Vocabulary Frequency Spectrum
Vocabulary List
Vocabulary Level 25000
(18 Word Families, 38 Tokens, 0.02%, Accumulated: 100.00%)
6 penates;
5 distich;
4 ceres;
4 lustrum;
3 odeum;
3 remonstrance;
2 ambuscade;
1 antlia;
1 cannae;
1 colonus;
1 epode;
1 gormandize;
1 lucent;
1 lucubrate;
1 lustrate;
1 pappus;
1 phoebus;
1 vertice;
Vocabulary Level 24000
(20 Word Families, 63 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.98%)
34 cognomen;
5 pontifex;
3 carinae;
2 dixit;
2 lamia;
2 lenity;
2 meed;
1 animadvert;
1 chara;
1 chid;
1 cuttle;
1 hyla;
1 intreat;
1 jennet;
1 midas;
1 opprobrious;
1 pallia;
1 pede;
1 sibyl;
1 venery;
Vocabulary Level 23000
(21 Word Families, 39 Tokens, 0.02%, Accumulated: 99.95%)
6 fasce;
5 rapine;
3 lach;
2 aurum;
2 basileus;
2 campagna;
2 incommode;
2 milo;
2 strigil;
2 vina;
1 abettor;
1 calamus;
1 catena;
1 climacteric;
1 fane;
1 feria;
1 helicon;
1 jocose;
1 levis;
1 longe;
1 wist;
Vocabulary Level 22000
(31 Word Families, 125 Tokens, 0.06%, Accumulated: 99.93%)
64 jupiter;
10 saturnalia;
8 catamite;
8 nones;
3 domus;
3 philtre;
3 tarsus;
2 equipage;
2 petro;
1 betime;
1 caduceus;
1 celerity;
1 coadjutor;
1 coheir;
1 concha;
1 debark;
1 dissentient;
1 enure;
1 fas;
1 freestone;
1 initio;
1 mensa;
1 mora;
1 nominative;
1 numan;
1 periphrasis;
1 praesidium;
1 quare;
1 sacristan;
1 uxoriousness;
1 voluptuary;
Vocabulary Level 21000
(22 Word Families, 63 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.87%)
9 betake;
8 assiduity;
8 durst;
6 chaplet;
4 bulla;
4 nihil;
3 bespatter;
3 solus;
2 caput;
2 lumina;
2 manus;
2 ultima;
1 acta;
1 cumbrous;
1 entendre;
1 gratia;
1 lycee;
1 nostra;
1 nota;
1 quinquennial;
1 septuagint;
1 trew;
Vocabulary Level 20000
(29 Word Families, 61 Tokens, 0.03%, Accumulated: 99.84%)
11 appian;
7 eclogue;
4 acte;
4 ischia;
3 hexameter;
3 rege;
3 sati;
3 traduce;
2 peri;
2 sacerdotal;
1 almoner;
1 cento;
1 dandle;
1 declension;
1 domo;
1 dropsy;
1 durum;
1 effulgent;
1 exempla;
1 impost;
1 mazy;
1 medica;
1 memoriam;
1 novus;
1 obsequy;
1 philadelphus;
1 superfluity;
1 triton;
1 turpitude;
Vocabulary Level 19000
(41 Word Families, 111 Tokens, 0.05%, Accumulated: 99.82%)
17 odium;
9 denarius;
9 nunc;
9 perspicuity;
6 sumptuary;
4 strumpet;
3 amanuensis;
3 complaisance;
3 declivity;
3 inclose;
3 latina;
2 caparison;
2 disapprobation;
2 intemperance;
2 nisi;
2 novae;
2 ora;
2 phaeton;
2 rebus;
2 regnum;
2 rei;
2 solecism;
2 unguent;
1 amatory;
1 amici;
1 arrant;
1 avium;
1 behove;
1 benumb;
1 convoke;
1 expatiate;
1 genitive;
1 impiety;
1 intendant;
1 levantine;
1 magnesia;
1 porphyry;
1 quoit;
1 rhea;
1 sola;
1 sura;
Vocabulary Level 18000
(49 Word Families, 125 Tokens, 0.06%, Accumulated: 99.76%)
14 vestal;
12 proconsul;
9 hist;
4 bene;
4 deum;
4 ilium;
3 argonaut;
3 cubit;
3 curiae;
3 foresake;
3 intercalate;
3 manumit;
3 pallium;
3 pedagogue;
3 priapism;
3 prolix;
3 pythagoras;
3 sagacious;
3 venial;
2 consanguinity;
2 domini;
2 execrable;
2 imposture;
2 liber;
2 niggardly;
2 pullet;
2 pusillanimous;
2 relict;
1 abstemious;
1 arcanum;
1 capella;
1 cava;
1 cavil;
1 dower;
1 drachma;
1 flagellum;
1 ibex;
1 irruption;
1 judicature;
1 jure;
1 presentiment;
1 recognisance;
1 sententious;
1 serie;
1 stentorian;
1 superabundance;
1 suppliant;
1 vim;
1 vise;
Vocabulary Level 17000
(54 Word Families, 150 Tokens, 0.07%, Accumulated: 99.70%)
23 ides;
13 preceptor;
13 punic;
8 encomium;
7 disquisition;
7 parricide;
5 ardour;
4 arrogate;
4 diadem;
4 provincal;
3 deflower;
3 iambic;
3 pentameter;
3 peroration;
2 carcase;
2 castanet;
2 censer;
2 cosa;
2 culpa;
2 elysian;
2 gente;
2 hellebore;
2 meretricious;
2 succour;
1 adventitious;
1 avocation;
1 bacchanal;
1 baulk;
1 bewail;
1 braggart;
1 bustard;
1 candour;
1 circumlocute;
1 disinter;
1 dolorous;
1 excrescence;
1 ferrule;
1 fluorine;
1 gordian;
1 gravis;
1 ligature;
1 materia;
1 meta;
1 novitiate;
1 polytheist;
1 privity;
1 reprobate;
1 rheumy;
1 straiten;
1 sulci;
1 summa;
1 sweetmeat;
1 travertine;
1 tutelary;
Vocabulary Level 16000
(60 Word Families, 180 Tokens, 0.09%, Accumulated: 99.63%)
47 praetor;
8 munificent;
7 cotta;
6 betwixt;
6 panegyric;
5 dissolute;
5 malefactor;
5 sacrum;
5 suborn;
4 arcadia;
4 dissimulate;
4 fundus;
4 paramour;
4 proscenium;
3 capo;
3 codicil;
3 enamoured;
3 pater;
3 pugilist;
3 satiated;
2 ague;
2 calumny;
2 debility;
2 elocute;
2 emolument;
2 pyrrhic;
2 pythagorean;
2 supernumerary;
1 amaryllis;
1 assize;
1 calcareous;
1 canna;
1 cession;
1 chequered;
1 conjuncture;
1 contiguity;
1 contusion;
1 effectual;
1 furor;
1 hustings;
1 imago;
1 imprecate;
1 inasmuch;
1 institut;
1 lave;
1 madonna;
1 misdemeanour;
1 nuncio;
1 parte;
1 quadruped;
1 quanta;
1 reproof;
1 sagacity;
1 sallies;
1 scapula;
1 tabor;
1 talus;
1 tattle;
1 timorous;
1 voce;
Vocabulary Level 15000
(74 Word Families, 236 Tokens, 0.11%, Accumulated: 99.55%)
18 shew;
15 procurator;
11 actuate;
11 extemporize;
11 upbraid;
11 victuals;
10 soothsayer;
10 thither;
6 aspersion;
6 vouchsafe;
5 amphora;
5 inveigh;
5 sceptre;
4 bier;
4 corpulent;
4 epicurean;
4 extirpate;
4 gratis;
4 literati;
3 abstruse;
3 amour;
3 commodious;
3 gar;
3 indubitable;
3 magnanimity;
3 prompter;
3 verbose;
3 vita;
2 aquiline;
2 courtly;
2 deus;
2 dilatory;
2 expiate;
2 forma;
2 frankincense;
2 insupportable;
2 lingua;
2 overawe;
2 putrefy;
2 sophist;
2 tessera;
2 tillage;
2 trident;
1 acclimate;
1 agave;
1 assignation;
1 blandishment;
1 cupid;
1 diem;
1 diphthong;
1 effrontery;
1 epistolary;
1 filch;
1 fillip;
1 ilex;
1 inviolate;
1 libation;
1 libertine;
1 obdurate;
1 obeisance;
1 peleponnese;
1 perchance;
1 physic;
1 physiognomy;
1 potentate;
1 propitiate;
1 quaff;
1 remiss;
1 sago;
1 salvia;
1 thwack;
1 uni;
1 weal;
1 whosoever;
Vocabulary Level 14000
(85 Word Families, 270 Tokens, 0.13%, Accumulated: 99.44%)
19 epigram;
18 licentious;
16 approbation;
12 infamy;
11 curio;
11 septum;
8 narcissus;
7 carthaginian;
6 caprice;
6 lyre;
6 triumvirate;
5 aggrandize;
5 chamberlain;
5 cur;
5 gens;
5 whither;
4 debar;
4 deprecate;
4 distemper;
4 elegiac;
4 ingratitude;
4 insensible;
4 misdemeanor;
4 publican;
4 sepulchre;
3 adjudge;
3 apposite;
3 importune;
3 perfidious;
3 portend;
3 primus;
3 testator;
3 vis;
2 asunder;
2 concatenate;
2 curia;
2 cypher;
2 dissemble;
2 intramural;
2 mien;
2 mullet;
2 paean;
2 plaudit;
2 purloin;
2 quasi;
2 unbecoming;
1 amity;
1 apropos;
1 arabesque;
1 bucolic;
1 bung;
1 callus;
1 carouse;
1 dirge;
1 ergo;
1 flatulent;
1 fulsome;
1 furlough;
1 hieroglyphics;
1 hydra;
1 imperium;
1 incognito;
1 incorrigible;
1 ingenuous;
1 instalment;
1 lamprey;
1 levity;
1 meritorious;
1 neigh;
1 obverse;
1 parthenon;
1 penury;
1 prefecture;
1 reconnoiter;
1 reprove;
1 ribald;
1 satyr;
1 solicitude;
1 stator;
1 stickler;
1 thereupon;
1 titular;
1 uncouth;
1 usury;
1 vintner;
Vocabulary Level 13000
(104 Word Families, 403 Tokens, 0.19%, Accumulated: 99.31%)
38 toga;
33 centurion;
26 prefect;
14 oration;
13 plebeian;
12 affectation;
11 concubine;
10 viz;
9 castor;
9 entrails;
9 scurrilous;
9 thrice;
8 isthmus;
8 lascivious;
8 nuptial;
7 appellation;
7 jocular;
7 supplicate;
5 apotheosis;
5 credulity;
5 deify;
5 gratuity;
5 infernal;
5 stratagem;
5 venal;
4 filial;
4 gird;
4 maxima;
4 pecuniary;
4 specious;
4 tum;
3 doric;
3 effeminate;
3 invidious;
3 miscreant;
3 prima;
3 vitiate;
2 bishopric;
2 bombastic;
2 bona;
2 cavalcade;
2 colossus;
2 defray;
2 droll;
2 efface;
2 hither;
2 ibis;
2 idem;
2 imbibe;
2 inimitable;
2 pediment;
2 pestilence;
2 proctor;
2 remonstrate;
2 seditious;
2 signet;
2 spittle;
2 vermilion;
1 alacrity;
1 amethyst;
1 apse;
1 bauble;
1 buffoon;
1 cabal;
1 capacious;
1 chaff;
1 changeling;
1 combustible;
1 comely;
1 compunction;
1 cornucopia;
1 corporeal;
1 dint;
1 downy;
1 drunkard;
1 elope;
1 esplanade;
1 expunge;
1 facto;
1 frivolity;
1 garret;
1 gorged;
1 hilarity;
1 iniquity;
1 insipid;
1 lint;
1 matt;
1 midriff;
1 mitre;
1 navigable;
1 nerd;
1 obsequious;
1 pined;
1 privation;
1 putrid;
1 shod;
1 siesta;
1 sluice;
1 temerity;
1 tempestuous;
1 tweezers;
1 vellum;
1 votive;
1 wherefore;
Vocabulary Level 12000
(152 Word Families, 491 Tokens, 0.23%, Accumulated: 99.12%)
22 epistle;
20 pretence;
19 augur;
18 debauch;
14 elegy;
14 scruple;
13 avarice;
13 clemency;
13 declaim;
12 gallic;
12 interpose;
12 profligate;
9 barbarous;
9 indolent;
9 lampoon;
9 odious;
9 rapacious;
7 harangue;
6 forbear;
6 interred;
6 invective;
6 obelisk;
5 effusion;
5 pontiff;
5 promontory;
4 abominable;
4 ars;
4 depute;
4 ensign;
4 fide;
4 impudent;
4 mater;
4 parsimonious;
4 slights;
3 altercation;
3 conflagration;
3 cymbal;
3 dissension;
3 facetious;
3 forthwith;
3 gaiety;
3 glutton;
3 gout;
3 granary;
3 indemnify;
3 indigent;
3 irretrievably;
3 patrimony;
3 perpetuity;
3 propitious;
3 recompense;
3 sarcophagus;
3 sedition;
3 servile;
3 thong;
2 amulet;
2 beseech;
2 bullock;
2 credo;
2 depredation;
2 disrepute;
2 excellency;
2 footman;
2 forewarn;
2 hoc;
2 imposter;
2 indefatigable;
2 pomegranate;
2 presumptuous;
2 reprehensible;
2 servitude;
2 steed;
2 stupefy;
2 tyrannical;
2 ulterior;
2 unremitting;
2 veracity;
1 abominate;
1 abscond;
1 alluvial;
1 alms;
1 animus;
1 apace;
1 apocryphal;
1 baleful;
1 beneficent;
1 briar;
1 capita;
1 centaur;
1 convivial;
1 cupola;
1 desultory;
1 diametrically;
1 discomfit;
1 discus;
1 emporium;
1 faggot;
1 felicity;
1 gesticulate;
1 gnat;
1 gore;
1 horoscope;
1 hyacinth;
1 ineffable;
1 inviolable;
1 javelin;
1 languor;
1 lecherous;
1 legate;
1 loathsome;
1 manger;
1 minutely;
1 mongrel;
1 mulberry;
1 notary;
1 opus;
1 paunch;
1 phalanx;
1 pharisee;
1 poop;
1 preposition;
1 propound;
1 prow;
1 quiescent;
1 rabble;
1 recapitulate;
1 rivulet;
1 ruffian;
1 scaly;
1 scion;
1 skulk;
1 smattering;
1 sonorous;
1 sprightly;
1 stingy;
1 stylus;
1 swill;
1 tabernacle;
1 tardy;
1 tibia;
1 tiding;
1 tine;
1 travail;
1 tremulous;
1 tuba;
1 unabated;
1 underhand;
1 ungainly;
1 vaunted;
1 vestment;
1 viaduct;
1 wren;
Vocabulary Level 11000
(149 Word Families, 495 Tokens, 0.23%, Accumulated: 98.88%)
64 gladiator;
31 thence;
24 lewd;
20 entreat;
14 sup;
13 portico;
10 evince;
8 aqueduct;
8 eunuch;
8 presage;
7 ignominy;
7 largesse;
7 personage;
6 constancy;
6 piazza;
6 vanquish;
5 apostrophe;
5 defile;
5 dexterity;
5 fortitude;
5 obviate;
5 philology;
5 prodigal;
5 prognostic;
4 atrocious;
4 betrothed;
4 demur;
4 desist;
4 girdle;
4 oblong;
4 pantheon;
4 qua;
4 quo;
4 retinue;
4 simile;
3 adduce;
3 amorous;
3 cognisance;
3 colloquial;
3 connive;
3 diction;
3 flamingo;
3 foretell;
3 impetuous;
3 kindred;
3 lieu;
3 premeditate;
3 revile;
3 stupendous;
3 vivacious;
2 abrogate;
2 adulation;
2 bushel;
2 cologne;
2 dally;
2 decrepit;
2 duchy;
2 enjoin;
2 erudite;
2 etymology;
2 fluted;
2 girth;
2 husbandry;
2 incendiary;
2 ire;
2 irreconcilable;
2 legume;
2 neuter;
2 orthography;
2 overjoyed;
2 pontificate;
2 precipice;
2 prefix;
2 quorum;
2 requisition;
2 rhinoceros;
2 salutary;
2 verbatim;
1 accost;
1 anachronism;
1 bade;
1 bespeak;
1 billet;
1 brevity;
1 bulwark;
1 burdensome;
1 canto;
1 christendom;
1 coasted;
1 collate;
1 contemporaneous;
1 cornice;
1 couplet;
1 delirium;
1 derogatory;
1 diffident;
1 disown;
1 distend;
1 diva;
1 embolden;
1 environs;
1 epitaph;
1 ere;
1 eulogy;
1 flay;
1 florid;
1 foment;
1 gelding;
1 gradation;
1 halter;
1 heifer;
1 heinous;
1 interpolate;
1 jibe;
1 jurisprudence;
1 lacerate;
1 lard;
1 latino;
1 livid;
1 lop;
1 malady;
1 monotheistic;
1 nicety;
1 omnibus;
1 overbearing;
1 palliative;
1 papillae;
1 pert;
1 pimple;
1 platonic;
1 pneumatic;
1 possum;
1 predilection;
1 principality;
1 rabid;
1 rancid;
1 ravish;
1 sacrilege;
1 sapped;
1 satchel;
1 secede;
1 singe;
1 solicitous;
1 sphinx;
1 sully;
1 superlative;
1 surety;
1 tepid;
1 untoward;
Vocabulary Level 10000
(221 Word Families, 760 Tokens, 0.36%, Accumulated: 98.65%)
58 equestrian;
23 edict;
23 impute;
21 ode;
21 patrician;
20 posterity;
17 artifice;
16 cum;
15 proscribe;
12 exchequer;
11 deity;
10 insolent;
10 nativity;
9 avow;
9 mausoleum;
8 colosseum;
8 druid;
8 intercede;
7 auspicious;
7 concord;
7 effigy;
7 industrious;
7 sanguine;
7 valour;
6 barbarism;
6 capricious;
6 deprave;
6 emissary;
6 enormity;
6 flagrant;
6 insatiable;
6 promiscuous;
6 repugnant;
6 supposition;
5 abject;
5 archipelago;
5 defraud;
5 epithet;
5 fortuitous;
5 frugal;
5 haughty;
5 invincible;
5 kinsman;
5 petulant;
5 venerate;
4 assiduous;
4 eminence;
4 exonerate;
4 indignity;
4 inter;
4 mortify;
4 orb;
4 pantomime;
4 potion;
4 rampart;
4 vestibule;
4 wanton;
3 circumspect;
3 courtier;
3 cowardice;
3 debase;
3 decked;
3 displease;
3 dote;
3 dowry;
3 encumber;
3 epitome;
3 habitation;
3 hereafter;
3 hilt;
3 implacable;
3 pacify;
3 plagiarise;
3 porcelain;
3 progeny;
3 providence;
3 sustenance;
3 viper;
2 abode;
2 antiquarian;
2 assuage;
2 audacious;
2 beget;
2 behead;
2 bravado;
2 cask;
2 chagrin;
2 comptroller;
2 concourse;
2 conical;
2 contra;
2 despicable;
2 didactic;
2 dishonour;
2 dispiriting;
2 dungeon;
2 enmity;
2 exorbitant;
2 fickle;
2 fondle;
2 frieze;
2 hyperbole;
2 imp;
2 imperious;
2 impregnate;
2 indisputable;
2 litigant;
2 mart;
2 mirth;
2 nymph;
2 ointment;
2 pander;
2 pillage;
2 prostrate;
2 quench;
2 quibble;
2 res;
2 saffron;
2 sentinel;
2 sine;
2 smarted;
2 submissive;
2 temperance;
2 totter;
2 vindictive;
2 voluptuous;
2 voracious;
2 zenith;
1 absolve;
1 accordion;
1 astray;
1 audacity;
1 ballast;
1 bawl;
1 befit;
1 bode;
1 boisterous;
1 bramble;
1 cataract;
1 chafe;
1 conceit;
1 confluence;
1 consort;
1 contrite;
1 convalesce;
1 copulate;
1 crafty;
1 delirious;
1 denunciation;
1 disembark;
1 doth;
1 drudge;
1 extricate;
1 fitful;
1 foreboding;
1 fowl;
1 frolic;
1 garb;
1 gist;
1 hallow;
1 heathen;
1 hemp;
1 heterogeneous;
1 impunity;
1 inculcate;
1 indecision;
1 indelible;
1 intrepid;
1 itinerant;
1 jovial;
1 jus;
1 leaner;
1 loiter;
1 luscious;
1 malleable;
1 meridian;
1 mores;
1 moron;
1 morose;
1 morsel;
1 motley;
1 officiate;
1 ostrich;
1 outdo;
1 outlive;
1 palsy;
1 pap;
1 parapet;
1 portent;
1 preamble;
1 prescriptive;
1 procrastinate;
1 pubic;
1 pummel;
1 quart;
1 ransack;
1 reassemble;
1 regent;
1 repulsive;
1 requiem;
1 sheathe;
1 sis;
1 sported;
1 stead;
1 stigmatise;
1 stipend;
1 supra;
1 swoon;
1 tempest;
1 terminus;
1 thoroughfare;
1 thrush;
1 tinkle;
1 trepidation;
1 truffle;
1 turban;
1 twig;
1 variegated;
1 visor;
1 voluminous;
1 workhouse;
Vocabulary Level 9000
(232 Word Families, 959 Tokens, 0.45%, Accumulated: 98.29%)
54 omen;
32 amphitheatre;
31 annals;
29 illustrious;
26 whence;
24 extant;
24 laurel;
22 jest;
20 prodigious;
17 pretext;
16 prodigy;
15 qui;
14 consternation;
13 calamity;
13 insinuate;
12 befall;
12 insurrection;
11 implore;
11 obstinate;
10 infirm;
10 ovation;
10 peruse;
10 populace;
10 scourge;
9 despot;
9 destitute;
9 edifice;
9 obnoxious;
9 slew;
8 abdicate;
8 crucify;
7 affront;
7 basilica;
7 oar;
7 opulent;
7 pernicious;
6 bard;
6 bequeath;
6 disuse;
6 extol;
6 repose;
5 affluence;
5 blemish;
5 brazen;
5 draught;
5 gratuitous;
5 juncture;
5 meaner;
5 precept;
5 spurious;
5 vestige;
5 whimsy;
4 arbiter;
4 atrium;
4 copious;
4 encamp;
4 enliven;
4 intersperse;
4 jeer;
4 meddle;
4 ostentatious;
4 superstitious;
4 virulent;
3 affable;
3 annul;
3 arrears;
3 banter;
3 cessation;
3 chasm;
3 congenial;
3 cursory;
3 decimate;
3 dissuade;
3 divest;
3 divulge;
3 expound;
3 fictitious;
3 forsake;
3 garland;
3 headlong;
3 horrid;
3 incursion;
3 inlay;
3 insignia;
3 miscellaneous;
3 peacock;
3 puberty;
3 rapture;
3 repulse;
3 rescind;
3 seconded;
3 sequester;
3 sordid;
3 steadfast;
3 whereupon;
3 yoke;
2 acrimony;
2 allay;
2 amenable;
2 anoint;
2 apparition;
2 asparagus;
2 atone;
2 awhile;
2 bequest;
2 brag;
2 breech;
2 castrate;
2 circumcize;
2 cohabit;
2 condole;
2 conduit;
2 dis;
2 disclaim;
2 disfigure;
2 dismount;
2 drowsy;
2 ember;
2 ferocity;
2 foal;
2 genial;
2 gentile;
2 goblet;
2 grievous;
2 inordinate;
2 languish;
2 livery;
2 moi;
2 napkin;
2 odyssey;
2 orgy;
2 partake;
2 plaid;
2 posse;
2 posthumous;
2 profane;
2 proviso;
2 quash;
2 restitution;
2 scuffle;
2 sire;
2 slander;
2 stanza;
2 surmise;
2 terse;
2 trappings;
2 valiant;
2 wallow;
2 weighty;
1 afar;
1 aggressor;
1 apparel;
1 artful;
1 belch;
1 booty;
1 bough;
1 caper;
1 cede;
1 chide;
1 chirp;
1 circumference;
1 coffer;
1 comma;
1 complicity;
1 considerate;
1 contort;
1 coo;
1 counterbalance;
1 devious;
1 dilate;
1 diminutive;
1 discolour;
1 disparage;
1 dispossess;
1 dung;
1 dupe;
1 embroil;
1 enunciate;
1 envious;
1 excruciating;
1 exterminate;
1 exult;
1 fawn;
1 foresight;
1 haggle;
1 henceforth;
1 impinge;
1 indemnity;
1 ineffectual;
1 infatuate;
1 interweave;
1 intricacy;
1 knead;
1 languid;
1 mane;
1 mangle;
1 marina;
1 medallion;
1 mournful;
1 nocturnal;
1 notoriety;
1 noxious;
1 onerous;
1 pallet;
1 perjury;
1 perpendicular;
1 pimp;
1 piper;
1 polity;
1 preposterous;
1 proffer;
1 prologue;
1 quad;
1 reek;
1 remand;
1 remunerate;
1 reprieve;
1 rife;
1 ruddy;
1 sanctity;
1 saunter;
1 sentry;
1 solace;
1 stag;
1 stunted;
1 subjugate;
1 subterranean;
1 tenacious;
1 tot;
1 tripod;
1 turnip;
1 utensil;
Vocabulary Level 8000
(257 Word Families, 1094 Tokens, 0.52%, Accumulated: 97.83%)
58 chariot;
38 orator;
34 conjecture;
30 treatise;
26 consecrate;
21 censure;
21 moderation;
21 nay;
19 tyrant;
17 reprimand;
16 astrology;
16 mutiny;
16 tumult;
15 accession;
15 countenance;
14 grandeur;
14 tunic;
13 disband;
13 extort;
13 surname;
13 trifle;
11 bosom;
11 chaste;
11 detest;
11 plunder;
11 superstition;
10 allusion;
10 fetter;
9 avenge;
9 frivolous;
9 sabine;
8 apprehensive;
8 empress;
8 matron;
8 oblivion;
7 amiable;
7 enumerate;
7 recline;
7 sarcasm;
7 sumptuous;
7 usurp;
6 abhor;
6 antidote;
6 auspices;
6 commotion;
6 concise;
6 ingenuity;
6 judicious;
6 privy;
6 quell;
6 serpent;
5 abstain;
5 accomplice;
5 append;
5 concerted;
5 counterfeit;
5 fillet;
5 gymnastics;
5 inundate;
5 miscarry;
5 ox;
5 pretension;
5 suffrage;
4 alight;
4 assent;
4 besiege;
4 boar;
4 brothel;
4 captivate;
4 condescend;
4 consummate;
4 elapse;
4 elate;
4 elucidate;
4 gait;
4 gallant;
4 macro;
4 quid;
4 stoic;
4 venerable;
4 victor;
3 barber;
3 biographer;
3 colossal;
3 disaffect;
3 epoch;
3 exalt;
3 fasts;
3 gilt;
3 hereditary;
3 incessant;
3 incontinent;
3 lenient;
3 lustre;
3 multiplicity;
3 pedigree;
3 pelt;
3 pervade;
3 pun;
3 rudder;
3 sabbath;
3 scribe;
3 sprig;
3 tamper;
3 vaulting;
3 wilt;
2 allure;
2 aloft;
2 animosity;
2 aptitude;
2 attire;
2 cant;
2 clandestine;
2 composure;
2 concomitant;
2 conducive;
2 croak;
2 deceit;
2 defame;
2 discord;
2 elective;
2 fairs;
2 fallible;
2 feign;
2 figurative;
2 forte;
2 gale;
2 inflect;
2 insidious;
2 invigorate;
2 itinerary;
2 laborious;
2 malice;
2 metamorphose;
2 nave;
2 nil;
2 oblique;
2 observance;
2 parchment;
2 pedestal;
2 perspire;
2 pheasant;
2 piety;
2 podium;
2 poignant;
2 prophetic;
2 prowess;
2 rebuke;
2 resound;
2 snare;
2 soiled;
2 soles;
2 squander;
2 stammer;
2 stench;
2 sullen;
2 supplant;
2 suspense;
2 topography;
2 urn;
2 vex;
2 vile;
2 wont;
1 abstinence;
1 admissible;
1 amiss;
1 annihilate;
1 antagonism;
1 aperture;
1 apex;
1 arduous;
1 barter;
1 bask;
1 benefactor;
1 casket;
1 celestial;
1 celibacy;
1 cola;
1 consequential;
1 consonant;
1 corroborate;
1 counteract;
1 courier;
1 courteous;
1 devout;
1 disinterested;
1 disobedient;
1 domino;
1 dreary;
1 drench;
1 esquire;
1 fervour;
1 fir;
1 flannel;
1 flask;
1 fleece;
1 forlorn;
1 genealogy;
1 genus;
1 gnaw;
1 hospitable;
1 idyllic;
1 impediment;
1 incredulous;
1 inextricable;
1 infest;
1 innumerable;
1 intractable;
1 iris;
1 italic;
1 lark;
1 laud;
1 leaded;
1 lucid;
1 lunatic;
1 maize;
1 masonry;
1 mead;
1 meek;
1 ordinance;
1 outcry;
1 overboard;
1 overrule;
1 palatable;
1 palate;
1 pamper;
1 pantry;
1 paraphrase;
1 pawn;
1 pendant;
1 pertain;
1 porous;
1 posterior;
1 practicable;
1 pumpkin;
1 raisin;
1 refract;
1 remission;
1 retribution;
1 sigma;
1 sinus;
1 slang;
1 sorcerer;
1 spar;
1 succinct;
1 sucker;
1 tandem;
1 therein;
1 translucent;
1 tremor;
1 tyre;
1 unruly;
1 vernacular;
1 vulture;
1 wicker;
1 wrangle;
1 zest;
Vocabulary Level 7000
(302 Word Families, 1523 Tokens, 0.72%, Accumulated: 97.32%)
282 consul;
34 amidst;
28 bestow;
26 utmost;
25 lest;
20 adultery;
20 contrive;
18 allude;
17 infamous;
16 splendour;
14 barbarian;
14 expedient;
14 profuse;
14 reproach;
13 admonish;
13 embellish;
13 incest;
13 recourse;
13 sect;
12 exacted;
12 pomp;
12 treason;
11 averse;
11 clamour;
11 dagger;
11 hitherto;
11 misfortune;
11 obsolete;
10 auxiliary;
10 concur;
10 dissipate;
10 dominion;
10 incense;
10 instigate;
10 propensity;
10 repent;
10 tacit;
9 avail;
9 covet;
9 exhort;
9 preface;
9 prophecy;
8 complexion;
8 conciliate;
8 confound;
8 expulsion;
8 extravagance;
8 fable;
8 ordain;
8 paternal;
8 pious;
8 proficient;
8 propriety;
8 proverb;
8 refute;
8 vindicate;
7 conscript;
7 divinity;
7 farce;
7 persevere;
7 ravage;
7 tyranny;
7 vulgar;
6 extinguish;
6 gild;
6 harp;
6 intoxicate;
6 lofty;
6 sublime;
5 abate;
5 ardent;
5 bounty;
5 delicacy;
5 devour;
5 espouse;
5 indebted;
5 libel;
5 porter;
5 rejoice;
5 remorse;
5 revoke;
5 rudiment;
5 rupture;
5 rustic;
5 taint;
5 tedious;
5 vehement;
4 antagonist;
4 candid;
4 clad;
4 detract;
4 discontinue;
4 elude;
4 erroneous;
4 fugitive;
4 habitual;
4 ingenious;
4 mutilate;
4 perplex;
4 protracted;
4 repudiate;
4 resolute;
4 seclude;
4 temperate;
4 toil;
4 vengeance;
4 wag;
4 wreath;
4 wrought;
3 acquiesce;
3 amass;
3 atheist;
3 beak;
3 bracelet;
3 canvass;
3 deduce;
3 delineate;
3 depreciate;
3 emancipate;
3 emblem;
3 endear;
3 expend;
3 forfeit;
3 fraudulent;
3 galley;
3 modulate;
3 obliterate;
3 prelude;
3 profess;
3 prolific;
3 repute;
3 smother;
3 stately;
3 throng;
3 timid;
3 vie;
3 wring;
2 adjourn;
2 appease;
2 archer;
2 atrocity;
2 barley;
2 blunder;
2 convent;
2 crucifix;
2 culprit;
2 devolve;
2 dissolution;
2 duo;
2 ebb;
2 ecclesiastic;
2 eject;
2 fauna;
2 fervent;
2 feud;
2 germ;
2 havoc;
2 hideous;
2 illicit;
2 impart;
2 inconsistency;
2 lame;
2 ludicrous;
2 majestic;
2 mariner;
2 misconduct;
2 molest;
2 mural;
2 needy;
2 pageant;
2 panther;
2 pervert;
2 predicament;
2 ransom;
2 raven;
2 regal;
2 relapse;
2 remit;
2 scrupulous;
2 sequel;
2 sluggish;
2 soundly;
2 stale;
2 strenuous;
2 strew;
2 suffocate;
2 supremacy;
2 tenor;
2 thaw;
2 traitor;
2 transfuse;
2 vogue;
1 aborigine;
1 acorn;
1 adept;
1 adjudicate;
1 agile;
1 almighty;
1 apricot;
1 aristocracy;
1 arithmetic;
1 atlas;
1 attest;
1 basque;
1 bridle;
1 cam;
1 carp;
1 caste;
1 choral;
1 coma;
1 compulsion;
1 constellation;
1 convulse;
1 cork;
1 coward;
1 crimson;
1 cucumber;
1 cunning;
1 decipher;
1 defiance;
1 desolate;
1 devoid;
1 disconcert;
1 dispel;
1 dogged;
1 dresser;
1 droop;
1 encroach;
1 envoy;
1 ethic;
1 fledge;
1 fresco;
1 fruitful;
1 glee;
1 groin;
1 haemorrhage;
1 hardy;
1 hog;
1 homage;
1 hoof;
1 hump;
1 hydraulic;
1 hypocrisy;
1 immaculate;
1 incongruous;
1 inexorable;
1 innate;
1 instil;
1 invalid;
1 inventive;
1 kindle;
1 livelihood;
1 lunar;
1 malaria;
1 malicious;
1 melon;
1 messiah;
1 noun;
1 null;
1 optimum;
1 overshadow;
1 perceptible;
1 persona;
1 pertinent;
1 physiology;
1 precinct;
1 predominate;
1 pulpit;
1 quaint;
1 recoil;
1 redress;
1 relent;
1 reptile;
1 respite;
1 rout;
1 sandal;
1 sap;
1 sarcastic;
1 saviour;
1 scour;
1 shrill;
1 shun;
1 sneer;
1 snore;
1 solitude;
1 spade;
1 stables;
1 stigma;
1 subversive;
1 supernatural;
1 supersede;
1 surmount;
1 tantalise;
1 tenet;
1 tingle;
1 torrent;
1 trample;
1 transgress;
1 venom;
1 violet;
1 womb;
1 wrath;
Vocabulary Level 6000
(380 Word Families, 1947 Tokens, 0.92%, Accumulated: 96.59%)
97 banish;
71 tribune;
46 slay;
45 procure;
41 satire;
31 cohort;
31 gratify;
31 notwithstanding;
29 perish;
27 eminent;
27 mar;
26 esteem;
25 inscription;
24 conspire;
24 justly;
20 indignant;
19 ascribe;
19 behold;
19 eloquent;
18 conquest;
16 acclaim;
16 martial;
16 partiality;
15 adorn;
15 alps;
15 extravagant;
15 levy;
15 zeal;
14 antiquity;
14 decency;
14 jealousy;
14 patronage;
13 confiscate;
13 elegance;
13 inscribe;
13 revel;
12 adjoin;
12 surpass;
11 abound;
11 ascertain;
11 disciple;
11 mule;
11 perpetual;
11 stature;
11 vain;
10 diligent;
10 famine;
10 folly;
10 intolerable;
10 multitude;
10 oracle;
10 rash;
9 attentive;
9 impeach;
9 rouse;
9 strangle;
9 subsist;
9 vanity;
8 beware;
8 conjunction;
8 demolish;
8 dialect;
8 eldest;
8 excursion;
8 melancholy;
8 relic;
8 renounce;
8 sic;
8 solicit;
8 wretch;
7 augment;
7 delinquent;
7 emulate;
7 feeble;
7 hearty;
7 ignorant;
7 perpetrate;
7 refrain;
6 acquit;
6 adversary;
6 allot;
6 degenerate;
6 deride;
6 despise;
6 distrust;
6 flute;
6 mischief;
6 mole;
6 purify;
6 relinquish;
6 treachery;
5 afflict;
5 assail;
5 attic;
5 cherish;
5 comet;
5 construe;
5 contented;
5 crate;
5 emphatic;
5 footing;
5 gem;
5 grievance;
5 immoral;
5 lance;
5 ominous;
5 precarious;
5 scarlet;
5 secrete;
5 sponge;
5 strait;
5 subdue;
5 suffice;
5 tavern;
4 accord;
4 accrue;
4 alleviate;
4 ape;
4 avert;
4 blot;
4 deform;
4 denomination;
4 discontent;
4 discredit;
4 exasperate;
4 fidelity;
4 fortify;
4 intellect;
4 isle;
4 mercury;
4 mingle;
4 muffle;
4 mythology;
4 overhear;
4 recess;
4 reciprocal;
4 redeem;
4 repeal;
4 syllable;
4 transcribe;
4 vomit;
3 alas;
3 ante;
3 baffle;
3 banquet;
3 benevolent;
3 breadth;
3 bustle;
3 closet;
3 compass;
3 deceive;
3 deliberated;
3 denote;
3 disdain;
3 frenzy;
3 gall;
3 garrison;
3 niece;
3 novelty;
3 orchard;
3 perpetuate;
3 reed;
3 retard;
3 sage;
3 scorn;
3 sensual;
3 sewer;
3 siren;
3 slipper;
3 squadron;
3 stew;
3 subside;
3 taunt;
3 umpire;
3 vicinity;
3 withstand;
2 affluent;
2 alphabet;
2 aquatic;
2 bandage;
2 barren;
2 brink;
2 brood;
2 caress;
2 cavern;
2 chronology;
2 complacent;
2 cram;
2 curtail;
2 diarrhoea;
2 dignify;
2 err;
2 foe;
2 garbage;
2 gigantic;
2 gracious;
2 granite;
2 grudge;
2 hem;
2 hypothetical;
2 ibid;
2 impending;
2 inadvertent;
2 inaugurate;
2 injunction;
2 juggle;
2 latitude;
2 lava;
2 lo;
2 lucrative;
2 mantle;
2 maritime;
2 memorandum;
2 merchandise;
2 metaphysic;
2 muster;
2 ostensible;
2 pagan;
2 preclude;
2 propagate;
2 purge;
2 reap;
2 rhyme;
2 rogue;
2 rugged;
2 savour;
2 scant;
2 secrecy;
2 serene;
2 stout;
2 swarm;
2 tier;
2 tuition;
2 vacancy;
2 vault;
1 abide;
1 admiral;
1 almond;
1 anarchy;
1 annex;
1 apostle;
1 ashore;
1 austere;
1 barb;
1 barracks;
1 bellow;
1 bladder;
1 booth;
1 camel;
1 carpenter;
1 cavalry;
1 cavity;
1 chestnut;
1 clove;
1 cobble;
1 commonplace;
1 communion;
1 convoy;
1 covert;
1 crow;
1 cuff;
1 cute;
1 deception;
1 delude;
1 den;
1 deposition;
1 detriment;
1 dire;
1 dismal;
1 distaste;
1 distil;
1 dynasty;
1 enchant;
1 equitable;
1 eternity;
1 evade;
1 excise;
1 exemplar;
1 exemplify;
1 fabricate;
1 feat;
1 fiery;
1 flora;
1 fluent;
1 forensic;
1 forgo;
1 fortress;
1 frail;
1 friction;
1 gallop;
1 gape;
1 gentry;
1 grieve;
1 hamper;
1 heroine;
1 hospitality;
1 hue;
1 humane;
1 hush;
1 hymn;
1 idol;
1 impede;
1 inclusive;
1 incomprehensible;
1 indispensable;
1 intermittent;
1 intrusion;
1 intuitive;
1 ironed;
1 irresistible;
1 itch;
1 jug;
1 latent;
1 lettuce;
1 lily;
1 loaf;
1 lottery;
1 magnify;
1 mare;
1 masterpiece;
1 mend;
1 mini;
1 miraculous;
1 muscular;
1 nap;
1 necklace;
1 nostril;
1 nourish;
1 novice;
1 omission;
1 oust;
1 outweigh;
1 overtake;
1 oyster;
1 pant;
1 paramount;
1 parody;
1 pavilion;
1 pear;
1 pebble;
1 penis;
1 perverse;
1 plight;
1 plume;
1 prune;
1 puppet;
1 quiver;
1 radiance;
1 ramble;
1 razor;
1 rebound;
1 recede;
1 reinstate;
1 repel;
1 retort;
1 saloon;
1 scribble;
1 seizure;
1 shear;
1 shrewd;
1 shriek;
1 shroud;
1 sinister;
1 slippery;
1 snarl;
1 stifle;
1 stipulate;
1 subdivide;
1 subvert;
1 synonym;
1 thorn;
1 thrash;
1 vandal;
1 warden;
1 waver;
1 wig;
1 wither;
1 woo;
1 wrench;
1 yearn;
Vocabulary Level 5000
(440 Word Families, 3058 Tokens, 1.45%, Accumulated: 95.67%)
84 knight;
84 legion;
64 decree;
58 grammar;
56 solemn;
55 magistrate;
47 circus;
44 commence;
38 salute;
35 litter;
34 expire;
33 disposition;
32 procession;
31 feast;
31 ornament;
30 altar;
29 conquer;
28 disgrace;
27 commend;
27 signify;
26 incur;
26 temper;
26 tomb;
25 compliment;
24 apprehend;
24 mankind;
24 recite;
24 rite;
22 cloak;
22 descent;
22 earnest;
22 spectator;
22 vow;
21 bribe;
21 inferior;
21 oath;
21 revolt;
20 applause;
20 flatter;
20 lament;
20 robe;
20 unanimous;
19 generals;
19 lightning;
19 muse;
18 enquire;
18 grove;
18 inflict;
18 intercourse;
18 singular;
18 throne;
17 conspicuous;
17 corpse;
17 lust;
16 deceased;
16 midst;
16 splendid;
16 vicious;
16 voyage;
16 wrestle;
15 diversion;
15 mistress;
13 commonwealth;
13 torch;
12 abolish;
12 preside;
12 prudent;
12 utterly;
11 beloved;
11 earthquake;
11 expel;
11 meditate;
11 messenger;
11 prose;
10 anecdote;
10 applaud;
10 captive;
10 degrade;
10 dread;
10 ensue;
10 fury;
10 ivory;
10 majesty;
10 memoir;
10 nephew;
10 slender;
10 steward;
10 submission;
10 tract;
9 aloud;
9 bowel;
9 butcher;
9 divert;
9 fatigue;
9 lavish;
9 memorable;
9 siege;
9 tablet;
9 trumpet;
8 ascend;
8 badge;
8 coarse;
8 remainder;
8 revere;
8 simplicity;
8 slaughter;
8 spear;
8 sterling;
8 token;
8 tranquil;
8 vent;
7 agitate;
7 allegiance;
7 ample;
7 appetite;
7 deed;
7 dreadful;
7 extinct;
7 fabulous;
7 farewell;
7 garment;
7 hen;
7 herald;
7 jewel;
7 mob;
7 obscene;
7 overthrow;
7 persuasion;
7 pillar;
7 precipitate;
7 quarrel;
7 rein;
7 revenge;
7 usage;
7 vine;
6 bald;
6 dice;
6 diffuse;
6 fountain;
6 hatred;
6 lash;
6 marsh;
6 persecute;
6 plains;
6 presently;
6 shepherd;
6 void;
5 analogy;
5 appropriated;
5 arbitrary;
5 awe;
5 catastrophe;
5 chap;
5 cock;
5 confederate;
5 embroider;
5 epic;
5 eternal;
5 ex;
5 gratitude;
5 menace;
5 negligent;
5 orphan;
5 pierce;
5 pirate;
5 reluctance;
5 renown;
5 ripe;
5 sour;
5 spite;
5 sway;
5 testify;
5 urine;
4 adore;
4 ass;
4 banner;
4 bust;
4 denounce;
4 deviate;
4 dissatisfy;
4 embark;
4 exquisite;
4 gown;
4 groan;
4 gymnasium;
4 ignorance;
4 infuse;
4 massacre;
4 offspring;
4 pastoral;
4 pasture;
4 peril;
4 plausible;
4 pluck;
4 posture;
4 recollect;
4 sanctuary;
4 seduce;
4 sorrow;
4 tame;
4 torment;
4 upright;
4 vintage;
3 amplify;
3 ant;
3 apparatus;
3 apt;
3 brow;
3 commemorate;
3 curator;
3 discern;
3 doom;
3 engrave;
3 enlist;
3 foil;
3 globe;
3 hail;
3 handkerchief;
3 hinder;
3 hover;
3 imminent;
3 incidental;
3 intermediate;
3 interrogate;
3 intestine;
3 jealous;
3 junction;
3 liquor;
3 litigate;
3 martyr;
3 mimic;
3 misery;
3 mitigate;
3 moor;
3 par;
3 perfume;
3 petty;
3 precaution;
3 requisite;
3 revolve;
3 slab;
3 soothe;
3 theological;
3 ulcer;
3 vacation;
3 verge;
3 vigil;
3 winding;
2 amnesty;
2 anomaly;
2 asylum;
2 blush;
2 bracket;
2 buckle;
2 cement;
2 claw;
2 comb;
2 compassion;
2 cradle;
2 dart;
2 demise;
2 disapprove;
2 dispense;
2 dwarf;
2 fasten;
2 festive;
2 foam;
2 frantic;
2 grape;
2 gum;
2 lad;
2 lapse;
2 linen;
2 lurk;
2 mansion;
2 moulding;
2 nominal;
2 notify;
2 outset;
2 partisan;
2 peach;
2 perch;
2 plough;
2 poise;
2 porch;
2 potent;
2 premature;
2 prophet;
2 quantum;
2 quarry;
2 ratify;
2 resurrect;
2 robust;
2 shrub;
2 solitary;
2 sow;
2 sprinkle;
2 stepmother;
2 stove;
2 stud;
2 toll;
2 transcend;
2 tread;
2 triple;
2 turf;
2 vacant;
2 vase;
2 vest;
2 vinegar;
2 wail;
2 wheat;
1 accessory;
1 aggravate;
1 ambiguity;
1 anatomy;
1 anguish;
1 arbitrate;
1 axis;
1 balcony;
1 blockade;
1 botany;
1 burgle;
1 cane;
1 chant;
1 cherry;
1 chimney;
1 clap;
1 clasp;
1 cleanse;
1 clench;
1 clown;
1 compartment;
1 comrade;
1 cone;
1 confide;
1 converge;
1 crab;
1 crane;
1 crest;
1 crook;
1 cub;
1 cushion;
1 daunt;
1 disarm;
1 ditch;
1 diversify;
1 dole;
1 drape;
1 drunken;
1 dubious;
1 dumb;
1 duplicate;
1 durable;
1 dusk;
1 dye;
1 eclipse;
1 efficacy;
1 elastic;
1 emigrate;
1 erase;
1 evangelical;
1 fluctuate;
1 formidable;
1 grate;
1 groom;
1 guild;
1 hiss;
1 hum;
1 id;
1 incumbent;
1 innocence;
1 intrinsic;
1 intrude;
1 lime;
1 limp;
1 maid;
1 maternal;
1 mattress;
1 meadow;
1 militia;
1 miniature;
1 mint;
1 monk;
1 mound;
1 nickname;
1 onset;
1 parasite;
1 pastry;
1 pathetic;
1 pier;
1 pigeon;
1 pint;
1 plantation;
1 plaster;
1 ponder;
1 prone;
1 proprietor;
1 puff;
1 quest;
1 rag;
1 rainbow;
1 rake;
1 redundant;
1 reminisce;
1 reservoir;
1 retaliate;
1 ribbon;
1 rig;
1 rumble;
1 rust;
1 scrub;
1 seam;
1 seasoning;
1 shrine;
1 slack;
1 smuggle;
1 sober;
1 stalk;
1 stink;
1 stool;
1 strive;
1 stubborn;
1 superintendent;
1 susceptible;
1 swamp;
1 symmetry;
1 temporal;
1 thereafter;
1 tow;
1 transit;
1 trench;
1 trickle;
1 trivial;
1 tub;
1 turbulence;
1 verb;
1 wardrobe;
1 witch;
1 withhold;
1 yacht;
Vocabulary Level 4000
(559 Word Families, 5876 Tokens, 2.78%, Accumulated: 94.22%)
286 likewise;
278 emperor;
155 temple;
124 reign;
98 verse;
91 statue;
88 senator;
77 forum;
74 erect;
67 et;
67 noble;
64 spectacle;
57 endeavour;
53 conspiracy;
51 expedition;
50 scarce;
50 sentiment;
50 thou;
48 dignity;
47 supper;
45 cultivate;
45 prevail;
44 proclaim;
42 contrary;
41 beast;
41 villa;
38 heir;
38 imitate;
37 merit;
36 flourish;
36 genius;
36 haste;
36 lieutenant;
35 despatch;
35 divine;
34 censor;
33 magnificent;
33 patron;
33 sacred;
32 tribunal;
31 attain;
31 fleet;
31 incline;
30 elegant;
29 indulge;
29 obscure;
28 corn;
28 resent;
27 deprive;
27 peculiar;
26 animate;
26 assassin;
26 contempt;
26 induce;
26 marble;
25 acquaint;
25 interval;
24 conceal;
24 exert;
24 virgin;
23 bounds;
23 exile;
22 campus;
22 fame;
22 summon;
22 torture;
22 worship;
21 ambition;
21 fond;
20 carriage;
20 eagle;
20 intrigue;
20 legacy;
20 pursuit;
20 rhetoric;
20 stab;
19 arch;
19 couch;
19 exclaim;
19 marched;
19 monument;
19 omit;
18 necessity;
18 plead;
18 upwards;
17 ancestor;
17 behalf;
17 forbid;
17 handsome;
17 prostitute;
17 terrify;
16 aspire;
16 defer;
16 fatal;
16 physician;
16 reconcile;
16 suppress;
15 administer;
15 ambitious;
15 ash;
15 beard;
15 betray;
15 brass;
15 calendar;
15 console;
15 departure;
15 seldom;
15 vigorous;
14 destiny;
13 absent;
13 boast;
13 commentator;
13 harmony;
13 infer;
13 leisure;
13 petition;
13 prejudice;
13 utter;
12 ambassador;
12 canal;
12 endow;
12 furnish;
12 guardian;
12 wit;
11 adhere;
11 comply;
11 detain;
11 diminish;
11 foul;
11 immense;
11 invade;
11 mourn;
11 pearl;
11 prolong;
11 subjected;
11 tribute;
10 astonish;
10 census;
10 delicate;
10 enact;
10 enlarge;
10 flock;
10 inflame;
10 linger;
10 lyric;
10 snatch;
10 specimen;
10 surrender;
10 trophy;
10 vein;
10 weary;
9 bold;
9 congratulate;
9 defect;
9 deter;
9 disguise;
9 enrol;
9 erupt;
9 faction;
9 hostage;
9 impatient;
9 notorious;
9 patience;
9 rigour;
9 secular;
9 thunder;
9 tutor;
8 arrogant;
8 compel;
8 conform;
8 discourage;
8 duration;
8 miserable;
8 penetrate;
8 refine;
8 savage;
8 stadium;
8 widow;
7 alternate;
7 armour;
7 blaze;
7 civic;
7 custody;
7 decay;
7 depart;
7 despair;
7 disperse;
7 dissolve;
7 enclose;
7 enrich;
7 forge;
7 grief;
7 gulf;
7 hollow;
7 humble;
7 indifferent;
7 insult;
7 jurisdiction;
7 lap;
7 manuscript;
7 mercy;
7 obstruct;
7 orchestra;
7 plunge;
7 sack;
7 spy;
7 stripe;
7 terminate;
6 adverse;
6 anniversary;
6 arena;
6 arrow;
6 auction;
6 biography;
6 bull;
6 caution;
6 celebrity;
6 compile;
6 decisive;
6 deficiency;
6 dwell;
6 ego;
6 exempt;
6 frontier;
6 goat;
6 integrity;
6 judicial;
6 limb;
6 miracle;
6 navigate;
6 sane;
6 scrutiny;
6 testimony;
6 thigh;
6 thrust;
5 accustom;
5 authentic;
5 breach;
5 chin;
5 comic;
5 compatible;
5 devise;
5 distract;
5 distress;
5 harass;
5 helmet;
5 herb;
5 herd;
5 horn;
5 impulse;
5 invoke;
5 municipal;
5 obey;
5 obstacle;
5 oppress;
5 pillow;
5 precious;
5 predecessor;
5 refresh;
5 scramble;
5 sentencing;
5 transplant;
5 weep;
4 absurd;
4 abundant;
4 acute;
4 adjacent;
4 belly;
4 cautious;
4 collar;
4 confidential;
4 conscience;
4 convenience;
4 deem;
4 detach;
4 digest;
4 dip;
4 envy;
4 fraud;
4 frown;
4 furious;
4 idle;
4 indirect;
4 lively;
4 melody;
4 merchant;
4 noon;
4 patriot;
4 pledge;
4 pope;
4 prescribe;
4 repress;
4 riot;
4 rod;
4 satisfactory;
4 shrink;
4 subscribe;
4 sued;
4 surgeon;
4 tragic;
4 tremble;
4 veil;
4 vocal;
4 wreck;
3 aboard;
3 antique;
3 applicable;
3 artificial;
3 axe;
3 beneficial;
3 bride;
3 bronze;
3 chapel;
3 chronicle;
3 compliance;
3 comprehend;
3 consistency;
3 convenient;
3 credible;
3 curse;
3 dash;
3 deduct;
3 diary;
3 dim;
3 disadvantage;
3 discard;
3 drown;
3 excavate;
3 fever;
3 fined;
3 fist;
3 fore;
3 greed;
3 impair;
3 implicit;
3 juvenile;
3 liver;
3 meantime;
3 mighty;
3 monarch;
3 mushroom;
3 ounce;
3 plague;
3 plural;
3 postpone;
3 predominant;
3 prey;
3 proposition;
3 roses;
3 scar;
3 signature;
3 sincere;
3 sleeve;
3 soar;
3 testament;
3 thumb;
3 tuck;
3 tumour;
3 validate;
3 volcano;
3 waist;
3 wax;
2 abrupt;
2 anonymous;
2 cave;
2 choke;
2 clash;
2 cling;
2 clutch;
2 coffin;
2 contingent;
2 courtesy;
2 crude;
2 cynical;
2 displace;
2 dull;
2 embassy;
2 enlighten;
2 equity;
2 exaggerate;
2 exit;
2 explode;
2 forehead;
2 foresee;
2 fort;
2 gallon;
2 gloom;
2 graze;
2 harvest;
2 hatch;
2 haul;
2 haunt;
2 humiliate;
2 infinite;
2 inn;
2 insect;
2 irritate;
2 leaf;
2 literacy;
2 mandate;
2 medal;
2 mist;
2 monopoly;
2 plaintiff;
2 pond;
2 preliminary;
2 prescription;
2 prevalent;
2 primitive;
2 pulse;
2 rack;
2 receipt;
2 rehearse;
2 ridge;
2 rifle;
2 rigid;
2 scout;
2 shallow;
2 shatter;
2 sheer;
2 sketch;
2 steer;
2 stern;
2 stroll;
2 superb;
2 swift;
2 tenant;
2 tiger;
2 timber;
2 trim;
2 tumble;
2 verdict;
2 verify;
2 vivid;
2 wagon;
2 ward;
2 warrior;
1 agony;
1 ambiguous;
1 anchor;
1 array;
1 astronomy;
1 await;
1 aye;
1 battered;
1 blade;
1 boarder;
1 bonus;
1 boxed;
1 broker;
1 brute;
1 bubble;
1 bulk;
1 cabin;
1 cargo;
1 cemetery;
1 chemistry;
1 choir;
1 clerk;
1 coherent;
1 commodity;
1 consolidate;
1 contemplate;
1 copyright;
1 cord;
1 costume;
1 dam;
1 destination;
1 diameter;
1 dilemma;
1 disclose;
1 distort;
1 dividend;
1 dome;
1 eligible;
1 escort;
1 essence;
1 evacuate;
1 fare;
1 flap;
1 fog;
1 fork;
1 fraction;
1 franchise;
1 fringe;
1 garlic;
1 glare;
1 glimpse;
1 grill;
1 grind;
1 homosexual;
1 horizon;
1 hug;
1 hut;
1 illuminate;
1 indigenous;
1 inherent;
1 ink;
1 intimidate;
1 kneel;
1 ladder;
1 lever;
1 lick;
1 lung;
1 magnitude;
1 mineral;
1 ms;
1 multiply;
1 mutter;
1 nursery;
1 olive;
1 originate;
1 outfit;
1 oversee;
1 parade;
1 particle;
1 pinch;
1 plea;
1 premium;
1 rattle;
1 realm;
1 recreation;
1 regain;
1 repay;
1 residue;
1 rotate;
1 scent;
1 sceptic;
1 scrape;
1 sensation;
1 slim;
1 soak;
1 solar;
1 solo;
1 span;
1 sparkle;
1 spice;
1 spit;
1 splash;
1 spontaneous;
1 spur;
1 stall;
1 steep;
1 sting;
1 stride;
1 stuffed;
1 stumble;
1 subordinate;
1 subsidiary;
1 tangle;
1 terrace;
1 thesis;
1 thread;
1 threshold;
1 thrive;
1 tilt;
1 tolerate;
1 warrant;
1 wrist;
Vocabulary Level 3000
(704 Word Families, 11211 Tokens, 5.31%, Accumulated: 91.44%)
278 senate;
187 former;
173 province;
149 rank;
145 author;
134 compose;
117 ancient;
117 frequent;
114 celebrate;
114 triumph;
110 conduct;
102 declare;
92 exhibit;
92 obtain;
87 adopt;
84 civil;
84 troop;
82 oblige;
77 authority;
76 philosophy;
76 succession;
76 youth;
70 custom;
69 prosecute;
69 victory;
68 restore;
67 publish;
67 severe;
65 proceed;
65 republic;
64 latter;
62 sacrifice;
62 succeed;
61 execute;
58 distinguish;
57 render;
56 condemn;
54 administration;
53 fate;
53 palace;
53 priest;
53 seize;
52 defeat;
52 intimate;
52 liberal;
52 preserve;
51 distinct;
51 imperial;
50 moral;
49 virtue;
48 extraordinary;
48 liberty;
48 reward;
47 request;
46 sufficient;
45 tribe;
44 founded;
42 affection;
42 funeral;
42 passage;
42 resolve;
41 description;
41 devote;
41 precede;
40 principal;
40 sum;
39 consist;
38 distribute;
37 importance;
37 passion;
37 presence;
37 resolution;
36 display;
36 strict;
35 estimate;
35 luxury;
35 retain;
34 colleague;
34 confer;
34 consequence;
34 praise;
34 vast;
34 vice;
33 acquire;
32 combat;
32 etc;
32 talent;
31 assembly;
31 colony;
31 considerable;
31 descend;
31 dictate;
31 permit;
31 principle;
31 variety;
30 consult;
30 discharge;
30 elevate;
30 undertake;
29 arise;
29 festival;
29 violence;
29 withdraw;
28 accomplish;
28 candidate;
28 intelligence;
28 literature;
28 privilege;
28 translate;
28 treasure;
27 abandon;
27 decline;
27 evident;
27 plot;
27 transact;
26 dedicate;
26 derive;
26 foundation;
26 mode;
25 abuse;
25 accompany;
25 acknowledge;
25 confirm;
25 convey;
25 extract;
25 numerous;
25 religious;
24 ally;
24 excess;
24 invent;
24 mere;
24 reflect;
24 reputation;
24 restrain;
23 absence;
23 alliance;
23 assign;
23 inquire;
23 mortal;
23 occupy;
23 relative;
23 revive;
23 subsequent;
22 assemble;
22 conclude;
22 destruction;
22 relieve;
22 rival;
22 scandal;
22 tragedy;
22 universe;
22 vessel;
21 disorder;
21 domestic;
21 joint;
21 motive;
21 narrate;
21 promote;
21 proof;
21 submit;
21 superior;
20 behaviour;
20 constitution;
20 contest;
20 enterprise;
20 false;
20 offence;
20 sovereign;
19 approve;
19 companion;
19 conclusion;
19 confine;
19 disaster;
19 dismiss;
19 extensive;
19 inhabit;
19 modest;
19 origin;
19 predict;
19 prohibit;
19 rage;
19 religion;
19 reside;
19 sensible;
19 tender;
19 volume;
18 achieve;
18 affirm;
18 audience;
18 ceremony;
18 complaint;
18 corrupt;
18 deposit;
18 dispose;
18 incident;
18 infant;
18 literary;
18 resemble;
18 shield;
17 anxiety;
17 assert;
17 flee;
17 mixture;
17 nominate;
17 persist;
17 reform;
17 scholar;
17 territory;
16 construct;
16 content;
16 differ;
16 discourse;
16 embrace;
16 precise;
15 commission;
15 contend;
15 dispute;
15 extent;
15 impose;
15 institute;
15 manifest;
15 prosper;
15 pursue;
15 transmit;
15 venture;
15 veteran;
15 violate;
14 advocate;
14 annual;
14 armed;
14 chamber;
14 convict;
14 deputy;
14 fragment;
14 liable;
14 method;
14 professor;
14 resign;
14 revenue;
14 strain;
14 substitute;
14 voluntary;
14 wealth;
13 allege;
13 bench;
13 coin;
13 column;
13 comedy;
13 confidence;
13 correspond;
13 debate;
13 defend;
13 entitle;
13 hazard;
13 lodge;
13 offend;
13 phrase;
13 prize;
13 provision;
13 regret;
13 respective;
13 secretary;
13 text;
12 abroad;
12 confess;
12 courage;
12 delay;
12 mild;
12 moderate;
12 nevertheless;
12 pupil;
12 rebel;
12 reverse;
12 review;
12 shortly;
12 supreme;
12 via;
12 yield;
11 belief;
11 consent;
11 convert;
11 encounter;
11 endure;
11 exceed;
11 harbor;
11 naked;
11 persuade;
11 provoke;
11 restrict;
11 retreat;
11 satisfaction;
11 urge;
10 client;
10 critic;
10 dialogue;
10 division;
10 doctrine;
10 edition;
10 hence;
10 humour;
10 justify;
10 mutual;
10 ocean;
10 resort;
10 scatter;
10 source;
10 suspend;
9 accommodate;
9 apology;
9 border;
9 consistent;
9 eager;
9 enable;
9 entrance;
9 exclude;
9 fulfil;
9 generous;
9 gesture;
9 household;
9 insert;
9 interpret;
9 literal;
9 meanwhile;
9 neglect;
9 perceive;
9 rail;
9 remedy;
9 remote;
9 resource;
9 resume;
9 squeeze;
9 summit;
9 transport;
9 utility;
8 abstract;
8 addict;
8 agriculture;
8 attribute;
8 characteristic;
8 circuit;
8 communicate;
8 conceive;
8 counsel;
8 grateful;
8 horror;
8 invest;
8 mature;
8 motion;
8 organ;
8 outrage;
8 penalty;
8 permanent;
8 permission;
8 profit;
8 profound;
8 rally;
8 refuge;
8 regulate;
8 sanction;
8 terror;
8 uniform;
7 behave;
7 burden;
7 capacity;
7 cease;
7 climate;
7 compete;
7 distant;
7 drain;
7 emergency;
7 error;
7 gallery;
7 harsh;
7 heel;
7 inherit;
7 phenomenon;
7 prompt;
7 reject;
7 silent;
7 speculate;
7 stake;
7 sustain;
7 task;
7 temporary;
7 transition;
6 accurate;
6 cancel;
6 cattle;
6 cell;
6 circulate;
6 confident;
6 contemporary;
6 dose;
6 enthusiasm;
6 era;
6 essential;
6 exclusive;
6 genuine;
6 gross;
6 halt;
6 net;
6 notion;
6 palm;
6 portion;
6 proportion;
6 prospect;
6 publication;
6 revise;
6 revolution;
6 route;
6 rumour;
6 sculpt;
6 sole;
6 stain;
6 undergo;
6 weigh;
5 assess;
5 cabinet;
5 compensate;
5 comprise;
5 consequent;
5 continent;
5 contradict;
5 controversy;
5 crush;
5 episode;
5 equivalent;
5 essay;
5 exception;
5 faculty;
5 flesh;
5 formal;
5 function;
5 import;
5 inspire;
5 institution;
5 interfere;
5 interior;
5 intervene;
5 monster;
5 moreover;
5 museum;
5 objected;
5 overlook;
5 parallel;
5 poverty;
5 quantity;
5 rational;
5 reception;
5 rural;
5 scope;
5 sigh;
5 treaty;
5 urgent;
5 welfare;
4 abort;
4 accumulate;
4 adequate;
4 admission;
4 amend;
4 anticipate;
4 bid;
4 boundary;
4 clause;
4 comprehensive;
4 concept;
4 constitute;
4 correspondent;
4 demonstrate;
4 discreet;
4 discriminate;
4 eastern;
4 enforce;
4 expand;
4 facility;
4 fierce;
4 gaze;
4 geography;
4 goods;
4 gradual;
4 grave;
4 hint;
4 immune;
4 imply;
4 index;
4 inflate;
4 initiate;
4 laughter;
4 launch;
4 lecture;
4 nod;
4 occupation;
4 pave;
4 rear;
4 significant;
4 sympathy;
4 vision;
4 whisper;
3 acquisition;
3 acre;
3 aim;
3 angle;
3 architecture;
3 assault;
3 audit;
3 award;
3 barrier;
3 blend;
3 campaign;
3 civilise;
3 coincide;
3 compromise;
3 concert;
3 consume;
3 crop;
3 deliberate;
3 device;
3 dimension;
3 document;
3 donate;
3 elaborate;
3 element;
3 expenditure;
3 experiment;
3 fiction;
3 greet;
3 heal;
3 host;
3 hostile;
3 incentive;
3 innovate;
3 journal;
3 legitimate;
3 majority;
3 marine;
3 overwhelm;
3 pace;
3 rape;
3 scheme;
3 subtle;
3 suburb;
3 survey;
3 sweat;
3 swell;
3 symbol;
3 symptom;
3 theme;
3 thorough;
3 toss;
3 valid;
2 academy;
2 alien;
2 appropriate;
2 architect;
2 aspect;
2 authorise;
2 bishop;
2 capture;
2 carve;
2 catalogue;
2 cite;
2 compound;
2 conflict;
2 constrain;
2 contrast;
2 corridor;
2 crew;
2 crisis;
2 criticism;
2 currency;
2 curtain;
2 dense;
2 designate;
2 disagree;
2 entry;
2 executive;
2 expert;
2 explore;
2 external;
2 fade;
2 failure;
2 fertile;
2 frequency;
2 glow;
2 hypothesis;
2 implicate;
2 independence;
2 independent;
2 internal;
2 invasion;
2 label;
2 leather;
2 likeness;
2 logic;
2 loyal;
2 manufacture;
2 mechanic;
2 migrate;
2 miner;
2 novel;
2 opera;
2 opponent;
2 pale;
2 participate;
2 passenger;
2 poll;
2 portrait;
2 prominent;
2 raw;
2 reinforce;
2 relatives;
2 reluctant;
2 response;
2 retail;
2 reveal;
2 senses;
2 silk;
2 solution;
2 specify;
2 spill;
2 stimulate;
2 structure;
2 substance;
2 summary;
2 transform;
2 ultimate;
2 unity;
2 vague;
2 weave;
1 accelerate;
1 adjust;
1 agency;
1 alongside;
1 assumption;
1 bargain;
1 beam;
1 blast;
1 cancer;
1 competent;
1 convention;
1 core;
1 criteria;
1 curve;
1 decade;
1 defendant;
1 devastate;
1 diplomat;
1 diverse;
1 drift;
1 emerge;
1 emit;
1 emphasis;
1 enhance;
1 expansion;
1 explicit;
1 explosion;
1 export;
1 fee;
1 fibre;
1 flexible;
1 focus;
1 formation;
1 fundamental;
1 grasp;
1 highway;
1 hip;
1 ideal;
1 incorporate;
1 inevitable;
1 infect;
1 ingredient;
1 legend;
1 manual;
1 media;
1 ministry;
1 mortgage;
1 negative;
1 negotiate;
1 outline;
1 overcome;
1 paragraph;
1 patients;
1 peasant;
1 perception;
1 pit;
1 probe;
1 random;
1 recruit;
1 rescue;
1 satellite;
1 slice;
1 solve;
1 statute;
1 studio;
1 suicide;
1 supervise;
1 technical;
1 theory;
1 thereby;
1 tremendous;
1 tunnel;
1 virtual;
1 volunteer;
1 vulnerable;
Vocabulary Level 2000
(794 Word Families, 15695 Tokens, 7.44%, Accumulated: 86.12%)
199 account;
188 occasion;
181 poet;
152 soldier;
148 favour;
146 attend;
144 common;
144 nor;
136 receive;
132 army;
130 immediate;
126 according;
124 period;
121 therefore;
119 command;
117 private;
113 manner;
111 entertain;
109 respect;
106 observe;
105 remain;
104 empire;
102 purpose;
101 character;
101 regard;
99 enemy;
97 perform;
93 remark;
92 engage;
91 slave;
90 appoint;
90 practise;
87 apply;
87 desire;
85 design;
85 military;
83 affair;
82 opinion;
80 theatre;
78 punish;
76 advance;
76 extreme;
75 title;
73 chief;
72 battle;
72 circumstance;
72 various;
69 guard;
69 language;
69 thus;
68 equal;
68 memory;
67 poem;
67 product;
66 entire;
66 estate;
66 retire;
65 suffer;
64 attempt;
63 crown;
62 assume;
62 introduce;
62 reduce;
61 grant;
61 habit;
61 propose;
60 poison;
60 refuse;
60 success;
59 belong;
59 intend;
59 speech;
57 cruel;
56 object;
55 expose;
54 possess;
52 fortune;
51 suspicion;
50 assist;
50 deliver;
49 constant;
49 murder;
48 correct;
47 accuse;
47 violent;
46 exercise;
46 prevent;
46 style;
45 occur;
45 remove;
44 effect;
43 admire;
43 affect;
43 condition;
43 example;
43 future;
43 neither;
42 expense;
42 increase;
42 ruin;
41 attach;
41 contain;
41 elect;
41 gain;
41 mount;
41 pretend;
41 represent;
41 sword;
39 encourage;
39 instance;
39 prove;
38 escape;
38 foreign;
37 establish;
37 invite;
37 justice;
37 native;
37 trial;
36 glory;
36 opportunity;
36 pleasure;
36 recover;
36 witness;
35 divide;
35 ill;
35 image;
35 maintain;
35 march;
35 value;
34 avoid;
34 crowd;
34 describe;
34 destroy;
34 divorce;
34 guilty;
34 prefer;
34 recommend;
33 argue;
33 attention;
33 coast;
33 length;
33 produce;
33 require;
32 connect;
32 repeat;
32 threat;
31 capital;
31 sentence;
31 victim;
30 assure;
30 disturb;
30 due;
30 exist;
30 extend;
30 loss;
30 oppose;
30 popular;
30 suspect;
30 wound;
29 citizen;
29 improve;
29 influence;
29 non;
29 property;
29 secret;
29 similar;
29 supply;
28 complain;
28 determine;
28 distance;
28 event;
28 instruct;
28 narrow;
28 peace;
28 shame;
28 standard;
27 advise;
27 drag;
27 hero;
27 lower;
26 bury;
26 claim;
26 january;
26 joy;
26 library;
26 politics;
26 spare;
25 approach;
25 attack;
25 credit;
25 criminal;
25 examine;
25 familiar;
25 original;
25 otherwise;
25 project;
25 purchase;
25 silver;
25 vote;
24 demand;
24 duty;
24 fail;
24 limit;
24 measure;
24 recall;
23 aside;
23 compare;
23 debt;
23 desert;
23 excellent;
23 height;
23 include;
23 knowledge;
23 refer;
23 sale;
22 beg;
22 deserve;
22 effort;
22 minister;
22 pure;
22 quit;
22 repair;
22 surround;
22 wise;
21 accident;
21 comment;
21 contribute;
21 december;
21 defence;
21 delight;
21 gate;
21 grace;
21 individual;
21 loose;
21 pitch;
21 presume;
21 storm;
21 survive;
21 swear;
21 transfer;
20 advantage;
20 alarm;
20 interrupt;
20 journey;
20 reckon;
20 september;
19 contract;
19 fashion;
19 heaven;
19 labour;
19 model;
19 navy;
19 quality;
19 skill;
18 advice;
18 apartment;
18 commit;
18 ease;
18 fault;
18 hesitate;
18 reserve;
18 scene;
18 tongue;
17 aid;
17 august;
17 enormous;
17 famous;
17 fruit;
17 pray;
17 provide;
17 purple;
16 alive;
16 alter;
16 cast;
16 circle;
16 curious;
16 elder;
16 operate;
16 progress;
16 pronounce;
16 qualify;
16 royal;
16 satisfy;
16 shore;
16 society;
16 spread;
16 vary;
15 amuse;
15 chain;
15 dare;
15 detail;
15 fancy;
15 forth;
15 instrument;
15 ridiculous;
15 seek;
15 species;
15 spirit;
14 active;
14 branch;
14 broad;
14 copy;
14 deny;
14 direction;
14 elephant;
14 firm;
14 october;
14 regular;
14 resist;
14 select;
14 signal;
14 site;
14 spoil;
14 trace;
13 appeal;
13 borrow;
13 breast;
13 bridge;
13 burst;
13 decorate;
13 direct;
13 disease;
13 evidence;
13 faith;
13 flame;
13 gift;
13 guest;
13 industry;
13 intent;
13 owe;
13 plain;
13 season;
13 separate;
13 speed;
13 states;
12 commerce;
12 confuse;
12 create;
12 desperate;
12 injure;
12 innocent;
12 kindly;
12 opposite;
12 pile;
12 polish;
12 rob;
12 shave;
12 somewhat;
12 strip;
12 union;
12 unite;
12 upper;
11 bitter;
11 calculate;
11 discipline;
11 disgust;
11 exhaust;
11 feature;
11 heap;
11 indicate;
11 insist;
11 inspect;
11 instant;
11 july;
11 leap;
11 medicine;
11 minor;
11 modern;
11 rude;
11 search;
11 silence;
11 strength;
11 weak;
11 whereas;
10 bind;
10 charm;
10 cure;
10 decent;
10 department;
10 exchange;
10 female;
10 legal;
10 meat;
10 message;
10 ordinary;
10 policy;
10 pour;
10 previous;
10 quote;
10 sake;
10 seal;
10 sink;
10 stir;
10 version;
9 adapt;
9 article;
9 bend;
9 benefit;
9 capable;
9 directed;
9 disappoint;
9 discuss;
9 flight;
9 fund;
9 furniture;
9 november;
9 plate;
9 profession;
9 register;
9 release;
9 stream;
9 tradition;
9 warn;
9 wing;
8 april;
8 bay;
8 block;
8 career;
8 current;
8 decision;
8 district;
8 lasted;
8 licence;
8 male;
8 material;
8 mix;
8 mystery;
8 pan;
8 pleasant;
8 positive;
8 pregnant;
8 region;
8 sharp;
8 tent;
8 trade;
8 village;
7 asleep;
7 attract;
7 bell;
7 blind;
7 brief;
7 chapter;
7 combine;
7 economy;
7 fold;
7 hire;
7 incredible;
7 knee;
7 lend;
7 likely;
7 lion;
7 mud;
7 pollute;
7 privacy;
7 roof;
7 row;
7 shed;
7 social;
7 starve;
7 stomach;
7 tempt;
7 ticket;
7 whip;
6 access;
6 announce;
6 apple;
6 associate;
6 bare;
6 blame;
6 brain;
6 century;
6 convince;
6 cousin;
6 creep;
6 detect;
6 dish;
6 drama;
6 evil;
6 faint;
6 fetch;
6 flood;
6 fool;
6 gather;
6 guide;
6 hook;
6 illustrate;
6 iron;
6 merry;
6 partner;
6 pen;
6 port;
6 proud;
6 rare;
6 relief;
6 remind;
6 replace;
6 research;
6 risk;
6 root;
6 series;
6 shade;
6 soul;
6 stretch;
6 topic;
6 wipe;
5 anxious;
5 awake;
5 bake;
5 band;
5 basket;
5 bleed;
5 channel;
5 cheek;
5 competition;
5 council;
5 diet;
5 energy;
5 flow;
5 lawyer;
5 match;
5 oak;
5 physical;
5 print;
5 range;
5 recognize;
5 result;
5 rope;
5 rub;
5 salary;
5 sheep;
5 solid;
5 southern;
5 stroke;
5 tower;
5 traffic;
5 tune;
5 wander;
5 wrap;
4 anger;
4 brave;
4 breed;
4 brick;
4 chase;
4 chest;
4 cloth;
4 cloud;
4 conscious;
4 drum;
4 harm;
4 impress;
4 investigate;
4 jam;
4 keen;
4 lesson;
4 lightly;
4 mass;
4 mathematics;
4 melt;
4 patient;
4 per;
4 pipe;
4 pity;
4 pole;
4 population;
4 process;
4 rapid;
4 relax;
4 rush;
4 salt;
4 scale;
4 sheet;
4 shock;
4 skirt;
4 stairs;
4 struggle;
4 thin;
4 toe;
4 wicked;
4 wool;
3 adventure;
3 agent;
3 basis;
3 bee;
3 bond;
3 brand;
3 brilliant;
3 cage;
3 calm;
3 cap;
3 cape;
3 captain;
3 cliff;
3 community;
3 curl;
3 dawn;
3 develop;
3 dine;
3 dust;
3 embarrass;
3 emotion;
3 envelope;
3 fascinate;
3 february;
3 frankly;
3 gay;
3 ghost;
3 goal;
3 grand;
3 interview;
3 jaw;
3 june;
3 knife;
3 lamp;
3 magic;
3 mental;
3 metal;
3 mirror;
3 moon;
3 nail;
3 nervous;
3 nowhere;
3 path;
3 pension;
3 polite;
3 pride;
3 ray;
3 rely;
3 sand;
3 sew;
3 shelter;
3 shine;
3 smooth;
3 snake;
3 stable;
3 tin;
3 tone;
3 valley;
3 vehicle;
3 weapon;
2 altogether;
2 annoy;
2 arrest;
2 belt;
2 blank;
2 bless;
2 bow;
2 breathe;
2 castle;
2 cheat;
2 cheer;
2 cheese;
2 clip;
2 cottage;
2 cow;
2 creature;
2 damage;
2 earn;
2 edit;
2 fan;
2 feather;
2 finance;
2 flash;
2 float;
2 frame;
2 frog;
2 honey;
2 juice;
2 lean;
2 mail;
2 mask;
2 medical;
2 metre;
2 mood;
2 nerve;
2 nest;
2 nut;
2 panic;
2 patch;
2 pocket;
2 pressure;
2 prime;
2 protest;
2 shelf;
2 spell;
2 spin;
2 staff;
2 stamp;
2 stock;
2 string;
2 suck;
2 tale;
2 tide;
2 tool;
2 vegetable;
1 ace;
1 adult;
1 appreciate;
1 atmosphere;
1 attitude;
1 balance;
1 bark;
1 beer;
1 biscuit;
1 bite;
1 blanket;
1 bloom;
1 boil;
1 boot;
1 boss;
1 bucket;
1 bunch;
1 butter;
1 ceiling;
1 challenge;
1 champion;
1 chat;
1 clever;
1 coal;
1 concentrate;
1 cough;
1 counter;
1 county;
1 crash;
1 crisp;
1 customer;
1 deck;
1 depress;
1 dive;
1 doll;
1 drawer;
1 duck;
1 equipment;
1 eventually;
1 fairy;
1 fence;
1 forgive;
1 fox;
1 frustrate;
1 generation;
1 giant;
1 grade;
1 handy;
1 identify;
1 ignore;
1 inch;
1 jacket;
1 knit;
1 lane;
1 league;
1 loan;
1 lump;
1 map;
1 marvel;
1 mill;
1 minus;
1 northern;
1 official;
1 organize;
1 pattern;
1 pig;
1 pin;
1 planet;
1 practical;
1 president;
1 rat;
1 refrigerator;
1 rot;
1 saint;
1 scratch;
1 screen;
1 section;
1 shadow;
1 shell;
1 shift;
1 shiver;
1 shower;
1 smart;
1 sock;
1 soil;
1 split;
1 steam;
1 stiff;
1 surface;
1 swallow;
1 sweep;
1 tank;
1 tour;
1 towel;
1 toy;
1 twin;
1 university;
1 wage;
1 welcome;
1 wolf;
Vocabulary Level 1000
(907 Word Families, 166020 Tokens, 78.69%, Accumulated: 78.69%)
16776 the;
12770 he;
11288 of;
8110 be;
7037 and;
6658 to;
5478 a;
5257 in;
3060 that;
2858 have;
2608 they;
2438 by;
2189 with;
1898 for;
1835 which;
1771 it;
1585 as;
1441 at;
1415 who;
1284 from;
1201 but;
1174 this;
1064 on;
1039 not;
958 upon;
853 some;
794 after;
763 or;
726 she;
690 all;
664 i;
645 time;
619 when;
591 one;
536 other;
527 so;
512 any;
511 great;
504 make;
481 give;
472 we;
444 into;
438 only;
437 before;
429 say;
408 no;
390 year;
388 people;
387 would;
379 man;
376 take;
367 order;
366 day;
366 than;
362 person;
360 write;
354 do;
354 public;
349 there;
341 such;
335 first;
335 more;
332 two;
326 death;
325 name;
323 should;
319 among;
310 call;
307 most;
302 own;
296 if;
286 out;
286 see;
286 you;
276 use;
271 both;
265 much;
264 under;
255 city;
253 very;
252 also;
252 same;
243 even;
243 while;
236 against;
236 what;
233 might;
233 now;
231 without;
230 place;
227 life;
226 part;
223 three;
220 up;
218 appear;
218 war;
217 son;
213 then;
212 could;
209 father;
207 during;
204 about;
203 several;
198 many;
198 where;
196 find;
195 every;
195 hand;
192 age;
190 honour;
188 govern;
188 note;
186 come;
182 friend;
182 put;
180 last;
176 act;
174 bring;
173 long;
172 though;
170 work;
169 send;
169 well;
168 however;
168 present;
167 near;
164 never;
161 family;
160 general;
160 live;
156 through;
155 four;
152 follow;
152 go;
152 may;
152 office;
151 marry;
150 mention;
150 state;
149 word;
148 carry;
147 book;
145 another;
144 either;
142 high;
141 still;
141 wife;
140 because;
139 nature;
135 house;
135 will;
134 king;
134 think;
133 new;
133 soon;
133 whole;
132 die;
132 return;
132 yet;
131 fall;
131 form;
131 over;
130 five;
130 history;
130 hundred;
130 left;
130 mother;
129 become;
128 number;
127 know;
126 stand;
126 way;
125 god;
125 hold;
124 little;
124 often;
123 inform;
123 young;
122 cause;
119 build;
119 letter;
119 subject;
119 until;
116 power;
115 pay;
114 mean;
114 seem;
112 daughter;
112 ever;
111 far;
111 law;
111 thousand;
109 old;
108 offer;
107 begin;
107 game;
106 certain;
106 off;
105 free;
104 down;
104 kind;
103 add;
103 beside;
103 between;
103 head;
101 few;
96 nothing;
96 usual;
95 brother;
94 each;
94 relate;
94 suppose;
93 country;
93 pass;
93 town;
92 gold;
92 good;
91 particular;
91 prince;
91 throw;
90 child;
90 employ;
90 probably;
89 care;
88 again;
88 born;
88 consider;
88 sudden;
87 continue;
87 six;
86 judge;
86 lay;
86 month;
86 read;
86 speak;
86 thing;
85 enter;
85 set;
84 body;
84 too;
83 express;
83 open;
83 reason;
83 sit;
81 woman;
80 allow;
79 although;
79 discover;
79 grandfather;
79 like;
79 mark;
79 meet;
79 short;
79 tell;
78 charge;
78 draw;
78 keep;
77 bear;
77 court;
77 island;
77 rest;
77 small;
76 master;
76 second;
75 party;
74 less;
74 night;
73 hear;
73 horse;
72 address;
72 arm;
72 force;
72 interest;
72 seven;
72 treat;
71 art;
71 different;
71 street;
70 happen;
70 learn;
70 side;
69 dress;
69 foot;
68 next;
68 view;
67 end;
67 lose;
67 secure;
67 serve;
66 admit;
66 once;
66 seat;
66 whether;
65 can;
65 danger;
65 money;
64 always;
64 arrive;
64 late;
64 play;
64 strong;
64 turn;
63 fire;
63 indeed;
63 must;
63 shall;
62 away;
62 choose;
62 degree;
62 table;
61 except;
61 rise;
60 boy;
60 camp;
60 mind;
59 concern;
59 large;
59 lead;
59 together;
58 report;
58 sea;
58 wear;
57 early;
57 hope;
57 proper;
56 almost;
56 eight;
56 kill;
56 promise;
56 rather;
56 ready;
56 show;
56 world;
55 collect;
55 raise;
54 break;
54 case;
54 point;
53 back;
53 burn;
53 leave;
53 toward;
52 difficult;
52 since;
52 term;
51 able;
51 expect;
51 how;
51 service;
50 agree;
50 cut;
50 let;
50 road;
50 run;
50 support;
49 beauty;
49 company;
49 eye;
49 full;
49 ground;
49 just;
49 nation;
49 piece;
49 round;
48 afford;
48 cry;
48 join;
48 neighbour;
47 above;
47 answer;
47 love;
47 nine;
47 possible;
47 reply;
47 right;
46 believe;
46 beyond;
46 doubt;
46 line;
46 perfect;
46 quarter;
46 ten;
45 change;
45 enjoy;
45 wild;
44 instead;
44 twenty;
44 want;
44 water;
44 wish;
43 course;
43 within;
42 least;
41 best;
41 dream;
41 drive;
41 get;
41 ship;
41 study;
40 cover;
40 easy;
40 hour;
40 land;
40 rich;
40 sing;
40 stage;
40 strike;
40 teach;
39 ask;
39 bed;
39 birth;
39 complete;
39 favourite;
39 fear;
39 happy;
39 here;
39 human;
39 matter;
39 none;
39 notice;
39 please;
39 prepare;
39 room;
39 sister;
39 suit;
38 fit;
38 hill;
38 husband;
38 perhaps;
37 fill;
37 hair;
37 music;
37 station;
37 twelve;
36 accept;
36 prison;
35 business;
35 ought;
34 class;
34 close;
34 garden;
34 home;
34 travel;
33 already;
33 face;
33 finish;
33 forward;
33 mile;
33 river;
33 unless;
33 visit;
33 wait;
32 clear;
32 fight;
32 health;
32 race;
32 safe;
31 bath;
31 blood;
31 fix;
31 light;
31 ride;
31 rule;
31 science;
31 stone;
31 taste;
31 tear;
31 walk;
30 alone;
30 east;
30 grow;
30 imagine;
30 lot;
30 necessary;
30 question;
29 behind;
29 drink;
29 educate;
29 pardon;
29 parent;
29 tax;
29 voice;
28 excite;
28 fine;
28 lake;
28 million;
28 save;
28 school;
28 understand;
28 wine;
27 fly;
27 issue;
27 real;
27 settle;
27 sign;
27 sort;
27 wall;
27 warm;
26 crime;
26 especially;
26 sick;
26 till;
26 white;
25 important;
25 single;
25 sleep;
25 spot;
25 thirty;
24 dead;
24 eat;
24 idea;
24 kiss;
24 lie;
24 mouth;
24 plan;
24 slight;
23 better;
23 conversation;
23 dear;
23 door;
23 else;
23 manage;
23 protect;
23 spend;
23 stop;
23 tree;
23 uncle;
22 amount;
22 cross;
22 enough;
22 fact;
22 neck;
22 news;
22 officer;
22 post;
22 quite;
22 reach;
22 winter;
22 worth;
21 exact;
21 feel;
21 low;
21 middle;
21 pound;
21 sell;
21 truth;
21 wood;
20 choice;
20 clothes;
20 colour;
20 excuse;
20 heart;
20 lady;
20 look;
20 morning;
20 move;
20 strange;
20 sun;
20 why;
19 double;
19 experience;
19 further;
19 hang;
19 moment;
19 sail;
19 shut;
19 summer;
18 along;
18 deep;
18 leg;
18 mistake;
18 record;
18 ring;
18 situation;
17 bank;
17 cold;
17 deal;
17 ear;
17 figure;
17 finger;
17 fresh;
17 member;
17 sense;
17 sex;
17 sight;
17 system;
17 total;
17 trust;
16 advertise;
16 animal;
16 apparent;
16 below;
16 date;
16 earth;
16 fellow;
16 field;
16 loud;
16 share;
16 shoulder;
16 sound;
16 story;
15 beat;
15 bread;
15 buy;
15 church;
15 college;
15 fortunate;
15 girl;
15 picture;
15 price;
15 rights;
15 shoe;
15 spring;
15 suggest;
15 surprise;
15 throat;
15 try;
14 bad;
14 dance;
14 decide;
14 fast;
14 heavy;
14 lord;
14 plenty;
14 slow;
14 song;
14 space;
14 tend;
14 wonder;
13 actual;
13 air;
13 base;
13 eleven;
13 fish;
13 involve;
13 list;
13 luck;
13 nobody;
13 north;
13 pain;
13 queen;
13 talk;
13 true;
13 worse;
12 centre;
12 fair;
12 flower;
12 half;
12 load;
12 paint;
12 plant;
12 position;
12 quick;
12 recent;
12 remember;
12 size;
12 step;
12 sure;
12 thank;
12 train;
12 trouble;
12 wind;
11 absolute;
11 bird;
11 chair;
11 cost;
11 dark;
11 depend;
11 dinner;
11 fright;
11 level;
11 owned;
11 poor;
11 star;
11 weight;
10 arrange;
10 catch;
10 control;
10 farm;
10 feed;
10 front;
10 hunt;
10 laugh;
10 mountain;
10 need;
10 noise;
10 nurse;
10 past;
10 press;
10 quiet;
10 really;
10 roll;
10 skin;
10 south;
10 sport;
10 top;
10 touch;
10 watch;
9 afraid;
9 chance;
9 cool;
9 dog;
9 drop;
9 food;
9 forget;
9 hard;
9 hurry;
9 machine;
9 oil;
9 shop;
9 tall;
9 thirst;
9 thirteen;
8 aunt;
8 blow;
8 evening;
8 final;
8 hall;
8 hide;
8 horrible;
8 hurt;
8 meal;
8 page;
8 pull;
8 rock;
8 soft;
8 start;
8 swim;
8 tie;
8 tire;
7 black;
7 comfort;
7 difference;
7 doctor;
7 explain;
7 floor;
7 forest;
7 gentle;
7 hardly;
7 hate;
7 heat;
7 pair;
7 rain;
7 stay;
7 steal;
7 store;
7 weather;
7 wide;
7 wrong;
6 across;
6 big;
6 bill;
6 board;
6 bone;
6 bright;
6 closed;
6 coat;
6 mad;
6 minute;
6 rent;
6 serious;
6 shake;
6 shape;
6 stick;
6 wake;
5 area;
5 bar;
5 car;
5 check;
5 cook;
5 count;
5 crazy;
5 cup;
5 dig;
5 glad;
5 grey;
5 hot;
5 joke;
5 listen;
5 nose;
5 penny;
5 red;
5 rough;
5 shout;
5 sky;
5 slip;
5 smell;
5 terrible;
5 wash;
5 west;
5 win;
4 around;
4 ashamed;
4 bag;
4 box;
4 cake;
4 dry;
4 empty;
4 green;
4 handle;
4 holiday;
4 huge;
4 key;
4 nice;
4 rate;
4 rid;
4 sorry;
4 tooth;
4 waste;
4 week;
4 wheel;
3 ago;
3 aware;
3 bit;
3 bottom;
3 breakfast;
3 corner;
3 fat;
3 glass;
3 help;
3 hunger;
3 knock;
3 obvious;
3 paper;
3 push;
3 rubbish;
3 sad;
3 silly;
3 simple;
3 straight;
3 sweet;
3 thick;
3 wed;
3 wet;
3 window;
3 yellow;
2 afternoon;
2 angry;
2 apart;
2 autumn;
2 ball;
2 beach;
2 beneath;
2 blue;
2 boat;
2 bottle;
2 breath;
2 bush;
2 cheap;
2 chicken;
2 clean;
2 club;
2 darling;
2 delicious;
2 engine;
2 expensive;
2 kick;
2 main;
2 market;
2 mess;
2 miss;
2 neat;
2 problem;
2 realise;
2 shoot;
2 smile;
2 snow;
2 special;
2 square;
2 stare;
2 track;
2 wave;
2 yesterday;
1 bet;
1 boring;
1 brown;
1 couple;
1 dirty;
1 egg;
1 flat;
1 group;
1 hat;
1 hole;
1 honest;
1 ice;
1 kid;
1 lazy;
1 lock;
1 major;
1 milk;
1 mister;
1 mum;
1 pack;
1 pick;
1 plus;
1 pot;
1 pretty;
1 shirt;
1 sir;
1 smoke;
1 stupid;
1 tail;
1 tight;
1 today;
1 tomorrow;
1 worry;
1 yard;
Catalog Data
Vocabulary Coverage (Difficult: 98%, Appropriate: 99%) |
Conventional Readability Formula |
Title |
Author |
Translator |
Born |
Died |
90% |
95% |
98% |
99% |
99.5% |
99.9% |
Word Count (Pages) |
Words per Sentence |
Syllables per Word |
Fog Index |
Flesch Reading Ease |
Flesch-Kincaid |
De vita Caesarum |
Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius |
3000 |
5000 |
9000 |
12000 |
15000 |
22000 |
(572) |
26.5 |
1.63 |
17.5 |
42.4 |
13.9 |
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