush; 8 slide; 8 sore; 8 style; 8 suffer; 8 surround; 8 vegetable; 8 western; 7 advice; 7 announce; 7 include; 7 increase; 7 invite; 7 knowledge; 7 mount; 7 opinion; 7 organize; 7 pitch; 7 popular; 7 salt; 7 select; 7 states; 7 swallow; 7 therefore; 7 warn; 7 whip; 6 alter; 6 argue; 6 bat; 6 combine; 6 credit; 6 directed; 6 economy; 6 encourage; 6 faith; 6 ghost; 6 harm; 6 hook; 6 mud; 6 ordinary; 6 pine; 6 project; 6 remark; 6 resist; 6 shelter; 6 silver; 6 smooth; 6 storm; 6 surface; 6 tiny; 5 adult; 5 advantage; 5 aside; 5 associate; 5 bite; 5 borrow; 5 breast; 5 burst; 5 circumstance; 5 disease; 5 edit; 5 effort; 5 expose; 5 extreme; 5 familiar; 5 firm; 5 generation; 5 grant; 5 illustrate; 5 interrupt; 5 journey; 5 lean; 5 mass; 5 medicine; 5 message; 5 mission; 5 moon; 5 peace; 5 pleasant; 5 reduce; 5 row; 5 satisfy; 5 score; 5 shade; 5 signal; 5 skill; 5 stamp; 5 standard; 5 tense; 5 toe; 5 weak; 5 wound; 4 accident; 4 adapt; 4 appeal; 4 appoint; 4 blind; 4 brain; 4 chain; 4 cheek; 4 clever; 4 convince; 4 crowd; 4 divorce; 4 equipment; 4 faint; 4 feature; 4 guilty; 4 jacket; 4 keen; 4 log; 4 muscle; 4 november; 4 owe; 4 pressure; 4 rat; 4 sand; 4 search; 4 slave; 4 species; 4 speed; 4 steel; 4 stir; 4 stock; 4 stress; 4 sugar; 4 switch; 4 threat; 4 trial; 4 unit; 4 weird; 4 wire; 4 worm; 3 admire; 3 advise; 3 alive; 3 annoy; 3 attitude; 3 attract; 3 battle; 3 benefit; 3 block; 3 bowl; 3 bunch; 3 cheat; 3 clue; 3 commerce; 3 conscious; 3 contract; 3 contribute; 3 council; 3 cousin; 3 crack; 3 create; 3 cruel; 3 curious; 3 curl; 3 current; 3 decision; 3 destroy; 3 detect; 3 disappear; 3 dozen; 3 estate; 3 exercise; 3 exhaust; 3 fancy; 3 flame; 3 flash; 3 flight; 3 folk; 3 frog; 3 fund; 3 giant; 3 heap; 3 insist; 3 june; 3 lamp; 3 lightly; 3 locate; 3 loss; 3 match; 3 mental; 3 nail; 3 official; 3 pet; 3 potato; 3 pray; 3 pump; 3 research; 3 royal; 3 rude; 3 sale; 3 screen; 3 secret; 3 shed; 3 shine; 3 site; 3 staff; 3 sweep; 3 tongue; 3 tool; 3 toy; 3 trick; 3 trunk; 3 tune; 3 unite; 3 violent; 3 welcome; 2 adventure; 2 available; 2 awake; 2 bake; 2 bare; 2 bean; 2 beef; 2 bitter; 2 brilliant; 2 calm; 2 capital; 2 challenge; 2 chest; 2 copy; 2 correct; 2 cow; 2 creature; 2 creep; 2 damage; 2 dawn; 2 defence; 2 deny; 2 desert; 2 dine; 2 duck; 2 environment; 2 float; 2 fortune; 2 gear; 2 grace; 2 habit; 2 hero; 2 hesitate; 2 innocent; 2 instant; 2 investigate; 2 jam; 2 lasted; 2 loan; 2 lump; 2 memory; 2 mood; 2 murder; 2 nest; 2 nowhere; 2 oppose; 2 path; 2 percent; 2 pink; 2 polish; 2 politics; 2 prefer; 2 pronounce; 2 proud; 2 punch; 2 quote; 2 relief; 2 rely; 2 ridiculous; 2 rob; 2 role; 2 sentence; 2 sew; 2 shift; 2 shower; 2 snap; 2 solid; 2 spare; 2 speech; 2 suspect; 2 tap; 2 thief; 2 tin; 2 title; 2 tomato; 2 traffic; 2 tray; 2 twin; 2 vehicle; 2 wander; 2 weed; 2 wipe; 2 wise; 1 accuse; 1 anger; 1 anxious; 1 army; 1 asleep; 1 atmosphere; 1 august; 1 background; 1 bang; 1 bay; 1 beg; 1 blame; 1 bond; 1 boom; 1 brand; 1 brave; 1 breathe; 1 breed; 1 brief; 1 carpet; 1 channel; 1 charm; 1 chat; 1 cheer; 1 citizen; 1 coal; 1 comment; 1 commit; 1 competition; 1 complicate; 1 concentrate; 1 cough; 1 crawl; 1 crisp; 1 crown; 1 delight; 1 deserve; 1 disgust; 1 doll; 1 drama; 1 dust; 1 earn; 1 ease; 1 embarrass; 1 energy; 1 entertain; 1 eventually; 1 fan; 1 fault; 1 gay; 1 glory; 1 guide; 1 handy; 1 heaven; 1 ignore; 1 image; 1 impress; 1 improve; 1 intense; 1 january; 1 jaw; 1 kindly; 1 lid; 1 lion; 1 lone; 1 map; 1 march; 1 maximum; 1 melt; 1 mill; 1 model; 1 monkey; 1 mystery; 1 navy; 1 opportunity; 1 pan; 1 pen; 1 policy; 1 port; 1 positive; 1 pretend; 1 pride; 1 print; 1 private; 1 profession; 1 protest; 1 pub; 1 pup; 1 purchase; 1 qualify; 1 recall; 1 reckon; 1 remind; 1 reserve; 1 retire; 1 rot; 1 salary; 1 scene; 1 scratch; 1 september; 1 shadow; 1 shame; 1 shave; 1 sheet; 1 shiver; 1 silence; 1 smart; 1 soldier; 1 spell; 1 stable; 1 stairs; 1 steady; 1 steam; 1 suck; 1 suspicion; 1 tease; 1 tempt; 1 tip; 1 tower; 1 university;

Vocabulary Level 1000

(869 Word Families, 73511 Tokens, 79.62%, Accumulated: 79.62%)

9302 the; 4853 be; 3838 of; 3288 and; 2861 a; 2336 to; 2266 in; 1220 it; 1219 they; 965 this; 826 with; 817 as; 800 that; 765 he; 742 or; 661 by; 654 have; 622 on; 603 for; 570 which; 538 but; 531 she; 501 from; 444 at; 375 one; 365 place; 316 not; 311 make; 311 time; 310 when; 294 who; 286 use; 278 other; 269 people; 263 then; 257 no; 252 while; 247 all; 246 man; 236 take; 233 two; 228 will; 219 some; 218 into; 217 so; 202 give; 199 part; 198 small; 196 do; 181 may; 181 woman; 180 if; 178 each; 174 head; 167 find; 165 also; 165 see; 164 after; 162 house; 154 there; 153 out; 153 sing; 153 song; 152 more; 151 go; 151 i; 151 up; 147 near; 144 three; 140 know; 139 about; 139 child; 139 follow; 139 many; 139 over; 138 you; 136 water; 135 hold; 132 first; 131 we; 129 family; 128 same; 126 such; 125 show; 123 great; 123 through; 122 only; 119 day; 114 old; 113 carry; 112 come; 111 dance; 109 leave; 108 where; 107 any; 107 cut; 107 until; 104 during; 103 would; 100 like; 99 between; 99 hand; 97 group; 97 offer; 96 most; 96 music; 95 appear; 95 field; 95 number; 93 end; 92 figure; 91 body; 90 can; 90 little; 89 blood; 88 begin; 88 large; 88 name; 86 again; 86 become; 86 four; 86 long; 85 animal; 84 above; 84 before; 83 five; 83 form; 83 side; 82 back; 82 mountain; 82 usual; 81 now; 80 must; 80 page; 80 plant; 80 record; 79 both; 79 stick; 78 live; 78 note; 77 ground; 77 line; 77 still; 76 call; 76 food; 76 general; 76 town; 75 down; 75 open; 75 than; 75 under; 75 very; 75 well; 74 among; 72 whole; 71 drink; 71 say; 71 seem; 70 against; 70 certain; 70 eat; 69 should; 69 sick; 69 type; 68 foot; 68 here; 67 another; 67 close; 67 few; 67 second; 66 work; 65 keep; 65 life; 65 often; 63 late; 63 several; 62 build; 62 cause; 62 cover; 62 return; 62 tree; 61 beat; 61 case; 61 kill; 61 new; 61 next; 60 half; 60 present; 60 wood; 59 raise; 59 year; 58 consider; 58 put; 58 set; 58 together; 57 act; 57 fire; 57 pass; 57 piece; 57 play; 57 prepare; 57 soon; 56 away; 55 final; 55 stand; 54 always; 54 girl; 54 high; 54 turn; 53 fish; 53 grow; 53 mother; 53 oil; 53 river; 53 stone; 52 even; 52 probably; 52 protect; 52 way; 52 wild; 52 write; 50 bring; 50 relate; 50 serve; 50 strike; 49 however; 49 just; 49 mean; 49 nature; 49 without; 48 dead; 48 early; 48 enter; 48 friend; 48 good; 48 strong; 47 boy; 47 cook; 47 lead; 47 much; 47 order; 47 possible; 47 wife; 46 care; 46 draw; 46 morning; 46 person; 46 yet; 45 break; 45 burn; 45 centre; 45 fall; 45 far; 45 floor; 45 home; 45 nose; 44 add; 44 marry; 44 night; 44 secure; 44 toward; 43 beside; 43 bird; 43 death; 43 fact; 43 member; 43 settle; 43 top; 43 visit; 43 voice; 42 chicken; 42 short; 41 beneath; 41 last; 41 lay; 41 once; 41 quite; 41 ready; 41 room; 41 sign; 41 yard; 40 throw; 39 complete; 39 either; 39 grass; 39 important; 39 slight; 39 young; 38 door; 38 history; 38 left; 38 necessary; 37 finger; 37 off; 37 pay; 37 point; 37 wear; 36 hang; 35 different; 35 dry; 35 fill; 35 full; 35 need; 34 except; 34 hear; 34 island; 34 six; 34 ten; 33 along; 33 arrive; 33 right; 33 run; 32 birth; 32 every; 32 less; 32 pot; 32 quick; 32 recent; 32 white; 31 already; 31 change; 31 die; 31 dog; 31 eight; 31 step; 30 allow; 30 arm; 30 colour; 30 face; 30 free; 30 support; 30 upon; 29 black; 29 further; 29 hair; 29 hunt; 29 interest; 29 light; 29 mark; 29 reach; 29 rest; 29 since; 29 tie; 28 around; 28 continue; 28 drive; 28 lie; 27 below; 27 power; 27 rule; 27 tell; 27 trouble; 26 doubt; 26 employ; 26 husband; 26 particular; 26 start; 26 thing; 26 wide; 25 catch; 25 clear; 25 evening; 25 force; 25 inside; 25 land; 25 never; 25 own; 25 proper; 25 straight; 25 wave; 25 wish; 24 able; 24 corner; 24 drop; 24 fit; 24 join; 24 learn; 24 move; 24 seven; 24 spring; 24 stop; 23 explain; 23 human; 23 leg; 22 bad; 22 eye; 22 finish; 22 least; 22 owned; 22 party; 22 rather; 22 roll; 22 seat; 22 special; 22 sudden; 22 treat; 21 almost; 21 baby; 21 could; 21 hole; 21 hundred; 21 meet; 21 mention; 21 might; 21 neck; 20 bit; 20 double; 20 enough; 20 game; 20 get; 20 inform; 20 month; 20 shape; 20 size; 20 true; 20 what; 20 within; 19 accept; 19 although; 19 apparent; 19 because; 19 brown; 19 difference; 19 ear; 19 feed; 19 feel; 19 front; 19 idea; 19 look; 19 lose; 19 neighbour; 19 red; 19 send; 19 single; 19 think; 19 though; 19 unless; 19 wall; 18 arrange; 18 bear; 18 concern; 18 couple; 18 deep; 18 matter; 18 parent; 18 question; 18 slip; 18 south; 18 sun; 18 table; 18 talk; 18 term; 18 touch; 17 clean; 17 cup; 17 dress; 17 fight; 17 flat; 17 horse; 17 hour; 17 how; 17 major; 17 rain; 17 study; 17 thick; 16 alone; 16 bar; 16 blow; 16 company; 16 dark; 16 edge; 16 ever; 16 expect; 16 father; 16 help; 16 hide; 16 local; 16 shoot; 16 simple; 16 sit; 16 try; 16 word; 15 across; 15 amount; 15 best; 15 clothes; 15 collect; 15 cross; 15 degree; 15 fine; 15 govern; 15 list; 15 low; 15 moment; 15 mouth; 15 nine; 15 north; 15 please; 15 press; 15 wash; 15 watch; 14 age; 14 class; 14 east; 14 easy; 14 fly; 14 gold; 14 handle; 14 heavy; 14 notice; 14 perfect; 14 real; 14 science; 14 share; 14 shoulder; 14 sleep; 14 smoke; 14 teach; 14 too; 14 wheel; 14 world; 14 yellow; 13 art; 13 behind; 13 believe; 13 born; 13 bottom; 13 dig; 13 middle; 13 post; 13 sex; 13 shall; 13 son; 13 square; 12 afternoon; 12 answer; 12 bed; 12 better; 12 definite; 12 else; 12 express; 12 happen; 12 heart; 12 position; 12 pull; 12 state; 12 subject; 12 suggest; 12 tooth; 11 actual; 11 ago; 11 cry; 11 decide; 11 fright; 11 garden; 11 key; 11 let; 11 photograph; 11 rise; 11 round; 11 sea; 11 sort; 11 sound; 11 suit; 11 tight; 11 train; 11 twenty; 11 window; 10 agree; 10 ask; 10 ball; 10 big; 10 bright; 10 climb; 10 earth; 10 especially; 10 fear; 10 hot; 10 past; 10 pound; 10 sense; 10 space; 10 steal; 10 travel; 10 west; 10 wet; 9 afford; 9 bank; 9 base; 9 board; 9 closed; 9 control; 9 course; 9 dirty; 9 green; 9 hard; 9 honour; 9 kind; 9 meal; 9 poor; 9 report; 9 rich; 9 ring; 9 serious; 9 shake; 9 shout; 9 sky; 9 spend; 9 throat; 8 apart; 8 bath; 8 beyond; 8 breath; 8 busy; 8 cold; 8 forest; 8 hat; 8 health; 8 insure; 8 money; 8 noise; 8 push; 8 race; 8 slow; 8 store; 8 tend; 8 weight; 8 wind; 7 air; 7 bone; 7 box; 7 choose; 7 date; 7 egg; 7 empty; 7 exact; 7 fast; 7 hope; 7 instead; 7 pick; 7 pretty; 7 service; 7 situation; 7 spot; 7 stay; 7 story; 7 suppose; 7 tall; 7 taste; 7 walk; 6 absolute; 6 blue; 6 cake; 6 count; 6 country; 6 danger; 6 difficult; 6 flower; 6 forward; 6 law; 6 lazy; 6 level; 6 lift; 6 listen; 6 machine; 6 main; 6 picture; 6 pop; 6 price; 6 quiet; 6 really; 6 reason; 6 reply; 6 rock; 6 rough; 6 speak; 6 sure; 6 understand; 5 address; 5 charge; 5 conversation; 5 dream; 5 enjoy; 5 fair; 5 fresh; 5 heat; 5 hill; 5 laugh; 5 load; 5 love; 5 minute; 5 mrs; 5 nothing; 5 perhaps; 5 plenty; 5 read; 5 road; 5 save; 5 school; 5 skin; 5 smile; 5 soft; 5 star; 5 strange; 5 sweet; 5 tail; 5 win; 5 worth; 4 afraid; 4 business; 4 chair; 4 cool; 4 deal; 4 depend; 4 fat; 4 fellow; 4 judge; 4 jump; 4 mile; 4 office; 4 pack; 4 pain; 4 quarter; 4 realise; 4 responsible; 4 safe; 4 sight; 4 sister; 4 smell; 4 sport; 4 surprise; 4 tax; 4 trust; 4 wed; 4 whether; 4 yes; 3 admit; 3 angry; 3 area; 3 beauty; 3 brother; 3 buy; 3 chance; 3 city; 3 club; 3 discover; 3 eleven; 3 excite; 3 experience; 3 farm; 3 fix; 3 forget; 3 fortunate; 3 gun; 3 happy; 3 hardly; 3 knock; 3 lip; 3 master; 3 mind; 3 miss; 3 mister; 3 none; 3 normal; 3 nurse; 3 problem; 3 ride; 3 swim; 3 tear; 3 thirty; 3 thousand; 3 trip; 3 twelve; 3 wait; 3 wrong; 2 ahead; 2 aware; 2 boring; 2 card; 2 church; 2 cost; 2 crime; 2 extra; 2 fun; 2 gentle; 2 huge; 2 hunger; 2 imagine; 2 indeed; 2 involve; 2 odd; 2 ought; 2 pair; 2 paper; 2 plan; 2 prison; 2 promise; 2 public; 2 remember; 2 sell; 2 shoe; 2 shut; 2 system; 2 test; 2 tire; 2 total; 2 view; 2 want; 2 warm; 2 waste; 2 why; 2 wonder; 2 worse; 1 advertise; 1 amaze; 1 ashamed; 1 bag; 1 boat; 1 book; 1 camp; 1 cheap; 1 check; 1 coat; 1 court; 1 crazy; 1 daughter; 1 doctor; 1 excuse; 1 favourite; 1 grandfather; 1 guess; 1 issue; 1 kick; 1 kiss; 1 lady; 1 lock; 1 loud; 1 lunch; 1 manage; 1 milk; 1 mistake; 1 nation; 1 neat; 1 nice; 1 obvious; 1 officer; 1 orange; 1 rate; 1 rid; 1 rights; 1 rubbish; 1 sad; 1 self; 1 ship; 1 shy; 1 sorry; 1 stare; 1 street; 1 student; 1 stuff; 1 thank; 1 thirteen; 1 till; 1 tuesday; 1 underneath; 1 war; 1 weather; 1 web; 1 week;

Catalog Data

Vocabulary Coverage
(Difficult: 98%, Appropriate: 99%)
Conventional Readability Formula
Title Author Translator Born Died 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9% Word Count (Pages) Words per Sentence Syllables per Word Fog Index Flesch Reading Ease Flesch-Kincaid
The Tinguian Social, Religious, and Economic Life of a Philippine Tribe Cole, Fay-Cooper 1881 1961 3000 4000 6000 9000 11000 18000 96647
18.5 1.52 12.1 59.4 9.6
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