Vocabulary Frequency Spectrum

Applevelwfam17611 Levelwfam17611

Vocabulary List

Vocabulary Level 25000

(6 Word Families, 46 Tokens, 0.01%, Accumulated: 100.00%)

25 concupiscent; 6 analog; 6 nescience; 4 beatific; 4 sodom; 1 concretion;

Vocabulary Level 24000

(3 Word Families, 81 Tokens, 0.02%, Accumulated: 99.99%)

67 orth; 12 coition; 2 destine;

Vocabulary Level 23000

(7 Word Families, 33 Tokens, 0.01%, Accumulated: 99.97%)

20 contrariety; 8 wherewith; 1 compline; 1 deferent; 1 eth; 1 forsooth; 1 hypostatic;

Vocabulary Level 22000

(12 Word Families, 257 Tokens, 0.05%, Accumulated: 99.97%)

81 damascene; 72 hypostasis; 47 empyrean; 28 quiddity; 9 rarefaction; 9 trine; 3 consubstantial; 3 gerund; 2 nutriment; 1 disunion; 1 jupiter; 1 repine;

Vocabulary Level 21000

(10 Word Families, 47 Tokens, 0.01%, Accumulated: 99.91%)

26 consol; 7 ablative; 5 multiform; 3 septuagint; 1 copula; 1 deuteronomy; 1 gratia; 1 maunder; 1 maximin; 1 solus;

Vocabulary Level 20000

(9 Word Families, 178 Tokens, 0.04%, Accumulated: 99.90%)

149 similitude; 16 peri; 3 educe; 3 wast; 2 breviary; 2 nugatory; 1 commensurable; 1 confute; 1 paraclete;

Vocabulary Level 19000

(16 Word Families, 83 Tokens, 0.02%, Accumulated: 99.86%)

25 seraphim; 15 cherubim; 9 supervene; 8 conduce; 7 porphyry; 4 behoove; 3 genitive; 2 dama; 2 ratiocination; 2 withal; 1 behove; 1 epicycle; 1 howsoever; 1 intemperance; 1 perspicuity; 1 specular;

Vocabulary Level 18000

(17 Word Families, 66 Tokens, 0.01%, Accumulated: 99.85%)

41 godhead; 3 deum; 3 superabundance; 2 cubit; 2 domini; 2 liber; 2 propinquity; 2 redound; 1 colossians; 1 delectation; 1 ens; 1 menses; 1 pythagoras; 1 sens; 1 synecdoche; 1 therewith; 1 vivify;

Vocabulary Level 17000

(18 Word Families, 123 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.83%)

42 nutritive; 25 appertain; 17 reprobate; 8 archon; 7 premiss; 4 adventitious; 4 arb; 3 seraph; 2 canticle; 2 saith; 2 summa; 1 choleric; 1 circumlocute; 1 dogfish; 1 faun; 1 leonine; 1 platonist; 1 quadrilateral;

Vocabulary Level 16000

(18 Word Families, 465 Tokens, 0.10%, Accumulated: 99.81%)

289 inasmuch; 126 nom; 12 admixture; 9 demerits; 6 suchlike; 5 quadruped; 4 sidereal; 3 apposition; 2 causa; 1 aliquot; 1 contiguity; 1 contradistinction; 1 gainsay; 1 incubus; 1 missal; 1 perdition; 1 reproof; 1 vesper;

Vocabulary Level 15000

(28 Word Families, 137 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.71%)

26 therefrom; 19 whereof; 13 putrefy; 12 equable; 12 whosoever; 8 herm; 5 indissoluble; 5 plenitude; 5 thither; 4 perchance; 3 accursed; 3 actuate; 2 commingle; 2 correlative; 2 diaphanous; 2 lam; 2 remiss; 2 weal; 1 assignation; 1 blandishment; 1 cred; 1 deus; 1 magnanimity; 1 physic; 1 slake; 1 substratum; 1 trilateral; 1 worsted;

Vocabulary Level 14000

(35 Word Families, 315 Tokens, 0.07%, Accumulated: 99.68%)

130 phantasm; 30 mutable; 22 aforesay; 18 archangel; 16 meritorious; 16 ministration; 11 certitude; 8 individuate; 8 syllogism; 7 participle; 5 arian; 4 monad; 4 unbecoming; 4 wayfaring; 3 etiology; 3 thereupon; 2 daemon; 2 fount; 2 psalter; 2 reprove; 2 thereon; 2 ungodly; 2 whither; 1 approbation; 1 caprice; 1 conciliar; 1 cur; 1 debar; 1 evanescent; 1 foetal; 1 heretofore; 1 infra; 1 insensible; 1 satyr; 1 sunder;

Vocabulary Level 13000

(44 Word Families, 1691 Tokens, 0.36%, Accumulated: 99.61%)

608 corporeal; 301 wherefore; 263 beatify; 112 privation; 107 firmament; 75 irascible; 45 matt; 36 thereto; 27 proximate; 23 communicable; 13 rectitude; 9 viz; 8 versa; 6 equivocate; 6 idolatry; 5 antichrist; 4 individuation; 3 derogate; 3 mort; 3 necromancy; 3 warding; 2 bipedal; 2 comely; 2 handmaid; 2 iniquity; 2 lapis; 2 magus; 2 prima; 2 vitiate; 1 absolution; 1 appellation; 1 caw; 1 combustible; 1 decorous; 1 drunkard; 1 equinox; 1 filial; 1 hither; 1 inchoate; 1 inveterate; 1 outermost; 1 plebeian; 1 prefigure; 1 torrid;

Vocabulary Level 12000

(55 Word Families, 616 Tokens, 0.13%, Accumulated: 99.26%)

222 predestined; 151 animus; 88 fide; 24 preposition; 14 depute; 10 efficacious; 10 operable; 7 nigh; 7 rarefy; 6 avarice; 4 fornicate; 4 forthwith; 3 aqueous; 3 diurnal; 3 felicity; 3 immanent; 3 interpose; 3 recompense; 3 servile; 3 vicissitude; 2 conjoin; 2 epistle; 2 glutton; 2 locomotion; 2 perpetuity; 2 prelate; 2 pretence; 2 recapitulate; 2 servitude; 2 tyrannical; 1 apocryphal; 1 beseech; 1 clemency; 1 controvert; 1 discontinuous; 1 domineer; 1 ell; 1 enfold; 1 faeces; 1 ineffable; 1 ineptitude; 1 inviolable; 1 militate; 1 minutely; 1 miser; 1 nebulous; 1 opus; 1 pontiff; 1 presumptuous; 1 proclivity; 1 propound; 1 provident; 1 purview; 1 rapacious; 1 transfigure;

Vocabulary Level 11000

(68 Word Families, 776 Tokens, 0.16%, Accumulated: 99.13%)

97 paternity; 95 dei; 93 indivisible; 65 notional; 58 rom; 50 immutable; 46 principality; 40 omnipotent; 30 vegetative; 14 thence; 13 numeral; 13 transmute; 12 fortitude; 12 straightaway; 11 luminary; 10 extraneous; 8 carnal; 7 homily; 6 diction; 6 foretell; 5 outlast; 4 fecund; 4 mallet; 3 adduce; 3 cognisance; 3 defile; 3 ere; 3 exigency; 3 neuter; 3 preconceived; 3 sloth; 3 unseemly; 2 cherub; 2 collate; 2 contemporaneous; 2 etymology; 2 habitable; 2 handiwork; 2 infidel; 2 irreconcilable; 2 mot; 2 platonic; 2 prodigal; 2 sentient; 2 tepid; 2 tribulation; 1 adhesion; 1 afresh; 1 bade; 1 beck; 1 behest; 1 chasten; 1 concave; 1 delectable; 1 delirium; 1 derogatory; 1 entrap; 1 epiphany; 1 erudite; 1 evince; 1 fro; 1 gradation; 1 indigestion; 1 infantile; 1 obviate; 1 prefix; 1 sacrilege; 1 simile;

Vocabulary Level 10000

(81 Word Families, 1262 Tokens, 0.27%, Accumulated: 98.96%)

302 beget; 196 immaterial; 181 providence; 56 semen; 53 sanctify; 42 befit; 42 extrinsic; 42 genera; 28 repugnant; 21 supposition; 20 abode; 20 contra; 18 doth; 17 manifold; 14 temperance; 13 nativity; 12 artifice; 12 deity; 10 fruition; 10 impute; 8 adverb; 8 penance; 8 preamble; 7 astray; 7 commensurate; 7 heathen; 6 cogent; 6 concord; 6 demonstrable; 6 penitence; 4 ethereal; 4 fortuitous; 4 sufficiency; 3 bewitch; 3 disobey; 3 executor; 3 habitation; 3 hereafter; 3 prophesy; 3 zodiac; 2 anathema; 2 bereft; 2 dishonour; 2 eminence; 2 fickle; 2 fowl; 2 hereby; 2 heterogeneous; 2 parenthesis; 2 suckle; 1 absolve; 1 antipathy; 1 bygone; 1 cistern; 1 concourse; 1 confluence; 1 convex; 1 crafty; 1 cum; 1 decked; 1 delirious; 1 deprave; 1 ether; 1 foreshadow; 1 indelible; 1 joiner; 1 morsel; 1 orb; 1 outpouring; 1 posterity; 1 preconception; 1 rapt; 1 senile; 1 sinew; 1 stead; 1 sundry; 1 tilled; 1 venerate; 1 vestibule; 1 virile; 1 wanton;

Vocabulary Level 9000

(96 Word Families, 640 Tokens, 0.14%, Accumulated: 98.69%)

157 whence; 58 wherein; 31 superfluous; 30 expound; 21 obstinate; 19 precept; 17 inordinate; 16 gratuitous; 14 forsake; 13 elemental; 12 bailiff; 12 enunciate; 12 gentile; 12 synod; 11 heresy; 8 disprove; 8 partake; 7 apparition; 7 cessation; 7 enigma; 6 canonical; 6 circumscribe; 5 affix; 5 impel; 5 inept; 5 repose; 5 semblance; 4 axiom; 4 befall; 4 brethren; 4 copious; 4 despot; 4 envious; 4 interminable; 4 primordial; 4 prologue; 3 afar; 3 crystalline; 3 deluge; 3 foresight; 3 ineffectual; 3 insinuate; 3 nebula; 3 profane; 3 rapture; 3 surmise; 3 tenable; 2 circumference; 2 draught; 2 germinate; 2 grievous; 2 henceforth; 2 herein; 2 illustrious; 2 moderated; 2 occult; 2 pharaoh; 2 sanctity; 2 thistle; 2 valentine; 1 abbot; 1 abyss; 1 amenable; 1 attune; 1 coffer; 1 complicity; 1 crucify; 1 dilate; 1 disfigure; 1 divest; 1 divulge; 1 fictitious; 1 forestall; 1 imbue; 1 inquisitive; 1 lethargy; 1 matrimony; 1 millet; 1 nocturnal; 1 noxious; 1 odyssey; 1 posse; 1 pretext; 1 prodigy; 1 proffer; 1 rebut; 1 repulse; 1 seconded; 1 slumber; 1 spurious; 1 stag; 1 steadfast; 1 superstitious; 1 synchronize; 1 vestige; 1 whereupon;

Vocabulary Level 8000

(126 Word Families, 1078 Tokens, 0.23%, Accumulated: 98.56%)

220 genus; 96 determinate; 41 aptitude; 38 pertain; 34 seminal; 34 therein; 32 basil; 28 discursive; 22 antecedent; 21 apprehensive; 21 malice; 19 heretic; 18 consummate; 18 serpent; 16 admissible; 16 annihilate; 16 primal; 15 enumerate; 15 multiplicity; 13 assent; 13 treatise; 12 strife; 11 anew; 11 celestial; 11 impediment; 11 posterior; 10 exalt; 10 fallible; 10 figurative; 9 permanence; 8 adjunct; 8 remission; 7 arduous; 7 ox; 7 pronoun; 7 satan; 7 wont; 6 astrology; 6 countenance; 5 discord; 5 entirety; 5 fallacy; 5 ordinance; 5 ordination; 5 predetermine; 5 prophetic; 5 victor; 4 commotion; 4 deceit; 4 disobedient; 4 fervour; 4 fetter; 4 lucid; 3 astute; 3 bosom; 3 cognition; 3 exhale; 3 innumerable; 3 oblique; 3 pentagon; 3 snare; 3 underscore; 3 vile; 3 wilt; 2 cant; 2 com; 2 condescend; 2 counteract; 2 elapse; 2 elective; 2 italic; 2 lunatic; 2 meek; 2 moderation; 2 privy; 2 rebuke; 2 tortoise; 2 tunic; 2 tyrant; 1 abstain; 1 alight; 1 aloof; 1 amplitude; 1 amputate; 1 attenuate; 1 avenge; 1 beset; 1 concomitant; 1 conjecture; 1 corroborate; 1 counterfeit; 1 defame; 1 devout; 1 dew; 1 discernible; 1 elucidate; 1 enigmatic; 1 eucharist; 1 froth; 1 header; 1 incontinent; 1 indent; 1 ingenuity; 1 introspect; 1 itinerary; 1 mite; 1 onslaught; 1 parable; 1 percussion; 1 permissible; 1 pervade; 1 piety; 1 quell; 1 retribution; 1 sorcerer; 1 stammer; 1 superstition; 1 supplant; 1 suspense; 1 tarnish; 1 topography; 1 treble; 1 trustworthy; 1 typify; 1 tyre; 1 usurp;

Vocabulary Level 7000

(179 Word Families, 1452 Tokens, 0.31%, Accumulated: 98.33%)

208 predicate; 69 thereof; 62 ordain; 60 righteous; 58 ethic; 55 infinity; 43 bestow; 43 negate; 41 unto; 33 lest; 24 liken; 23 innate; 23 supernatural; 23 wrought; 22 habitual; 19 slime; 19 writ; 17 dominion; 17 incongruous; 17 repent; 16 devoid; 15 incite; 14 erroneous; 13 instigate; 12 almighty; 12 rejoice; 11 divinity; 10 noun; 10 predicament; 10 rabbi; 10 subtract; 9 avail; 9 concur; 9 dissolution; 9 kindle; 9 maxim; 9 refute; 8 allegory; 8 archer; 8 creed; 8 forfeit; 8 inseparable; 8 remit; 8 splendour; 7 baptism; 7 coexist; 7 exhort; 7 impart; 7 persevere; 7 prerogative; 7 prophecy; 7 retract; 7 solitude; 7 terrestrial; 6 predominate; 6 psalm; 6 sublime; 6 temperate; 5 allude; 5 covet; 5 ecclesiastic; 5 harp; 5 parity; 5 pervert; 5 postulate; 5 shun; 5 subtlety; 4 adultery; 4 constellation; 4 grammatical; 4 hitherto; 4 penal; 4 trespass; 3 arithmetic; 3 baptise; 3 complexion; 3 conscript; 3 dialectic; 3 dispel; 3 exposition; 3 formative; 3 fruitful; 3 harmonise; 3 intermediary; 3 lofty; 3 paternal; 3 perceptible; 3 perplex; 3 pious; 3 preface; 3 proficient; 3 saviour; 3 wrath; 2 ardent; 2 bounty; 2 compulsion; 2 deceptive; 2 deduce; 2 delicacy; 2 devour; 2 ebb; 2 exacted; 2 extinguish; 2 fervent; 2 governance; 2 lunar; 2 opaque; 2 phantom; 2 pore; 2 profess; 2 repudiate; 2 rustic; 2 sluggish; 2 transfuse; 2 vehement; 2 vengeance; 2 womb; 1 acquiesce; 1 admonish; 1 agile; 1 amen; 1 amidst; 1 apocalypse; 1 appease; 1 attest; 1 chisel; 1 contrive; 1 crucifix; 1 desolate; 1 eject; 1 engender; 1 equator; 1 exodus; 1 expend; 1 exuberant; 1 fable; 1 furnace; 1 gravely; 1 hoof; 1 idiom; 1 illicit; 1 immaculate; 1 impersonal; 1 inception; 1 inconsistency; 1 inverse; 1 juxtapose; 1 lame; 1 livelihood; 1 malicious; 1 marrow; 1 multi; 1 obsolete; 1 ornate; 1 overshadow; 1 permeate; 1 potency; 1 pronouncement; 1 propriety; 1 protracted; 1 protrude; 1 proverb; 1 recourse; 1 regal; 1 relapse; 1 repetitive; 1 reptile; 1 repute; 1 revoke; 1 roe; 1 sequel; 1 soundly; 1 supremacy; 1 tempered; 1 tit; 1 torrent; 1 transgress; 1 transparency; 1 venom;

Vocabulary Level 6000

(199 Word Families, 4408 Tokens, 0.93%, Accumulated: 98.02%)

1758 intellect; 204 eternity; 170 trinity; 169 subsist; 129 apostle; 120 multitude; 118 twofold; 97 presuppose; 83 denote; 78 finite; 72 suffice; 57 deceive; 49 exemplar; 48 adorn; 44 accord; 42 equivocal; 40 gloss; 40 surpass; 39 denomination; 38 sensual; 37 ascribe; 34 behold; 34 impede; 31 excel; 29 emanate; 24 nourish; 23 ignorant; 22 adjective; 21 blot; 21 err; 21 receptive; 20 disciple; 19 akin; 19 procure; 18 luminous; 18 recede; 16 eminent; 16 forgo; 15 assail; 15 deception; 15 mingle; 14 abide; 14 idol; 14 incarnate; 14 sacrament; 12 miraculous; 11 genesis; 11 grieve; 11 perish; 11 synonym; 11 vain; 10 humid; 10 justly; 10 propagate; 10 rouse; 9 affinity; 9 beforehand; 9 cleave; 9 perverse; 8 fiery; 8 stature; 7 afflict; 7 annex; 7 bliss; 7 construe; 7 deliberated; 7 imprint; 6 abound; 6 artisan; 6 incomprehensible; 6 retard; 6 vapour; 5 dove; 5 homogeneous; 5 inscription; 5 pagan; 5 purify; 5 theologian; 5 thwart; 4 accrue; 4 breadth; 4 carpenter; 4 conjunction; 4 contraction; 4 deform; 4 despise; 4 esteem; 4 influx; 4 inscribe; 4 loaf; 4 locomotive; 4 metaphysic; 4 meteor; 4 perpetual; 4 transient; 3 ascertain; 3 discrete; 3 feeble; 3 locality; 3 mercury; 3 reciprocal; 3 slay; 3 woe; 2 adjoin; 2 advent; 2 allot; 2 analogous; 2 barren; 2 crow; 2 deacon; 2 detriment; 2 disparity; 2 donkey; 2 entice; 2 evade; 2 falcon; 2 flux; 2 folly; 2 frenzy; 2 hamper; 2 humanities; 2 latent; 2 lizard; 2 magnify; 2 mundane; 2 necessitate; 2 nostril; 2 notwithstanding; 2 novelty; 2 omission; 2 oracle; 2 partiality; 2 preclude; 2 refrain; 2 regenerate; 2 renounce; 2 repel; 2 reverend; 2 sly; 2 thorn; 2 vanity; 2 waver; 1 adversary; 1 alleviate; 1 antiquity; 1 attentive; 1 banish; 1 benevolent; 1 beware; 1 brood; 1 cavity; 1 cherish; 1 clog; 1 colon; 1 compass; 1 concurrent; 1 covert; 1 crave; 1 emphatic; 1 equate; 1 exemplify; 1 fabricate; 1 fleeting; 1 foe; 1 footing; 1 gall; 1 gracious; 1 heed; 1 homicide; 1 hymn; 1 ibid; 1 induct; 1 infringe; 1 interchange; 1 intolerable; 1 intuition; 1 involuntary; 1 mare; 1 mole; 1 mule; 1 pebble; 1 perpetrate; 1 plank; 1 rash; 1 redeem; 1 reinstate; 1 revert; 1 riddle; 1 savour; 1 shortcoming; 1 shroud; 1 sinister; 1 strait; 1 subdivide; 1 subdue; 1 traverse; 1 treachery; 1 vault; 1 withstand;

Vocabulary Level 5000

(223 Word Families, 5369 Tokens, 1.13%, Accumulated: 97.09%)

646 signify; 393 intelligible; 288 demon; 253 procession; 249 whereby; 241 generals; 238 eternal; 233 appetite; 231 inferior; 201 apprehend; 153 singular; 136 scripture; 134 innocence; 115 disposition; 104 hinder; 96 composite; 96 paradise; 81 temporal; 74 appropriated; 55 exterior; 49 simplicity; 48 salvation; 46 causal; 46 sorrow; 41 conversely; 38 generator; 37 whatsoever; 34 assimilate; 33 intermediate; 29 offspring; 27 preside; 26 deed; 26 throne; 23 intrinsic; 22 prudent; 21 numeric; 21 prophet; 20 cleanse; 20 infuse; 19 resurrect; 19 void; 18 ignorance; 18 substantive; 17 diversify; 17 transcend; 16 verb; 15 analogy; 15 apt; 15 ex; 14 discern; 13 transparent; 12 coerce; 12 implant; 11 beloved; 11 prone; 11 temperament; 10 intercourse; 10 susceptible; 9 diffuse; 9 dispense; 9 misery; 9 strive; 9 urine; 8 ass; 8 condense; 8 hatred; 8 ignite; 8 inflict; 8 messenger; 8 tract; 7 aerial; 7 ascend; 7 efficacy; 7 negligent; 7 uphold; 7 utterly; 6 adore; 6 curb; 6 eclipse; 6 persuasion; 6 retention; 6 solitary; 6 torment; 5 commend; 5 decree; 5 garment; 5 lust; 5 masculine; 5 moist; 5 outset; 5 tablet; 5 triple; 5 vigil; 4 aggregate; 4 conquer; 4 engrave; 4 ensue; 4 entail; 4 evaporate; 4 hemisphere; 4 notify; 4 par; 4 vacuum; 3 audible; 3 bracket; 3 commence; 3 conspicuous; 3 dazzle; 3 elicit; 3 embryo; 3 fury; 3 hail; 3 majesty; 3 mankind; 3 martyr; 3 posture; 3 proximity; 3 recollect; 3 spite; 3 token; 3 usage; 3 velocity; 3 vicious; 3 withhold; 3 wrestle; 2 baptist; 2 bowel; 2 captive; 2 claw; 2 definitive; 2 deviate; 2 discrepancy; 2 expel; 2 grammar; 2 incur; 2 lapse; 2 lesion; 2 limp; 2 lurk; 2 midst; 2 mystic; 2 obscene; 2 peril; 2 persecute; 2 physicist; 2 remainder; 2 reminisce; 2 requisite; 2 seduce; 2 sermon; 2 sober; 2 steward; 2 sway; 2 temper; 2 upright; 2 vase; 2 verge; 2 warfare; 1 abolish; 1 accessory; 1 ail; 1 albeit; 1 altar; 1 ant; 1 appliance; 1 blunt; 1 cement; 1 chant; 1 chorus; 1 cloak; 1 coarse; 1 conclusive; 1 crane; 1 culminate; 1 durable; 1 earnest; 1 eccentric; 1 ecstasy; 1 empower; 1 exquisite; 1 feasible; 1 groan; 1 hen; 1 imminent; 1 interrogate; 1 intersect; 1 ion; 1 lament; 1 legion; 1 lightning; 1 maid; 1 meditate; 1 nominal; 1 ornament; 1 potent; 1 presently; 1 prose; 1 quarrel; 1 quest; 1 recite; 1 redundant; 1 renovate; 1 renown; 1 revenge; 1 revere; 1 rite; 1 robust; 1 rust; 1 sever; 1 slender; 1 sow; 1 sterile; 1 stray; 1 superficial; 1 tame; 1 testify; 1 tranquil; 1 tread; 1 vacant; 1 vinegar; 1 vocabulary; 1 wary; 1 witch;

Vocabulary Level 4000

(318 Word Families, 7746 Tokens, 1.64%, Accumulated: 95.96%)

1299 divine; 1068 essence; 380 infinite; 218 necessity; 208 contrary; 188 passive; 182 enlighten; 176 likewise; 159 thou; 155 incline; 142 merit; 129 noble; 119 multiply; 115 contingent; 112 defect; 106 proposition; 100 attain; 96 miracle; 93 comprehend; 90 hierarchy; 88 sacred; 75 mercy; 74 devil; 74 obey; 74 plural; 69 guardian; 67 metaphor; 55 dignity; 55 duration; 50 intelligent; 48 magnitude; 45 animate; 45 cognitive; 44 et; 40 indirect; 39 primitive; 39 subjected; 38 conscience; 37 endow; 35 contemplate; 35 terminate; 34 brute; 33 genre; 32 deprive; 32 imitate; 31 beast; 28 conform; 27 sensation; 26 adhere; 25 diminish; 24 alike; 24 rib; 23 differentiate; 23 foresee; 23 sphere; 22 deficiency; 22 identical; 22 inherent; 20 compatible; 20 obstacle; 19 illuminate; 19 upwards; 18 absurd; 18 dwell; 17 indifferent; 16 envy; 15 depart; 15 limb; 14 testament; 13 verify; 12 absent; 12 administer; 12 obscure; 12 penetrate; 11 arrow; 11 commentator; 11 endeavour; 11 integrity; 11 mighty; 11 utter; 11 virgin; 10 applicable; 10 bounds; 10 herb; 10 immense; 10 interval; 10 poster; 10 surplus; 10 vocal; 9 bulk; 9 conversion; 9 decay; 9 deem; 8 compel; 8 concede; 8 impulse; 8 mediate; 8 originate; 8 recipient; 8 reign; 7 abundant; 7 accustom; 7 astronomy; 7 devise; 7 entity; 7 grief; 7 hammer; 7 harmony; 7 induce; 7 prejudice; 7 subordinate; 7 wit; 6 cling; 6 destination; 6 eve; 6 forbid; 6 physician; 6 preach; 6 veil; 6 verse; 6 veterinarian; 5 anonymous; 5 brass; 5 dependence; 5 erect; 5 exclusion; 5 fever; 5 furnish; 5 infer; 5 invoke; 5 solar; 5 statue; 5 swift; 5 theology; 5 weary; 4 arouse; 4 artificial; 4 await; 4 axe; 4 belly; 4 clash; 4 curse; 4 destiny; 4 dissolve; 4 fore; 4 integral; 4 nutrition; 4 patience; 4 prop; 4 triangle; 4 ward; 4 weep; 4 worship; 3 alternate; 3 compact; 3 contempt; 3 digest; 3 distract; 3 elementary; 3 embody; 3 exempt; 3 fluid; 3 geometry; 3 impair; 3 implicit; 3 mineral; 3 omit; 3 particle; 3 seldom; 3 summon; 3 temple; 3 testimony; 3 vigorous; 2 acquaint; 2 acute; 2 ancestor; 2 astonish; 2 authentic; 2 behalf; 2 bronze; 2 candle; 2 cautious; 2 consistency; 2 convenience; 2 credible; 2 deduct; 2 dial; 2 diameter; 2 domain; 2 enlarge; 2 evenly; 2 fame; 2 feminine; 2 gauge; 2 greed; 2 harass; 2 heir; 2 horn; 2 magnificent; 2 moisture; 2 obsess; 2 odour; 2 olive; 2 oppress; 2 owl; 2 pope; 2 postpone; 2 presidency; 2 prolong; 2 rhetoric; 2 shrink; 2 texture; 2 thigh; 2 tolerate; 2 tremble; 2 unify; 2 vanish; 2 verbal; 2 vertical; 2 wax; 2 widow; 1 adjacent; 1 adverse; 1 armour; 1 ash; 1 aspire; 1 beneficial; 1 blaze; 1 bold; 1 cargo; 1 chaos; 1 choir; 1 classify; 1 comparative; 1 complement; 1 conceal; 1 concession; 1 congregate; 1 console; 1 convenient; 1 copper; 1 corn; 1 cultivate; 1 deer; 1 despair; 1 deteriorate; 1 dictionary; 1 dim; 1 disadvantage; 1 displace; 1 distort; 1 eagle; 1 enclose; 1 enrich; 1 ethics; 1 explode; 1 fare; 1 flaw; 1 forge; 1 foul; 1 glide; 1 goat; 1 gospel; 1 handsome; 1 harvest; 1 hollow; 1 homosexual; 1 horizon; 1 humble; 1 idle; 1 inclusion; 1 intact; 1 kin; 1 leaf; 1 linger; 1 liver; 1 longing; 1 lung; 1 mandate; 1 melody; 1 mourn; 1 murmur; 1 navigate; 1 noon; 1 nought; 1 obstruct; 1 orbit; 1 overhead; 1 patent; 1 pilgrim; 1 pond; 1 precious; 1 predecessor; 1 preoccupy; 1 prescribe; 1 prescription; 1 prevail; 1 prevalent; 1 proclaim; 1 pulse; 1 pursuit; 1 receipt; 1 refine; 1 regain; 1 repress; 1 rigid; 1 sane; 1 satisfactory; 1 straw; 1 subscribe; 1 surgeon; 1 synthesis; 1 thunder; 1 transcript; 1 trim; 1 verdict; 1 warrant; 1 whale;

Vocabulary Level 3000

(531 Word Families, 24196 Tokens, 5.11%, Accumulated: 94.32%)

1011 hence; 1001 principle; 763 substance; 683 objected; 568 holy; 541 universe; 505 intellectual; 500 distinct; 496 philosophy; 469 proceed; 440 potential; 435 sin; 364 likeness; 346 mode; 336 corrupt; 300 consequent; 294 senses; 290 virtue; 286 false; 270 sensitive; 262 sensible; 243 compose; 234 essential; 234 manifest; 234 rational; 231 distinguish; 228 attribute; 213 imply; 210 differ; 207 generate; 206 abstract; 197 nevertheless; 196 define; 190 superior; 189 participate; 187 visible; 178 derive; 175 consist; 175 text; 173 precede; 171 unity; 162 primary; 160 notion; 160 substantial; 154 inquire; 148 quantity; 147 preserve; 145 diverse; 143 passion; 137 faculty; 130 intelligence; 124 vision; 121 mere; 118 assign; 118 proportion; 116 evident; 113 supreme; 112 acquire; 110 division; 108 formal; 107 element; 107 organ; 107 origin; 103 concept; 100 prior; 97 medium; 95 relative; 92 perceive; 91 sufficient; 89 arise; 87 assert; 83 aspect; 83 demonstrate; 83 latter; 82 fate; 81 doctrine; 80 import; 79 exclude; 78 motion; 76 principal; 75 succession; 74 cease; 73 constitute; 72 authority; 70 reveal; 70 speculate; 68 conclusion; 67 error; 67 moral; 67 mortal; 66 communicate; 64 flesh; 64 ultimate; 63 efficient; 62 external; 61 moreover; 60 dispose; 59 affirm; 59 charity; 58 correspond; 58 reside; 56 counsel; 56 simultaneous; 55 impose; 55 impression; 54 proof; 53 interior; 53 thereby; 52 formation; 51 conclude; 51 former; 50 logic; 50 source; 49 virtual; 47 designate; 47 passage; 46 conceive; 45 exceed; 45 motive; 45 obtain; 45 voluntary; 44 withdraw; 42 affection; 42 ministry; 42 reward; 41 author; 41 execute; 41 strict; 40 retain; 39 ancient; 39 convert; 38 function; 37 presence; 36 mutual; 34 distant; 33 compound; 33 confirm; 32 etc; 31 absence; 31 confess; 31 declare; 31 founded; 31 subsequent; 30 concrete; 29 comprise; 29 consequence; 29 fulfil; 29 vital; 28 contradict; 27 accompany; 27 capacity; 27 reflect; 26 variety; 25 literal; 25 resemble; 24 grasp; 24 occupy; 23 precise; 23 transform; 22 accomplish; 22 negative; 21 adequate; 21 excess; 20 exclusive; 20 humour; 20 permanent; 20 priority; 20 regulate; 19 permit; 19 reject; 19 remote; 19 vice; 18 assault; 18 dimension; 18 intervene; 18 uniform; 17 consistent; 17 effective; 17 praise; 17 restrict; 16 architect; 16 catholic; 16 confer; 16 consume; 16 liberty; 16 respective; 15 endure; 15 foundation; 15 furthermore; 15 liberal; 15 mobile; 14 edition; 14 rank; 14 render; 13 convey; 13 enable; 13 extent; 13 perception; 13 scope; 13 solution; 13 solve; 13 theory; 13 transmit; 12 acquisition; 12 alien; 12 column; 12 custom; 12 embrace; 12 heal; 12 overcome; 12 ratio; 12 resolve; 12 subtle; 12 suspend; 11 fantasy; 11 instinct; 11 majority; 11 modify; 11 prohibit; 11 translate; 10 belief; 10 consent; 10 descend; 10 destruction; 10 goods; 10 moderate; 10 pupil; 10 reception; 10 remedy; 10 sole; 10 specify; 10 underlie; 9 aim; 9 condemn; 9 confine; 9 independent; 9 inhabit; 9 inherit; 9 penalty; 9 reproduce; 8 appropriate; 8 damn; 8 estimate; 8 gradual; 8 interpret; 8 narrate; 8 palm; 8 permission; 8 respond; 8 restrain; 8 succeed; 8 temperature; 7 administration; 7 approve; 7 boundary; 7 consult; 7 contend; 7 dense; 7 institute; 7 justify; 7 method; 7 organic; 7 phrase; 7 receiver; 7 visual; 6 accommodate; 6 adopt; 6 cite; 6 competent; 6 contrast; 6 devote; 6 display; 6 distribute; 6 extension; 6 frequent; 6 gross; 6 infant; 6 invent; 6 parallel; 6 premise; 6 rebel; 6 reverse; 6 sum; 6 sustain; 6 tragedy; 6 urge; 6 vague; 5 atom; 5 bishop; 5 complex; 5 constitution; 5 cooperate; 5 disorder; 5 dispute; 5 dominate; 5 equation; 5 flexible; 5 grave; 5 host; 5 hostile; 5 innovate; 5 mixture; 5 multiple; 5 numerous; 5 occupation; 5 profit; 5 substitute; 5 treasure; 5 welfare; 5 yield; 4 abandon; 4 agency; 4 allege; 4 angle; 4 cattle; 4 companion; 4 component; 4 consumption; 4 coordinate; 4 deliberate; 4 discharge; 4 discourse; 4 domestic; 4 electronic; 4 experiment; 4 explicit; 4 gravity; 4 inspire; 4 internal; 4 liable; 4 link; 4 objective; 4 persuade; 4 province; 4 restore; 4 sacrifice; 4 sequence; 4 sovereign; 4 survey; 4 transition; 4 utility; 4 vessel; 3 abuse; 3 accurate; 3 achieve; 3 ally; 3 amend; 3 clarify; 3 coin; 3 coincide; 3 conserve; 3 considerable; 3 content; 3 context; 3 decline; 3 decrease; 3 dedicate; 3 dialogue; 3 exception; 3 expansion; 3 extensive; 3 facility; 3 flee; 3 fundamental; 3 gaze; 3 gender; 3 ideal; 3 infect; 3 interfere; 3 intimate; 3 naked; 3 oblige; 3 opponent; 3 phase; 3 privilege; 3 provision; 3 radiate; 3 radical; 3 revolution; 3 significance; 3 symbol; 3 task; 3 temporary; 3 undergo; 3 valid; 3 volume; 3 weigh; 2 abroad; 2 acknowledge; 2 administrator; 2 alternative; 2 analyse; 2 assumption; 2 bench; 2 bible; 2 bid; 2 blast; 2 circuit; 2 civil; 2 comedy; 2 conflict; 2 constrain; 2 construct; 2 courage; 2 crystal; 2 defend; 2 delay; 2 depict; 2 description; 2 dictate; 2 disagree; 2 discriminate; 2 donate; 2 emerge; 2 emit; 2 emphasis; 2 equivalent; 2 explore; 2 fierce; 2 flavour; 2 gene; 2 gesture; 2 grain; 2 heritage; 2 implicate; 2 institution; 2 liquid; 2 mature; 2 merge; 2 modest; 2 nod; 2 personality; 2 perspective; 2 portion; 2 priest; 2 profound; 2 promote; 2 prompt; 2 relatives; 2 relieve; 2 resolution; 2 satisfaction; 2 shortly; 2 significant; 2 target; 2 undertake; 2 violence; 1 absorb; 1 accountable; 1 anticipate; 1 anxiety; 1 architecture; 1 assemble; 1 assess; 1 barrier; 1 border; 1 burden; 1 chemical; 1 circulate; 1 climate; 1 coalition; 1 collapse; 1 commission; 1 conduct; 1 convict; 1 correlate; 1 craft; 1 curve; 1 damp; 1 defeat; 1 device; 1 discreet; 1 drift; 1 echo; 1 elevate; 1 eliminate; 1 encounter; 1 enforce; 1 entitle; 1 executive; 1 extract; 1 forecast; 1 format; 1 foster; 1 frequency; 1 hazard; 1 horror; 1 household; 1 hypothesis; 1 impact; 1 incentive; 1 inflate; 1 insert; 1 joint; 1 legend; 1 meanwhile; 1 ocean; 1 offence; 1 outcome; 1 pace; 1 paragraph; 1 persist; 1 poverty; 1 provoke; 1 publish; 1 pursue; 1 random; 1 recognition; 1 refuge; 1 religion; 1 request; 1 response; 1 resume; 1 rival; 1 silent; 1 stain; 1 stem; 1 summit; 1 swell; 1 tender; 1 terror; 1 thorough; 1 tissue; 1 triumph; 1 unique; 1 urgent; 1 vast; 1 venture; 1 wealth; 1 weave; 1 youth;

Vocabulary Level 2000

(540 Word Families, 42181 Tokens, 8.92%, Accumulated: 89.21%)

3309 therefore; 2276 angel; 1788 soul; 1445 exist; 1308 knowledge; 1307 according; 1051 creature; 986 create; 920 belong; 878 thus; 854 species; 757 article; 728 regard; 647 object; 638 effect; 576 heaven; 554 evil; 492 operate; 480 image; 475 nor; 455 spirit; 436 ghost; 430 accident; 424 produce; 411 agent; 388 grace; 368 apply; 364 common; 346 separate; 342 receive; 331 whereas; 328 active; 325 neither; 314 generation; 302 individual; 295 opinion; 284 equal; 284 material; 275 manner; 272 desire; 268 wise; 245 remain; 230 possess; 225 unite; 223 compare; 216 instance; 208 account; 207 measure; 206 refer; 199 divide; 197 lower; 193 property; 189 require; 186 prove; 181 contain; 173 various; 164 gift; 163 immediate; 160 product; 158 glory; 155 observe; 154 habit; 153 respect; 150 otherwise; 139 faith; 138 oppose; 137 directed; 135 include; 135 justice; 134 argue; 128 due; 126 reduce; 125 quality; 122 future; 119 condition; 119 represent; 113 determine; 111 extend; 105 result; 104 mission; 100 instant; 100 opposite; 100 remove; 98 entire; 94 purpose; 90 direct; 85 seek; 84 excellent; 83 forth; 83 punish; 81 intent; 80 bless; 78 example; 77 assume; 76 memory; 76 prevent; 75 fail; 72 specific; 70 command; 68 practical; 67 speech; 66 fault; 66 previous; 66 pure; 61 union; 61 vary; 59 maintain; 59 occur; 58 altogether; 58 guard; 57 chief; 56 minister; 55 mystery; 54 describe; 54 distance; 54 grade; 54 wicked; 53 gather; 53 limit; 53 tempt; 52 instrument; 51 quote; 51 strength; 49 deny; 49 intend; 49 sake; 48 seed; 47 flow; 47 perform; 47 resist; 46 similar; 46 weak; 45 affect; 45 assist; 45 identify; 44 destroy; 43 exercise; 42 capable; 42 mental; 42 provide; 40 appoint; 40 influence; 39 establish; 39 process; 39 trace; 38 male; 37 approach; 37 contact; 37 increase; 36 grant; 36 joy; 36 saint; 35 extreme; 35 owe; 35 pleasure; 34 confuse; 34 connect; 33 advance; 33 fashion; 33 moon; 32 anger; 32 avoid; 31 elect; 31 lack; 31 pray; 30 correct; 30 female; 30 impress; 28 alter; 28 circle; 28 event; 27 original; 26 affair; 26 bind; 26 instruct; 26 mirror; 26 surface; 25 blind; 25 intense; 25 reckon; 24 indicate; 24 mix; 24 propose; 24 ray; 24 region; 23 adapt; 23 atmosphere; 23 occasion; 22 pride; 21 firm; 21 lion; 21 patient; 21 plain; 21 remark; 21 tongue; 20 mathematics; 20 medicine; 19 breathe; 19 community; 19 design; 19 lasted; 19 secret; 18 delight; 18 transfer; 17 guide; 17 harm; 17 ill; 16 length; 16 sentence; 15 cloud; 15 evidence; 15 pleasant; 15 progress; 15 root; 14 benefit; 14 bitter; 14 commit; 14 council; 14 escape; 14 fool; 14 pour; 14 topic; 13 brain; 13 comment; 13 direction; 13 injure; 13 ordinary; 13 qualify; 13 stable; 13 suffer; 12 cast; 12 contract; 12 dive; 12 examine; 12 loss; 12 motor; 11 announce; 11 asleep; 11 dare; 11 peace; 11 shine; 10 admire; 10 aside; 10 energy; 10 labour; 10 magic; 10 period; 10 politics; 10 slave; 10 supply; 10 violent; 10 witness; 9 copy; 9 deserve; 9 detail; 9 gain; 9 guilty; 9 introduce; 9 minor; 9 model; 9 season; 9 society; 9 spare; 9 style; 9 super; 8 army; 8 attach; 8 conscious; 8 creep; 8 crown; 8 debt; 8 deliver; 8 forgive; 8 per; 8 pet; 8 recognize; 8 ridiculous; 8 soldier; 8 wolf; 7 alive; 7 casual; 7 disturb; 7 fruit; 7 investigate; 7 positive; 7 series; 7 sheep; 7 states; 6 aid; 6 apple; 6 attend; 6 bond; 6 character; 6 disappear; 6 discuss; 6 duty; 6 expose; 6 favour; 6 frustrate; 6 innocent; 6 knife; 6 murder; 6 prefer; 6 presume; 6 pronounce; 6 recover; 6 satisfy; 6 search; 6 social; 6 somewhat; 6 version; 5 assure; 5 awake; 5 chain; 5 circumstance; 5 cure; 5 demand; 5 desert; 5 develop; 5 familiar; 5 flame; 5 height; 5 honey; 5 iron; 5 journey; 5 keen; 5 mass; 5 november; 5 poet; 5 pretend; 5 private; 5 profession; 5 quit; 5 rare; 5 refuse; 5 repeat; 5 roof; 5 seal; 5 solid; 5 surround; 5 threat; 5 unit; 4 advantage; 4 associate; 4 attack; 4 attention; 4 battle; 4 bend; 4 cap; 4 chapter; 4 claim; 4 combine; 4 convince; 4 dust; 4 entertain; 4 fox; 4 military; 4 mount; 4 nowhere; 4 physical; 4 poison; 4 rapid; 4 select; 4 sharp; 4 storm; 4 stream; 4 title; 4 trial; 3 attempt; 3 blame; 3 breast; 3 concentrate; 3 defence; 3 enemy; 3 foreign; 3 lightly; 3 maximum; 3 modern; 3 planet; 3 proud; 3 range; 3 recall; 3 repair; 3 replace; 3 reserve; 3 royal; 3 shadow; 3 shed; 3 silver; 3 site; 3 skill; 3 spread; 3 struggle; 3 survive; 3 upper; 3 warn; 3 wing; 3 worm; 2 access; 2 accuse; 2 appeal; 2 average; 2 balance; 2 bare; 2 bark; 2 bee; 2 blank; 2 borrow; 2 brave; 2 broad; 2 calm; 2 citizen; 2 cow; 2 culture; 2 decision; 2 dragon; 2 effort; 2 exchange; 2 fancy; 2 flight; 2 fortune; 2 frog; 2 gate; 2 giant; 2 hedge; 2 ignore; 2 invite; 2 kindly; 2 knee; 2 language; 2 marvel; 2 mask; 2 meat; 2 medical; 2 metal; 2 mud; 2 partner; 2 pig; 2 pole; 2 practise; 2 pregnant; 2 relax; 2 research; 2 ruin; 2 sand; 2 silence; 2 stretch; 2 tin; 2 twin; 2 wound; 1 advice; 1 advise; 1 attitude; 1 attract; 1 available; 1 basis; 1 bat; 1 bow; 1 brief; 1 brilliant; 1 bucket; 1 champion; 1 channel; 1 chest; 1 classic; 1 cloth; 1 coal; 1 constant; 1 contribute; 1 crowd; 1 current; 1 disease; 1 dish; 1 economy; 1 elder; 1 emotion; 1 encourage; 1 exhaust; 1 famous; 1 feather; 1 feature; 1 folk; 1 frame; 1 furniture; 1 goal; 1 heap; 1 improve; 1 insist; 1 inspect; 1 interrupt; 1 lamb; 1 lean; 1 lend; 1 lesson; 1 library; 1 likely; 1 locate; 1 message; 1 narrow; 1 nerve; 1 nest; 1 non; 1 northern; 1 pity; 1 plane; 1 popular; 1 president; 1 print; 1 recommend; 1 release; 1 rely; 1 risk; 1 roar; 1 rob; 1 rope; 1 row; 1 salt; 1 screen; 1 shame; 1 sink; 1 soil; 1 southern; 1 speed; 1 staff; 1 stamp; 1 steady; 1 stir; 1 string; 1 strip; 1 stroke; 1 thief; 1 tide; 1 tool; 1 tough; 1 tower; 1 tradition; 1 twist; 1 value; 1 vegetable; 1 weapon;

Vocabulary Level 1000

(764 Word Families, 379805 Tokens, 80.29%, Accumulated: 80.29%)

38847 the; 32279 be; 19537 of; 13936 to; 12483 in; 10393 it; 9788 and; 9472 a; 8666 that; 8539 as; 7642 not; 5645 but; 5629 he; 5607 by; 5098 god; 4915 thing; 4413 for; 4252 which; 3953 say; 3849 they; 3783 from; 3693 this; 3372 we; 3156 have; 2885 nature; 2756 can; 2504 one; 2494 do; 2309 some; 2125 man; 2036 there; 2029 all; 2017 power; 1982 or; 1913 act; 1900 so; 1895 reply; 1793 know; 1761 body; 1726 form; 1715 what; 1543 other; 1525 would; 1523 will; 1521 good; 1520 cause; 1509 understand; 1467 further; 1431 because; 1429 move; 1395 first; 1366 if; 1329 only; 1275 on; 1249 perfect; 1242 who; 1225 any; 1201 order; 1200 same; 1194 with; 1187 make; 1185 person; 1162 whether; 1151 i; 1143 way; 1076 now; 1073 reason; 1069 matter; 1068 since; 1043 no; 1032 another; 1022 more; 1007 above; 999 than; 974 every; 967 seem; 902 name; 900 also; 884 must; 876 when; 870 word; 866 such; 839 father; 839 part; 838 relate; 810 son; 777 call; 767 sense; 745 love; 744 see; 685 may; 676 art; 660 proper; 656 time; 655 place; 647 answer; 647 consider; 641 three; 627 nothing; 610 follow; 609 through; 606 second; 585 take; 575 state; 575 subject; 557 own; 554 end; 554 life; 554 light; 540 two; 539 mean; 535 at; 519 truth; 511 work; 508 animal; 505 certain; 472 like; 453 true; 450 actual; 450 speak; 448 many; 447 whole; 446 human; 444 necessary; 438 far; 435 each; 431 day; 431 give; 426 should; 425 then; 421 possible; 415 both; 410 clear; 399 high; 399 yet; 395 even; 395 kind; 384 however; 383 without; 382 show; 379 into; 377 change; 377 idea; 369 term; 361 although; 360 before; 355 after; 348 come; 334 mind; 334 out; 333 begin; 333 either; 333 use; 318 different; 316 find; 314 alone; 309 while; 307 hold; 303 appear; 294 great; 293 except; 292 under; 289 world; 288 number; 285 four; 280 simple; 278 particular; 275 earth; 267 absolute; 262 explain; 251 could; 245 send; 243 write; 242 just; 242 very; 241 point; 240 less; 240 need; 237 between; 236 advertise; 236 fact; 233 always; 227 else; 226 science; 225 among; 224 govern; 223 water; 221 live; 212 express; 208 though; 206 add; 199 fire; 197 happen; 196 concern; 192 imagine; 191 upon; 187 difference; 187 judge; 184 rather; 183 over; 182 much; 180 against; 179 question; 176 most; 174 real; 172 case; 170 present; 170 toward; 169 think; 167 degree; 158 about; 158 unless; 156 better; 156 lord; 149 shall; 149 where; 144 heat; 140 again; 140 several; 138 fit; 132 suppose; 130 still; 128 turn; 128 white; 125 depend; 125 general; 124 indeed; 124 sun; 120 colour; 120 fall; 120 together; 119 local; 118 hand; 117 able; 117 five; 116 bring; 115 already; 115 continue; 115 how; 114 become; 114 book; 113 air; 112 within; 110 here; 110 six; 109 rest; 108 food; 108 teach; 106 might; 106 stand; 105 rule; 105 type; 104 pass; 104 sight; 102 plant; 102 you; 100 woman; 98 agree; 98 new; 98 stone; 97 ought; 97 treat; 96 away; 96 up; 93 sign; 92 beside; 92 lead; 91 never; 91 once; 91 really; 90 happy; 90 special; 89 go; 89 master; 88 apart; 88 born; 88 king; 86 last; 86 seven; 84 child; 84 free; 83 complete; 83 dark; 83 especially; 83 tend; 82 eye; 82 mention; 81 house; 81 save; 78 ever; 75 choice; 75 head; 74 force; 73 long; 72 admit; 71 beyond; 71 let; 70 keep; 66 suit; 62 choose; 62 evening; 62 health; 62 learn; 62 pain; 62 why; 61 believe; 61 touch; 60 least; 59 law; 59 near; 59 put; 59 wish; 58 eight; 57 star; 56 next; 55 draw; 55 morning; 55 set; 55 tree; 54 down; 54 middle; 54 past; 53 build; 52 figure; 52 well; 51 bad; 51 bear; 51 right; 50 help; 49 join; 48 difficult; 48 full; 48 she; 47 best; 47 birth; 47 lose; 47 want; 46 heart; 46 hot; 46 shape; 46 view; 45 enjoy; 45 enter; 45 sit; 44 involve; 44 short; 43 late; 43 reach; 42 hear; 42 hide; 41 beauty; 41 death; 41 experience; 41 quite; 41 rise; 40 final; 40 none; 40 old; 40 read; 39 chance; 39 serve; 39 sort; 39 total; 38 care; 38 office; 37 below; 37 fix; 37 lay; 37 rights; 37 small; 36 inform; 36 member; 35 probably; 35 return; 34 ask; 34 course; 34 raise; 33 bird; 33 face; 33 line; 33 self; 33 sound; 32 definite; 32 horse; 31 fear; 31 few; 31 fish; 31 share; 31 single; 31 too; 30 dead; 30 grow; 30 people; 30 prepare; 30 prince; 29 employ; 29 lie; 28 apparent; 28 night; 28 race; 27 age; 27 base; 27 black; 27 off; 27 run; 27 thousand; 26 feel; 26 parent; 26 strong; 25 cold; 25 fill; 25 land; 25 perhaps; 25 street; 24 doctor; 24 doubt; 24 sex; 24 sweet; 24 until; 23 allow; 23 beneath; 23 church; 23 hope; 23 soon; 22 class; 22 dry; 22 foot; 22 hell; 22 job; 22 look; 22 sea; 22 sleep; 22 space; 22 ten; 22 wood; 21 record; 21 remember; 20 arrive; 20 breath; 20 burn; 20 deep; 20 hurt; 20 nine; 20 please; 20 usual; 19 carry; 19 city; 19 cover; 19 discover; 19 eat; 19 moment; 19 taste; 19 weight; 18 enough; 18 often; 18 position; 18 side; 17 accept; 17 back; 17 bone; 17 easy; 17 forward; 17 mother; 17 note; 17 service; 17 wall; 16 flower; 15 bright; 15 collect; 15 cut; 15 heavy; 15 issue; 15 mark; 15 situation; 15 size; 15 wonder; 14 during; 14 left; 14 sick; 14 tell; 13 centre; 13 clothes; 13 hate; 13 hundred; 13 promise; 13 secure; 13 smell; 13 twelve; 13 walk; 13 year; 12 brother; 12 deal; 12 double; 12 field; 12 fly; 12 glance; 12 honour; 12 large; 12 leave; 12 offer; 12 open; 12 rich; 12 seat; 12 voice; 12 worse; 12 worth; 11 close; 11 danger; 11 ground; 11 rain; 11 wide; 10 instead; 10 little; 10 luck; 10 mountain; 10 spring; 9 amount; 9 arrange; 9 blood; 9 cry; 9 dream; 9 dress; 9 east; 9 fight; 9 gold; 9 hard; 9 meet; 9 mouth; 9 round; 8 conversation; 8 count; 8 early; 8 empty; 8 friend; 8 half; 8 kill; 8 lift; 8 nobody; 8 pay; 8 plan; 8 quick; 8 realise; 8 sad; 8 ship; 8 sure; 8 wind; 8 wrong; 7 clean; 7 die; 7 fresh; 7 girl; 7 green; 7 history; 7 nation; 7 neighbour; 7 protect; 7 public; 7 road; 7 soft; 7 sudden; 7 thirteen; 6 angry; 6 break; 6 dog; 6 drink; 6 eleven; 6 exact; 6 expect; 6 family; 6 fellow; 6 forget; 6 glass; 6 hour; 6 laugh; 6 lip; 6 low; 6 safe; 6 sorry; 6 suggest; 6 test; 6 till; 6 warm; 6 wine; 5 arm; 5 around; 5 charge; 5 control; 5 cross; 5 decide; 5 ear; 5 egg; 5 finish; 5 grandfather; 5 load; 5 music; 5 picture; 5 piece; 5 report; 5 strike; 5 study; 5 throw; 5 tomorrow; 5 try; 4 address; 4 afraid; 4 almost; 4 along; 4 daughter; 4 drop; 4 fast; 4 hang; 4 hardly; 4 marry; 4 obvious; 4 ready; 4 river; 4 rock; 4 sing; 4 slight; 4 snow; 4 stage; 4 step; 4 table; 4 tooth; 4 travel; 4 war; 4 watch; 4 young; 3 ashamed; 3 aware; 3 bed; 3 business; 3 company; 3 country; 3 couple; 3 dig; 3 excite; 3 feed; 3 garden; 3 hair; 3 hill; 3 ice; 3 leg; 3 letter; 3 listen; 3 lot; 3 money; 3 paint; 3 pardon; 3 play; 3 room; 3 shut; 3 stop; 3 support; 3 tie; 3 today; 3 west; 3 wild; 2 blow; 2 boat; 2 buy; 2 college; 2 cook; 2 cool; 2 door; 2 drive; 2 educate; 2 fair; 2 get; 2 group; 2 notice; 2 odd; 2 officer; 2 poor; 2 prison; 2 pull; 2 red; 2 sail; 2 smile; 2 smoke; 2 stick; 2 straight; 2 strange; 2 thick; 2 top; 2 trouble; 2 ugly; 2 wait; 2 wake; 2 waste; 2 weather; 2 wet; 2 wife; 1 basic; 1 beat; 1 behind; 1 bread; 1 bush; 1 busy; 1 catch; 1 chicken; 1 christmas; 1 comfort; 1 computer; 1 cost; 1 drug; 1 excuse; 1 fat; 1 fine; 1 finger; 1 fright; 1 glad; 1 grass; 1 hunger; 1 hunt; 1 husband; 1 important; 1 insure; 1 level; 1 list; 1 mad; 1 main; 1 milk; 1 month; 1 owned; 1 page; 1 pound; 1 press; 1 problem; 1 quarter; 1 queen; 1 quiet; 1 responsible; 1 rid; 1 sell; 1 settle; 1 shoe; 1 shoot; 1 shoulder; 1 skin; 1 slip; 1 song; 1 south; 1 spend; 1 spot; 1 start; 1 station; 1 stay; 1 story; 1 student; 1 summer; 1 sunday; 1 surprise; 1 swim; 1 talk; 1 thirst; 1 tire; 1 train; 1 twenty; 1 visit; 1 week; 1 winter; 1 yellow; 1 yesterday;

Catalog Data

Vocabulary Coverage
(Difficult: 98%, Appropriate: 99%)
Conventional Readability Formula
Title Author Translator Born Died 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9% Word Count (Pages) Words per Sentence Syllables per Word Fog Index Flesch Reading Ease Flesch-Kincaid
Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) From the Complete American Edition Thomas, Aquinas, Saint 1225 1274 3000 4000 6000 11000 13000 20000 486564
17.0 1.55 12.7 58.7 9.3
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