Vocabulary Frequency Spectrum

Applevelwfam2562 Levelwfam2562

Vocabulary List

Vocabulary Level 25000

(3 Word Families, 4 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 100.00%)

2 ceres; 1 lickspittle; 1 phoebus;

Vocabulary Level 24000

(2 Word Families, 5 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.97%)

3 dotard; 2 huzza;

Vocabulary Level 23000

(3 Word Families, 3 Tokens, 0.02%, Accumulated: 99.94%)

1 bacchic; 1 forsooth; 1 transliterate;

Vocabulary Level 22000

(4 Word Families, 52 Tokens, 0.36%, Accumulated: 99.92%)

44 jupiter; 6 exeunt; 1 curricle; 1 pettifog;

Vocabulary Level 21000

(2 Word Families, 3 Tokens, 0.02%, Accumulated: 99.55%)

2 chaplet; 1 befoul;

Vocabulary Level 20000

(3 Word Families, 5 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.53%)

2 confute; 2 prate; 1 quoth;

Vocabulary Level 19000

(5 Word Families, 8 Tokens, 0.06%, Accumulated: 99.50%)

3 aether; 2 mattock; 1 begone; 1 behoove; 1 inclose;

Vocabulary Level 18000

(5 Word Families, 284 Tokens, 1.98%, Accumulated: 99.44%)

271 strep; 10 blackguard; 1 drachma; 1 foresake; 1 sententious;

Vocabulary Level 17000

(8 Word Families, 9 Tokens, 0.06%, Accumulated: 97.47%)

2 parricide; 1 antediluvian; 1 briny; 1 circumlocute; 1 delphic; 1 dexterous; 1 disquisition; 1 encomium;

Vocabulary Level 16000

(4 Word Families, 6 Tokens, 0.04%, Accumulated: 97.40%)

3 hearken; 1 agora; 1 inasmuch; 1 quadruped;

Vocabulary Level 15000

(9 Word Families, 14 Tokens, 0.10%, Accumulated: 97.36%)

4 sophist; 3 libation; 1 abstruse; 1 filch; 1 frankincense; 1 outrigger; 1 soothsayer; 1 trident; 1 whosoever;

Vocabulary Level 14000

(14 Word Families, 15 Tokens, 0.10%, Accumulated: 97.27%)

2 lyre; 1 dissemble; 1 haggis; 1 herculean; 1 heretofore; 1 jerkin; 1 licentious; 1 mullet; 1 personae; 1 ribald; 1 supercilious; 1 tanner; 1 usury; 1 whither;

Vocabulary Level 13000

(11 Word Families, 30 Tokens, 0.21%, Accumulated: 97.16%)

12 hither; 3 boor; 3 knave; 3 wherefore; 2 lisp; 2 thrice; 1 askance; 1 bombastic; 1 buffoon; 1 effeminate; 1 humbug;

Vocabulary Level 12000

(18 Word Families, 31 Tokens, 0.22%, Accumulated: 96.95%)

5 gnat; 4 beseech; 3 impudent; 2 centaur; 2 debauch; 2 imposter; 2 redolent; 1 abominate; 1 booby; 1 cipher; 1 damsel; 1 glutton; 1 lunacy; 1 patrimony; 1 promontory; 1 propitious; 1 propound; 1 uterine;

Vocabulary Level 11000

(25 Word Families, 34 Tokens, 0.24%, Accumulated: 96.74%)

3 lewd; 2 bade; 2 impetuous; 2 kindred; 2 radish; 2 squalid; 2 thence; 2 wick; 1 adduce; 1 bane; 1 cormorant; 1 embolden; 1 entreat; 1 flay; 1 glib; 1 grasshopper; 1 hippo; 1 pallid; 1 quaver; 1 rascal; 1 rote; 1 simile; 1 singe; 1 straightaway; 1 surety;

Vocabulary Level 10000

(40 Word Families, 66 Tokens, 0.46%, Accumulated: 96.50%)

6 vortex; 5 smite; 4 antiquated; 4 chastise; 4 goad; 3 deity; 2 audacious; 2 equestrian; 2 frugal; 2 quibble; 2 stead; 2 wanton; 1 aegis; 1 astray; 1 bawl; 1 crafty; 1 defraud; 1 dill; 1 dishonour; 1 embezzle; 1 fondle; 1 haughty; 1 impunity; 1 insolent; 1 loiter; 1 navel; 1 nymph; 1 ointment; 1 peeve; 1 phallus; 1 pillage; 1 prostrate; 1 respiration; 1 saffron; 1 swindle; 1 temperance; 1 tempest; 1 thrush; 1 valour; 1 yew;

Vocabulary Level 9000

(31 Word Families, 77 Tokens, 0.54%, Accumulated: 96.04%)

31 dis; 4 perjury; 3 jeer; 3 meteorological; 3 omen; 3 rump; 2 anoint; 2 breech; 2 henceforth; 2 knead; 2 quack; 1 afar; 1 bailiff; 1 bravo; 1 dainty; 1 divulge; 1 dung; 1 ember; 1 grievous; 1 hash; 1 imbue; 1 jest; 1 parch; 1 poplar; 1 pretext; 1 profane; 1 stag; 1 valiant; 1 wager; 1 whence; 1 yon;

Vocabulary Level 8000

(41 Word Families, 65 Tokens, 0.45%, Accumulated: 95.50%)

8 nay; 3 celestial; 3 chariot; 3 dew; 3 orator; 2 fleece; 2 gnaw; 2 gymnastics; 2 miscarry; 2 plunder; 2 recline; 2 trifle; 2 vex; 2 wont; 1 aloft; 1 annihilate; 1 babble; 1 besiege; 1 commons; 1 countenance; 1 dogma; 1 eel; 1 elate; 1 hoax; 1 oblique; 1 palpable; 1 pelt; 1 pheasant; 1 ply; 1 practicable; 1 pumpkin; 1 resound; 1 scoff; 1 squabble; 1 squander; 1 thicket; 1 trans; 1 tumult; 1 vale; 1 venerable; 1 vile;

Vocabulary Level 7000

(55 Word Families, 96 Tokens, 0.67%, Accumulated: 95.05%)

7 contrive; 6 maxim; 4 complexion; 4 lest; 3 flea; 3 misfortune; 3 throttle; 2 adultery; 2 broth; 2 coward; 2 devour; 2 divinity; 2 expend; 2 indebted; 2 ordain; 2 paternal; 2 prick; 2 refute; 2 rejoice; 2 remit; 2 reproach; 2 rustic; 2 snore; 2 subtlety; 2 trample; 1 affidavit; 1 astound; 1 barley; 1 blunder; 1 choral; 1 confound; 1 covet; 1 craze; 1 dame; 1 downright; 1 drizzle; 1 eject; 1 elm; 1 extravagance; 1 fruitful; 1 glee; 1 grope; 1 inventive; 1 kindle; 1 liken; 1 lofty; 1 obliterate; 1 panther; 1 pervert; 1 pry; 1 repent; 1 suffocate; 1 titan; 1 vehement; 1 vulgar;

Vocabulary Level 6000

(67 Word Families, 138 Tokens, 0.96%, Accumulated: 94.38%)

16 wretch; 15 justly; 8 perish; 7 disciple; 5 deceive; 4 intellect; 3 folly; 3 ignorant; 3 lizard; 3 mischief; 3 slipper; 2 abound; 2 acquit; 2 attic; 2 behold; 2 deride; 2 gape; 2 pant; 2 rave; 2 refrain; 2 slippery; 2 thrash; 2 villain; 1 accord; 1 accrue; 1 adorn; 1 afflict; 1 alas; 1 allot; 1 assail; 1 banish; 1 bellow; 1 bladder; 1 compass; 1 crow; 1 despise; 1 dignify; 1 diligent; 1 err; 1 evade; 1 flute; 1 frenzy; 1 grieve; 1 grumble; 1 heed; 1 heroine; 1 lily; 1 lo; 1 mercury; 1 niece; 1 parsley; 1 reed; 1 revel; 1 rogue; 1 rugged; 1 savour; 1 scribble; 1 shear; 1 sleek; 1 sling; 1 stout; 1 sturdy; 1 swarm; 1 syllable; 1 trump; 1 woe; 1 zeal;

Vocabulary Level 5000

(100 Word Families, 185 Tokens, 1.29%, Accumulated: 93.42%)

9 conquer; 7 chorus; 6 masculine; 6 torch; 5 cloak; 5 meditate; 4 clap; 4 cock; 4 spectator; 3 chatter; 3 disgrace; 3 dreadful; 3 expel; 3 feast; 3 mistress; 3 petty; 3 renown; 3 revere; 3 rite; 3 sprinkle; 2 ail; 2 giggle; 2 hail; 2 hurl; 2 implant; 2 inflict; 2 intestine; 2 knight; 2 lightning; 2 moist; 2 muse; 2 nurture; 2 persuasion; 2 precipitate; 2 presently; 2 recite; 2 revolve; 2 rumble; 2 tablet; 2 trumpet; 2 vine; 2 withhold; 1 advocacy; 1 aerial; 1 ass; 1 blush; 1 bribe; 1 brow; 1 chemist; 1 cleanse; 1 commend; 1 compliment; 1 comrade; 1 conspicuous; 1 dart; 1 decree; 1 discern; 1 disposition; 1 dread; 1 drought; 1 drunken; 1 encompass; 1 eternal; 1 festive; 1 flutter; 1 glitter; 1 hen; 1 hinder; 1 howl; 1 incumbent; 1 incur; 1 lament; 1 litigate; 1 lust; 1 magistrate; 1 marathon; 1 mortar; 1 mystic; 1 oath; 1 offspring; 1 ornament; 1 pending; 1 perch; 1 plough; 1 potent; 1 procession; 1 prudent; 1 rake; 1 robust; 1 slack; 1 slender; 1 solemn; 1 sprout; 1 stud; 1 torment; 1 transparent; 1 utterly; 1 void; 1 wallet; 1 witch;

Vocabulary Level 4000

(132 Word Families, 270 Tokens, 1.88%, Accumulated: 92.14%)

15 thou; 13 thunder; 10 exit; 9 weep; 8 obey; 8 sacred; 6 miserable; 6 nonsense; 6 summon; 6 verse; 5 utter; 4 belly; 3 abundant; 3 ash; 3 aye; 3 bold; 3 depart; 3 deprive; 3 devil; 3 feminine; 3 idle; 3 incline; 3 moisture; 3 necessity; 3 reign; 2 absent; 2 acquaint; 2 astronomy; 2 chaos; 2 choke; 2 compel; 2 concede; 2 contrary; 2 couch; 2 deem; 2 distress; 2 dwell; 2 envy; 2 flour; 2 flourish; 2 guardian; 2 hollow; 2 imitate; 2 mighty; 2 mist; 2 olive; 2 rattle; 2 repay; 2 roses; 2 temple; 2 tremble; 2 virgin; 2 wax; 1 absurd; 1 accustom; 1 adjacent; 1 basin; 1 bathe; 1 beast; 1 blaze; 1 bounds; 1 bull; 1 buzz; 1 cave; 1 clerk; 1 comply; 1 comprehend; 1 cultivate; 1 dash; 1 departure; 1 dip; 1 distract; 1 divine; 1 dull; 1 exempt; 1 expedition; 1 eyebrow; 1 fist; 1 fraud; 1 geometry; 1 goat; 1 greed; 1 grind; 1 hammer; 1 handsome; 1 harmony; 1 haste; 1 induce; 1 indulge; 1 insult; 1 interval; 1 invoke; 1 jar; 1 ladder; 1 leisure; 1 longing; 1 melody; 1 monarch; 1 mourn; 1 mutter; 1 noble; 1 oppress; 1 pledge; 1 poke; 1 prescribe; 1 prevail; 1 prostitute; 1 pursuit; 1 ram; 1 refine; 1 roast; 1 scrutiny; 1 snatch; 1 sparkle; 1 spit; 1 stadium; 1 statue; 1 sting; 1 stitch; 1 stuffed; 1 supper; 1 thigh; 1 thread; 1 tile; 1 torture; 1 tumble; 1 upwards; 1 wagon; 1 waist; 1 weary; 1 whale; 1 worship;

Vocabulary Level 3000

(185 Word Families, 364 Tokens, 2.53%, Accumulated: 90.26%)

15 youth; 9 modest; 8 mortal; 8 persuade; 7 former; 6 audience; 6 deposit; 6 permit; 6 rear; 6 sacrifice; 5 ancient; 5 nevertheless; 5 talent; 4 abuse; 4 declare; 4 descend; 4 obtain; 4 overcome; 4 perceive; 4 prosper; 4 rhythm; 4 speculate; 4 subtle; 3 arise; 3 comedy; 3 evident; 3 festival; 3 notion; 3 pupil; 3 resemble; 3 seize; 3 suspend; 2 author; 2 beam; 2 bid; 2 cease; 2 communicate; 2 confer; 2 contend; 2 contest; 2 contradict; 2 convict; 2 counsel; 2 courage; 2 defendant; 2 demonstrate; 2 dense; 2 device; 2 differ; 2 discourse; 2 dispute; 2 doctrine; 2 domestic; 2 endure; 2 exceed; 2 exhibit; 2 goods; 2 hip; 2 holy; 2 inflate; 2 inhabit; 2 initiate; 2 intelligence; 2 mere; 2 motion; 2 naked; 2 neglect; 2 numerous; 2 ocean; 2 passage; 2 portion; 2 praise; 2 principle; 2 proceed; 2 rage; 2 rail; 2 reward; 2 senses; 2 silent; 2 summit; 2 superior; 2 thorough; 2 victory; 2 weave; 1 abstract; 1 academy; 1 accompany; 1 accurate; 1 acknowledge; 1 advocate; 1 ally; 1 assembly; 1 assert; 1 behave; 1 blast; 1 cancel; 1 carve; 1 celebrate; 1 coin; 1 column; 1 compound; 1 compromise; 1 conceive; 1 concept; 1 confidence; 1 confirm; 1 consult; 1 consume; 1 crisis; 1 cycle; 1 defeat; 1 defend; 1 delay; 1 democrat; 1 description; 1 dismiss; 1 display; 1 distinct; 1 distinguish; 1 eager; 1 edition; 1 entitle; 1 entrance; 1 excess; 1 extraordinary; 1 false; 1 fate; 1 fee; 1 fierce; 1 flesh; 1 foster; 1 furthermore; 1 generous; 1 greet; 1 harsh; 1 impression; 1 infant; 1 innovate; 1 interior; 1 invent; 1 laughter; 1 leather; 1 logic; 1 luxury; 1 method; 1 moderate; 1 negative; 1 offend; 1 pale; 1 passion; 1 penalty; 1 philosophy; 1 pit; 1 precede; 1 preserve; 1 priest; 1 principal; 1 prompt; 1 prosecute; 1 provision; 1 pursue; 1 puzzle; 1 random; 1 reflect; 1 reform; 1 reputation; 1 request; 1 restrain; 1 revolution; 1 severe; 1 shield; 1 slice; 1 sovereign; 1 sufficient; 1 survey; 1 territory; 1 toss; 1 tragedy; 1 transmit; 1 undergo; 1 variety; 1 veteran; 1 violence; 1 virtue; 1 whisper;

Vocabulary Level 2000

(294 Word Families, 862 Tokens, 6.00%, Accumulated: 87.72%)

41 pray; 29 nor; 23 clever; 21 cloud; 19 therefore; 16 account; 16 wise; 15 suffer; 13 argue; 12 immediate; 11 receive; 10 destroy; 10 justice; 10 moon; 9 assure; 9 witness; 8 debt; 8 excellent; 8 forth; 8 swear; 7 desire; 7 measure; 7 seek; 7 tongue; 7 wrap; 6 evil; 6 fool; 6 heaven; 6 length; 6 rely; 6 roof; 6 thus; 5 basket; 5 borrow; 5 delight; 5 distance; 5 ease; 5 injure; 5 observe; 5 poet; 5 prove; 5 purpose; 5 sake; 4 according; 4 advise; 4 affair; 4 attention; 4 awake; 4 benefit; 4 burst; 4 cast; 4 cheat; 4 deny; 4 exist; 4 fashion; 4 gain; 4 ill; 4 labour; 4 lamp; 4 manner; 4 mount; 4 neither; 4 opinion; 4 owe; 4 pleasure; 4 possess; 4 property; 4 punish; 4 ruin; 4 rush; 4 shame; 4 spirit; 3 apply; 3 approach; 3 blame; 3 bug; 3 crown; 3 entertain; 3 escape; 3 introduce; 3 male; 3 memory; 3 narrow; 3 path; 3 pitch; 3 pour; 3 practise; 3 propose; 3 search; 3 soul; 3 sword; 3 wicked; 2 admire; 2 advance; 2 advantage; 2 asleep; 2 attempt; 2 attend; 2 attract; 2 august; 2 bee; 2 bend; 2 bite; 2 blanket; 2 bless; 2 bloom; 2 brave; 2 capital; 2 chest; 2 commit; 2 credit; 2 desert; 2 disturb; 2 drag; 2 enemy; 2 examine; 2 fancy; 2 favour; 2 female; 2 fortune; 2 fruit; 2 grace; 2 harm; 2 instruct; 2 jaw; 2 maintain; 2 map; 2 march; 2 melt; 2 modern; 2 oak; 2 occasion; 2 plain; 2 recover; 2 regard; 2 remain; 2 retire; 2 ridiculous; 2 season; 2 senior; 2 sheep; 2 shiver; 2 skill; 2 speech; 2 stretch; 2 trial; 2 trick; 2 wolf; 1 advice; 1 alarm; 1 alter; 1 amuse; 1 apple; 1 appreciate; 1 army; 1 assist; 1 associate; 1 attach; 1 attack; 1 band; 1 bare; 1 battle; 1 beg; 1 belong; 1 bind; 1 block; 1 boil; 1 brain; 1 brick; 1 brief; 1 broad; 1 calculate; 1 cap; 1 character; 1 chase; 1 chop; 1 command; 1 confuse; 1 constant; 1 contain; 1 contract; 1 correct; 1 creature; 1 crowd; 1 curl; 1 current; 1 damage; 1 dare; 1 decent; 1 deliver; 1 describe; 1 deserve; 1 detect; 1 dine; 1 direction; 1 elder; 1 engage; 1 equal; 1 establish; 1 evidence; 1 exercise; 1 expense; 1 expose; 1 fail; 1 fault; 1 flame; 1 float; 1 flow; 1 folk; 1 fox; 1 frog; 1 future; 1 gate; 1 gift; 1 glory; 1 grand; 1 grant; 1 guilty; 1 habit; 1 heap; 1 height; 1 honey; 1 image; 1 increase; 1 instrument; 1 intend; 1 interrupt; 1 investigate; 1 iron; 1 leap; 1 legal; 1 lend; 1 lesson; 1 loose; 1 lower; 1 mathematics; 1 medicine; 1 mental; 1 minister; 1 mirror; 1 mix; 1 mystery; 1 native; 1 nowhere; 1 object; 1 oppose; 1 opposite; 1 original; 1 otherwise; 1 oven; 1 peace; 1 pleasant; 1 polish; 1 prefer; 1 pronounce; 1 proud; 1 purchase; 1 ray; 1 recognize; 1 refer; 1 regular; 1 remove; 1 represent; 1 require; 1 roar; 1 root; 1 rub; 1 rude; 1 salt; 1 sand; 1 sausage; 1 scene; 1 sharp; 1 shave; 1 shine; 1 shower; 1 similar; 1 smart; 1 smash; 1 spoil; 1 spread; 1 staff; 1 stir; 1 stock; 1 stream; 1 supply; 1 survive; 1 swallow; 1 sweep; 1 threat; 1 tone; 1 twist; 1 wool; 1 wound;

Vocabulary Level 1000

(618 Word Families, 11744 Tokens, 81.73%, Accumulated: 81.73%)

666 i; 638 you; 637 the; 548 be; 523 and; 430 to; 323 of; 277 a; 229 he; 210 this; 196 do; 192 for; 180 what; 168 in; 168 not; 168 that; 166 have; 163 it; 157 they; 142 but; 141 will; 135 by; 128 then; 111 with; 108 if; 97 we; 73 from; 71 who; 66 as; 66 at; 64 man; 63 come; 62 how; 59 just; 58 now; 57 shall; 56 on; 55 say; 53 when; 49 one; 48 see; 46 god; 45 which; 44 any; 44 no; 44 so; 42 go; 42 or; 42 why; 41 all; 41 first; 41 learn; 40 tell; 37 should; 37 think; 36 know; 36 thing; 32 make; 32 would; 31 yet; 30 out; 30 speak; 29 cause; 29 other; 29 up; 28 father; 28 good; 28 great; 27 about; 27 old; 27 teach; 26 most; 26 son; 26 take; 25 beat; 25 day; 25 little; 25 she; 25 some; 24 call; 24 through; 23 give; 23 upon; 23 use; 23 very; 23 well; 22 even; 22 time; 22 wish; 21 like; 21 two; 20 may; 20 money; 19 after; 19 get; 19 house; 19 let; 19 new; 19 there; 18 become; 18 fellow; 18 into; 18 many; 18 while; 18 yes; 17 again; 17 boy; 17 down; 17 ever; 17 law; 17 long; 17 mean; 17 way; 16 enter; 16 hear; 16 here; 16 pay; 15 because; 15 more; 15 ought; 15 than; 14 nothing; 14 turn; 14 where; 14 word; 13 against; 13 air; 13 also; 13 must; 13 own; 13 same; 12 able; 12 before; 12 certain; 12 consider; 12 door; 12 earth; 12 look; 12 matter; 12 rain; 12 reason; 12 since; 11 bring; 11 happy; 11 name; 11 possible; 11 quick; 11 run; 11 suit; 10 among; 10 better; 10 can; 10 horse; 10 love; 10 place; 10 present; 10 within; 10 without; 10 woman; 9 appear; 9 ask; 9 away; 9 course; 9 drive; 9 eye; 9 indeed; 9 interest; 9 keep; 9 mind; 9 nature; 9 off; 9 person; 9 too; 9 worse; 8 act; 8 add; 8 believe; 8 both; 8 fall; 8 friend; 8 high; 8 hold; 8 honour; 8 marry; 8 meet; 8 open; 8 order; 8 serve; 8 such; 8 whether; 8 whole; 7 always; 7 another; 7 care; 7 clear; 7 discover; 7 every; 7 fear; 7 full; 7 lay; 7 much; 7 never; 7 night; 7 rather; 7 right; 7 rights; 7 seem; 7 show; 7 sleep; 7 talk; 7 though; 7 voice; 6 alone; 6 bear; 6 child; 6 dear; 6 each; 6 else; 6 fine; 6 forget; 6 form; 6 head; 6 knock; 6 laugh; 6 lead; 6 light; 6 live; 6 part; 6 power; 6 set; 6 sing; 6 sir; 6 sit; 6 still; 6 toward; 5 bath; 5 body; 5 choose; 5 city; 5 could; 5 country; 5 dance; 5 easy; 5 educate; 5 except; 5 far; 5 find; 5 fire; 5 ground; 5 hand; 5 heart; 5 however; 5 lose; 5 might; 5 over; 5 perhaps; 5 play; 5 please; 5 proper; 5 rate; 5 really; 5 reply; 5 return; 5 school; 5 seat; 5 side; 5 small; 5 song; 5 soon; 5 spring; 5 stupid; 5 sun; 5 sure; 5 trouble; 5 understand; 5 walk; 5 water; 5 year; 4 agree; 4 along; 4 back; 4 bad; 4 base; 4 bed; 4 below; 4 blow; 4 burn; 4 buy; 4 class; 4 concern; 4 conversation; 4 deep; 4 difficult; 4 draw; 4 eat; 4 fast; 4 five; 4 foot; 4 hair; 4 hang; 4 king; 4 life; 4 loud; 4 month; 4 mother; 4 pass; 4 roll; 4 sort; 4 state; 4 sudden; 4 system; 4 thousand; 4 three; 4 twelve; 4 wrong; 3 age; 3 already; 3 answer; 3 beauty; 3 bit; 3 break; 3 business; 3 cold; 3 cover; 3 dark; 3 dead; 3 drink; 3 either; 3 face; 3 feed; 3 fill; 3 follow; 3 gentle; 3 hate; 3 home; 3 large; 3 late; 3 leave; 3 less; 3 luck; 3 mad; 3 master; 3 mention; 3 need; 3 number; 3 offer; 3 once; 3 only; 3 pair; 3 piece; 3 public; 3 put; 3 quiet; 3 ready; 3 rise; 3 rock; 3 round; 3 save; 3 sea; 3 send; 3 short; 3 shoulder; 3 shout; 3 spend; 3 thick; 3 throw; 3 together; 3 truth; 3 under; 3 unless; 3 wait; 3 wheel; 3 wind; 3 wine; 3 worth; 2 absolute; 2 almost; 2 although; 2 animal; 2 art; 2 begin; 2 behind; 2 beside; 2 best; 2 bird; 2 born; 2 bread; 2 bright; 2 brother; 2 carry; 2 catch; 2 court; 2 cut; 2 dig; 2 dirty; 2 dream; 2 drop; 2 empty; 2 especially; 2 evening; 2 exact; 2 experience; 2 fit; 2 force; 2 fortunate; 2 forward; 2 four; 2 free; 2 general; 2 gold; 2 grow; 2 happen; 2 hard; 2 health; 2 hope; 2 idea; 2 important; 2 inform; 2 issue; 2 judge; 2 kind; 2 land; 2 least; 2 left; 2 lie; 2 lock; 2 lot; 2 morning; 2 move; 2 near; 2 neck; 2 next; 2 none; 2 owned; 2 pack; 2 pardon; 2 people; 2 probably; 2 queen; 2 raise; 2 remember; 2 ride; 2 river; 2 rule; 2 shake; 2 shop; 2 sight; 2 silly; 2 six; 2 smoke; 2 snow; 2 sound; 2 stand; 2 stone; 2 street; 2 strike; 2 thirst; 2 today; 2 train; 2 until; 2 view; 2 want; 2 warm; 2 wash; 2 weather; 2 wet; 2 white; 2 wife; 2 wild; 2 wonder; 2 yesterday; 2 young; 1 above; 1 accept; 1 afraid; 1 ago; 1 allow; 1 amaze; 1 angry; 1 apart; 1 arm; 1 around; 1 arrive; 1 ashamed; 1 beneath; 1 big; 1 bottle; 1 cake; 1 case; 1 close; 1 colour; 1 cool; 1 cost; 1 crazy; 1 cross; 1 cry; 1 death; 1 decide; 1 degree; 1 die; 1 dinner; 1 dog; 1 dress; 1 dry; 1 early; 1 end; 1 engine; 1 excite; 1 explain; 1 express; 1 fact; 1 fair; 1 farm; 1 field; 1 fight; 1 final; 1 finger; 1 fish; 1 fix; 1 fly; 1 fresh; 1 further; 1 game; 1 garden; 1 girl; 1 grandfather; 1 handle; 1 heavy; 1 hide; 1 hot; 1 hundred; 1 hunger; 1 hunt; 1 instead; 1 join; 1 jump; 1 kick; 1 kill; 1 kiss; 1 lake; 1 last; 1 leg; 1 letter; 1 lip; 1 manage; 1 mark; 1 meal; 1 minute; 1 mistake; 1 mister; 1 mountain; 1 mouth; 1 music; 1 nation; 1 necessary; 1 neighbour; 1 nose; 1 notice; 1 often; 1 oil; 1 parent; 1 pick; 1 point; 1 poor; 1 press; 1 pretty; 1 price; 1 protect; 1 quarter; 1 question; 1 race; 1 reach; 1 read; 1 recent; 1 red; 1 rest; 1 rid; 1 sad; 1 second; 1 sense; 1 ship; 1 shoot; 1 shut; 1 sister; 1 slip; 1 start; 1 stay; 1 steal; 1 stick; 1 stop; 1 straight; 1 study; 1 subject; 1 support; 1 sweet; 1 table; 1 tall; 1 taste; 1 team; 1 tear; 1 ten; 1 terrible; 1 tie; 1 till; 1 top; 1 town; 1 treat; 1 true; 1 twenty; 1 uncle; 1 usual; 1 war; 1 watch; 1 wear; 1 wide; 1 world; 1 worry; 1 write;

Catalog Data

Vocabulary Coverage
(Difficult: 98%, Appropriate: 99%)
Conventional Readability Formula
Title Author Translator Born Died 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9% Word Count (Pages) Words per Sentence Syllables per Word Fog Index Flesch Reading Ease Flesch-Kincaid
Clouds Aristophanes Hickie, William James 446BC 385BC 3000 7000 18000 18000 20000 22000 15272
8.9 1.42 7.0 78.1 4.6
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